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Wm. Reinhardt & Co

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Ask my agenta for W. L. Dónelas Shoea. 'f not lor ule in your place usk rour lealer to send for catalogue, secure the agency, and sret thi-ni for yon. ITTAKE NOSUBSTITIJTE. _J WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENOMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY.' It is a seamless shoe, with no tacka or wax threaii 0 hurt the feet; made of the best ilne calf, stylish and easy, and because tve tnake more shoes of this grade than any other manufacture r, lt equals handewed shoes costing from S-l.uo to $5.00. IJC 00 Genuino Hami-Hewert, the flnest calí PJ shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals Frenuh mported shoes whlch cost from gá.itto S12.UU. C 00 HaiHl-Scwed Welt Sho, flne calf, l" stylish, comfortable and durable. The best hoe ever offered at this price ; same grade a cusom-made shoes costing from $6.0U to $'J.OO. PO 50 l'olïce Shoe; Farmers, Rallroad Men Pwi and Letter Carriers all wear them; fine calf, eamless, srnooth inside. heavy three'eoles, extenion edge. One pair will wear ayear. &rt 50 fine calfï no better shoe ever offered at Dttia this price; one trial wlll convluce thoso who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO 25 nnd S'2.00 WorkiiiKtnun's shoes P"fc are very strong and durable. Those who ïave glven them a trial will wear no other make. OaVc' $'2.00 nnd $1.75 school sboes are bUTD worn by the boys e very whe re; theysell n thelr merits, as the increasing sales show. 1 oHinc $3.00 Ilnnd-Mewed sboe, best buu Ivo Dongoia, very stylish; equalsFreneh mported shoes costiug from $4Xi(j to 6.0U. Ladies iï.50, S2.00 hud Si. 75 shoe for lisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. See that W. L. Douglas' name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.