Mors. L. P. Hall te .in Grosse Isle. S. W. Clarkaon is camping at Islam lake . Dr. C. B. Nancrede has gone to Eti rope. , i (-,'„' 'Prof. Denison is back from Old Mission. Eev. Max Hein has returned from Alpena . 'J. W. Bennett has returned frmo Kansas.' . f Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Beal are visiting In St. Paul. , , Mrs. Jaycox and daughter have gono to Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Blake are in Petoskev. Prof. J. C. Knowlton and lamily are in Boston . Mrs. George P. Staueh 1 ivisting in Muskegon . Miss Emma Hayley is visitiog in Harquette. Dr. and Mrs. Carrow go to North Lake, to-day . Hon. and Mrs. Chas. H. Rtehmond are in Alma. W. L. Marquardt boen in Cnir ■cago ,t)his week. Miss Mary Sullivan. is Tisiting lier brother in Chicago. James J. Quarry is visiting his parents in Ontario. Mrs. M. W. Harring-ton ie visiting in Sycamore, IU. Justice Butts i spending the woek in Syracuse, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Vaughan left Monday for Europe. Mrs. W. W. Watts goes to Grand Rapids ,to-morrow . County Treasurer Brehm is taking a trip around the lakes . The Misees Douglas are at South Hampton, Long Island. llrs. Bidwell, of Tecumseh, is visiting Mrs. W. D. Adams. Miss Mattie Harriman is visiting ia St. Johnsburg, Vermont. Mrs. P. K. do Pont lelt yeeterday for a week's visit in Canada. Gecxrge P. Jenlkins, of Jackson, visitd mis father, last Friday. Emanuel Keek, of Chicago, viited W. G. Dleterle, laet Sundy.. Adolph Kemper, jr., of Chattanooga, Tenn., is visiting in the city. J. M. Lane and family left Wednesflay evening for New York state. Miss Jennie Pyne formerly in Hon A. J. Sawyer's office is now a typewriter in 'the Auditor-fieneral's office. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jennings leave to-morrow for Lincoln, Nebraska. Mrs. C. J. Durheim, of Muskegon, ia visiting Mrs. Durheim, on Division-st. Mrs. Gilbert S. Pitkin and daughter, of Petrolia, Ont., arríred Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Steinkohl, of Manchester, visited W. G. Dteterle, this week. Mrs. George S. Morris and family expect to take a trip to Duluth, nex week. Mrs. George S. Morris and family reíurnod Wednesday evening from Oíd Misión. 'j Nathanael Stanger, hwo was visiting ia Ohio, returned home Tuesday evening. Senator Joe Weiss and Mr. Edawrd Gies, of Detroit, were in the city, Momday. p Mrs. Cnrtis and daughter, of Lanaing, are vieiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews. Hampton Atkinson, of Lansing, i the guest of nis sister, Mrs. Geo. Effner this week. ' Mrs. H. Matthews, who was visiting her daughter in Lansiiig, returned last FricCay . Arthur Tagge has returned from a two weeks' vacation in Monroe, fishing on Lake Erie. Mrs. Jas. McNally, of Detroit, is spending the week with Wm. H. McIntyre. and family . Mr. and Mrs. Peter MJller, of Ypsllanti, were vlsiting City Clerk and Mrs. Miller, over Sunday . Mrs. John Burg returned from Detroit, last evening Tvhere she had been spending two weeks. Mrs. William G. Doty and son, Ralph eft Wednesday for Denver, Colorado, to be absent a month. Robert Beattie and Miss Minnie Stone, oí Detroit, have been visiting rienda in the city ,this week.' A. R. Cady and wífe, of Plymouth, visited Mr. and Wm. Mclntyro, of Spring street, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John Bender, of Jackson, and árs. Win. Binder, of Kalamazoo, werq visttimg relatives and frienda in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schumacher, Ir. aaid Mrs. Albert Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Kempf are camping it Whitinore Lake for a week.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mrs. L. P. Hall
S. W. Clarkson
C. B. Nancrede
Rev. Max Hein
J. W. Bennett
J. E. Beal
Mrs. J. E. Beal
Fred W. Blake
J. C. Knowlton
Mrs. George P. Stauch
Emma Hayley
Charles H. Richmond
Mrs. Charles H. Richmond
W. L. Marquardt
Mary Sullivan
James J. Quarry
Mrs. M. W. Harrington
V. C. Vaughan
Mrs. W. W. Watts
Mrs. W. D. Adams
Mattie Harriman
Mrs. P. R. de Pont
George P. Jenkins
Emanuel Keck
W. G. Dieterle
Adolph Kemper Jr.
J. M. Lane
Jennie Pyne
A. J. Sawyer
E. A. Jennings
Mrs. E. A. Jennings
Mrs. C. J. Durheim
Mrs. Gilbert S. Pitkin
Mrs. George S. Morris
Nathaniel Stanger
Joe Weiss
Edward Gies
Henry Matthews
Mrs. Henry Matthews
Hampton Atkinson
Mrs. George Effner
Arthur Tagge
Mrs. James McNally
William H. McIntyre
Peter Miller