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Council Proceedings

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[official] Council Chamber, Ann Arbor, July 20, 1891 Regular meeting. Called to order by Pres. Cooley. Roll cali : Present - Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allrnendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Kitson and Pres. Cooley." 12. Absent - Alderrnan Hall. 1. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. petition and communications. City ok ann Arbor, Mayor's Office, July Hth, 1891. To the Honorable, the Commou Couucil. Gentlemen:- I herewith return to you with my disapproval so much of the proceedlngs ofyour honorable body at your special session held July 13th, 1891, as relates to the following resolutlon and youradoptlon thereof : '"That Prof. Greene's Report on "Ann Arbor'ü Suegested Sewerage System" be made a part of the Couucil proceedings and be published in full in the official papers: And also bids be received by t,he Clerk to have 3,0w copies printed in pamphlet form.'' My ruasons therefor are as follows: First. Because the said "report" does not appear in the record which it is my duty to examine for approval or disapproval. Secoiid. Because, aside from its own creative 'flat" tüe resolution provides no method or agency for "making" the said report "a part ol the Conncil proceedings." Third. Because the principie is not tolera ble that theofficial pressshall print as official copy of the Council proceedings, matter which the origiual record does not contain. Fourth. Because compliance with the terms of the said resolution involvesan expenditure of public money, and the resolution providesno meaiis of ascertaining by lts context how much matler, or of what nature, might be printed under the title "Professor Greene's Report on Ano Arbor's Suggested Sewerage System." "The Arabian Nights," "The History of England," or "the Re%'lsed Statutes" might be accommodated with that title and a large bill lor public printing be the result. The principie involved is vital, and as the Mayor's knowledge of the proceedings of the Council is based upon its wrltten record, as the intelligent and responsable exercise of nis functlons is dependent upon that knowledge, I must insist upon such careful method in in frarainy legislation as will secure the integrity and completeness of the Journal of your proceedings submitted for my inspection. Respectfully, W1LLIAM G. DOTY, Mavor. The veto message of the Mayor, relative to resolutions pertaining to the printing for distributien of Prof. Green's report on sewerage having been read, and thereupon Aid. Martin moved that the vote by which such resolution was passed be reconsidered, which motion prevailed. Whereupon the President stated the question before the Council to be "shall the resolution to print Prof. Greene's report pass, notwithstanding the objection of the Mayor, and such resolution was not passed by Yeas and Nays as follows : Kays - Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg and Kitson. 11. Yeas - Aldermen Martin and President Cooley. 2. SPECIAL ORDEK. The time having arrived at which the matter of laying out a Street from Beakes to Detroit Streets was set for hearing, and such special order having been announced by the President. Therefore the Clerk stated that he had caused to be served notices of this heariug on all persons interested therein and due prooi of such service was on file at the City Clerk's Office. Alter hearing T. D. Kearney, attorney for Mary A. Foley, and Henry W. Douglass, for the Ann Arbor Gas Co., and their statements having been heard. Alderman Martin offered the following resolution : Whereas, Application bavlng been made to this Common (Jouncil to lay out and estabJish acertain street herelnafterdeseribed and due notice of the pendency of sach impfovement having been given to all persons interested in the lands aud tenements required therefor, and this day having been assigned for the hearl Bg of all persons interested therein, and all persons appearing having been heaid and due consideration thereof having been had and it appearing therefrom [bal such proposed streel is a public necessity, and that it is necessary to takeand acquire certain lands therefor. Therefore be it resolved, and it is hereby ordered and determined, that a street be and the same is hereby laid out and established four (4) rods in width in this cityofAnn Arbor, described as follows, towit: From Beakes street to Detroit street on the lines of Summit street, projected easterly. 2. It is hereby declared and resolved that the cost of the layingout and ofthe establishment of such street and also of the lands required therefor be and the same is hereby ordered to be assessed and levied against tbe owners of and on the lands and tenements beuefitted thereby, and that all and singular all the lands, tenements, and taxable real estáte sitúate in and within the followlng boundaiies are deemed and hereby declared to be benefltted by the improvementso ordered as aforesaid, and the same are and are hereby constituted a special assessment district on against and upon whlch the cost of the said improvement so as aforesaid ordered shall be levied and assessed pursuant to luw, that is to say: All ol the lots, lands, tenements, and premises fronting on Summit street east of Main street, and west of Beakes street, on Depot street east of Main street, and west of Beakes street, excepting rallway company's land, and on Beakes street north of Fifth avenue, and south of Suramit street, on the west slde of Detroit street north of North street and south of lot 15, in block 4, of Ormsby & Page's Addition to the city of Ann Arbor, also on east side of Detroit street north of División street, and south of rallway company's lands. Alderinan Fillmore moved that the 2nd part of such resolution De stricken out, which motion beiug put, passed by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas - Aldermen Wines, Allrnendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Behburg, Kitson and Pres. Cooley. 8. Nays - Aldermen Mann, Herz, Martin and Taylor. 4. Whereupon the resolution and order as amended prevailod by yeas and nays, as follows : Yeas, Aldrermen "Wines, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehburg, Kitson and Pres. Cooley, 8. Nays, Alderman Mann, Herz, Martin and Taylor. 4. By Alderman O,Hearn : Rctolved, That the president of this Council appoint a committee of three who with the 'ity Attorney obtain and report to the next meeting what sums of money will be necessary to obtain the title to the land required Xor the extensión oí Summit street. Carried. Committee, Aids. Fillmore, Taylor and Mann. The following communication from the Board of Public Works was received : Tothe ('ommon Councll. The Board of Works, ivould respeetfully recommend that the following sidewalks be ordered built: Kstute of Jacob Hangsterfer (stone) Wasingtoii street, South side. Gottfried F. Schoettle (stone) Washington street, South side. Henry Neuhoff (stone) Washington street, South side. Heinzmann & Son (stone) Washington street South side. Michael Stabler (stone) Washington street, South side. John Schneider (stone) Washington street, North side. Michael Stabler (stone) Washington street, North side. Estáte of John Wagner, Jr., (stone) Washington street, North side. Estáte of August Mogk (etone) Washington i treet, North 1de. William Herz (stone) Washington etreet, ( North side. Lloyd Redman (plank) Washington street. Eugene E. Beal (plank) Muin and Nortl streets. Mrs. H. T. Martin (plank) División street. Andrew Bell (plank) División street. Mrs. N. J. AVheeler (plank) Mili street. Miss Caroline K. Wilkinsou (plank) Mil: street. LutherBoylan (plank) Mili street. Stephen Moore (plank) Broadway aud Jouei street. Mrs Mary rolling Whitiug, Willlom anc Maynard Street. Mrs. Joseph Wbitlark, North State Street. F. Bothbacher, spring .Street. Following sidewalks be ordered repaired Williarn .1. Markley, William Street. W allace W. Bllss, Wilüam street. Mrs. Murcia Rockwell, William Street Mrs. A. L. Taylor, William street. Mrs. Esther D. Bliss. William Street Mïss Mary D. Beers, William Street. .lohnsou W. Ktiight. William Street. Miss Helen M. Marshall. William Street. William MeCreery, 4th Avenue. Felner, 4th Avenue. Mrs. M. C. Peterson,4th Avenue. Estáte of Samuel P. Foster. Liberty Street Ou the south side of Liberty Street West trom Tth Street to Eber White's east line. And would firther recommend and ask foi the following nppropriations : $500 to repair Xo 2 Bridge and $700 to repair No. 3 Bridge, East By order of the Bonrd of Public Works, W. J.Miller. Clerk, The appropnations asked for were referred to Street Committee and sidewalks to Sidewalk Committee. The following communication from the Board of ïüre Commissioners was received : To the Honorable, the Comraon Council The matter of Firemens' salary and the referenee of the subject to this Board by the Jominon Council, belng under consideration. On motion of Commissioner Hutzel. a report ■nereon was ordered made to the Coramon Counol.and the Board recommended that the salary in the tire department be íixed as follows: Fireraen for the flrst year of each man service at the sum of UO peí montli. For the second year at the sum of SJ5 per month. For the third year and theTeafter at the suin of S50 per month. .Minute men at the sum of $8.00 per month Respecting the salaiy of the Chief of the 'ire Department, the commissioners would epectfiilly recommend that lt onght to be raised at least $10 per month. The present chief combines with nis duties that oí city poor master, and as such has rendered efficiënt service to the city, for whicu je has never recelved compensution. It would seem just and proper that he should be paid$10 per month for tliis service the same to come iroin the poor fund, tuaking his total salary }70 per month. All of which is respeetfully submitted. By orüer of tne Board of Fire CommisBiouers. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Received and referred to Fire inent Coinmittee. The folluwing communication f rom th Board of Health was received : To the Mayor and Common Counei The board of health has instruete me to report to your honorable bod that in complianee with resolution o The council, adopted June üth, direct ing the board of health to super vis the cleaning of the -water-works resei voir and mains, the mem'bers of tli board visited the reservoir, pumpin works, receiving basins and wells, o the 18th inst., and made a careíul ex nmination of the entire plant. They tound the main reservoir nearl empty, the water within less tha three feet of the bottom in center au sti'.l les-s at edges. The sides of tliis reservoir are loosely paved witih stone, on whlch a sma' (inuiunt of sediment - chiefiy ingolubl in water - has depoeited. Near th top of the slope a little grasa wa girowing in the erevices between th stones. which the superintendent sta.1 ed would be pulled out, as is done every sumnier as becomee necessary. The water looked clear, conelderin the tcmlcncy to become roMed by wor in emptying the reservoir and eleanin; the receivimg basius. The reservoir 3 protected by a high feoce oí pointe linekets 20 ft. or uiore ïrom the watei The oniy gate in the fenee is kep l'ociked, and in the opinión of the boar there is small probabiliity of the wate being made impure by the appröac] or access of persons noi haring business there. The lower receiving basin had already 'been cleaned by removing some deposit of eairthy sediment and grass from its walls and bottom, and workmen were removing the same kind of matter from the upper basin. The walde or slopes on two sids of this basin are not paved, and toeing in somewhat soft and peaty formation, some of the Botter matters of the slope, and of the g. ound through which the outlet of the springs flow, finds its way into the basin and foi-ms a slight sediment and seeds of grasses blow or drift into the basin and readily grow, acondition inevitable in any open basin. We were informed that this grass is pulled out several times during the year. The board recommended that this basin be paved on all sides and on the bottom, and that all water leading from springs be carried in pipes the entire destanee. It should be remembered that both these receiving basins Ore also settling basins, grving better iaciJities for the water to become clear More it is numned to the vuur. The most interesting sight perhaps, is the abundaut fiow oí beautiful.dlear water from the severa! pipes of the deep wells "bored on the grounds 01 the Water Company. One oí these weüs alone- a six inch pipe- is esiiniated to ilow 500,000 gallons in 24 honra. These wells are about 00 to 65 fet doep. wells are being bored and there is good reason to believe, that these deep wells, whieh now furnish a large portion of the water Kupply, wil lbe adequate to supply the city with good wlioleeome water in abundant quantity. The oniy springs froin which water is now taken are well protected from impurities, and we take pleasure in coramending the water to public confidence. The cbairter of the company gave it the right to take water ïrom'the river in eme.rgncie.s of other üisufficient supp'ly for fire purposes. And it was understood that apipe conneeted with the river for that purpose, and many persons beüeved that this connectio'n still exist.s. We deern it important to inention that the suporint endent and ofiicers of the company state that contrary to Minicwiiat common opinión, there is now no connection between the water supply a.nd the river. This ík evtdence of a better supply and better water. At two snbsequent dates the inBpectoar of the board accompanied Mr. Ha-milton in a toar of the mains, and wit.nessed the opening of all hydrants near dead ends usuaJly opened ior the purpose of testing the condfition of the ]1 's, and the water. And he reporte that the water was found clear and in good condition after running a few minutes. Au additional pump is being puf in find the capacity of the pumps and engliues see.m ampie for present supply. In the opinión of the boa,rd Ann Arbor may be congratulated on Ètaving a good water supply. W. F. BREAKEY. Health Officei-. Received and referred to the Water Comniittee. The Clerk read four Communications from Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Jackson, and Flint, in reference to swerage, the several Communications were re:eived and referred to Sewerage Comnittee. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the sum of not more than me hundred dollars (tlOO) be approprlated for he pupose of printing 5,000 copies of Prof. Sreen's report on eewers in the city of Ann