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Ludwlg Wacker dled of gastritis, in Sharon, July 15, aged íórty-ntne years. Olive, the elght-year-oW daughter of ('lar.-i Tvrfst, of Manchester, diol in Chicago, 111., July 19, of blood poisoning . Mrs. J. D. Cilly, of Salem, dted Tuesday evenïmg oí last weck, aged seventy years. She had reaided in the township many years. Miss Cora Walter, daughter of Geo. Walter, died on Thursday, July 16, having been sick just three weeks. Miss Cora was 14 years oíd and n brisht and attractive girl, whose earlj oath was pecuKiarly gad. Sjie was a general favorite amoüg her schoo mates and was to have graduatec trom our high school next ye;ir. The fbneral was at the home in Bridgeuvater, SJfaturday afternoon and was ■very largely attended, many of the yaung ii'iends of the deceased being present. Rev. J. W. Stone, of the Baptist church, conducting the funerat obseqiiies. . Among the floral offerings was a beautiful piece, representing the "Gates Ajar." Six of Cora's school mates acted as pall-bearers: Minnio Humphrey, Grace Corwin, Edith VanGieson, Mamie Wüson, Kitty Hogan, and Maud King.-