After Extra Liquor Tax
After Extra Liquor Tax.
The cases against the eight Manchester saloonkeepers whose arrest for selling whiskey under a $300 license have been adjourned to August 7 and 12. Some of them have paid the extra $200. In the meantime the saloonkeepers who have paid the smaller licenses in other parts of the county have been called up. The cases against William Keller, Joseph Meyers, Bender & Hooton and Otto Jarrandt have been dismissed on the payment of the extra $200 tax and the costs by each. The examination of John Frank and Jacob Dupper has been adjourned until August 6. The examination of John Lutz, Eugene Oesterlin, jr., and Stadel and Rauschenberger has been adjourned until August 10. A warrant has been issued for Christian Roth. Nelson W. Edgar, of Manchester, appeared yesterday and waived examination and was bound over to the circuit court for trial.