Harry Douglas ivas in Howell, Wetlnesday. Mr. and Mi-r. .1. D. Williams are at Bay View. Miss Véva Cornwell has returned fi-om Sterling' Miss Genevieve Klttredge i- visitlng in Frankfort. Mrs. B. M. Thompson is vldting on Ijong Igland, N. Y. Miss Flora Storms has retumed f .om hor visit in Chicago. Dr. W. L. Dunn, and Harry Clark are at Wequetonsing. Dr. Frothingham, of Detroit, wat in the city yesterday. Mrs. E. B. Norris is visitins in Manchester for two weeks. Prof. and Mrs. W. H. Pettee left last evenlng for Houghton. Mr. John Weltbrecht, of Det;-ut, visitcd hls Bister, laat Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell have rct urncd trom Mackinac IslandMr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear leave to-morrow, for Wooglin, N. Y. MissJennie Shadford returned from her visit in Chicago, last evening. Misses Emma and Maggie Bower have taken the lake trip to Mackinac. Mrs. H. S. Chieever and son have taken a trip down the St. Lawrence. Mrs. Charles J. Kintner, of" New York, ia visiting her mother, MrsPack. Mr. E. W. Groves, of Auetin, Texas, is visittng a.t his üather's, in Northlield. Miss Joan Kempl and niece, Mist Minta, expect to start for the "Soo,1 uext weet. Eev. and Mrs. J. II. Gelston, left Tnesdiiy morning for New York and Connecticut. Fred E. Bright, superintendent of the Rogers Typograph Co-, of Cleveland, Ohio, was in the city yesterdayMr. nad Mrs. Daniel Campbell, of Fort Scott, Kansas, are visiting at their father's, Andrew Carapbell's, in Pittsfield. Major Thomas Morris, of the Newport News, Va., is visiting old friends ín the city and indulging in pleasant memories of days g'one by. Mr. and Mrs .Henry De Pue spont the first of the week visiting her father, H. A. Twitchell, of Hamburg. Perry F. Powers ,of the Cadillac Xcws and Express, was a caller at this office last Friday, on his way to Ypsilanti. Prosacuting Attorney Henry D. Mefrithew, of Reed City, who haá been visiting in this city, returned home, TuesdpyMiss Bertha Baur, of the Cinc-innati conservatory of music, in expected to visit her father, Prof. E. Baur, tliis week. Mis. Newell Henion, who has been ■siisiting her sister, Allabaster, returned to her home in Au Sable, Tuesday evening. F. C iloriarity, Esq., and family have moved from Ypsilanti to thia city. Mr. Moriarity will continua l)ractcing in Ypsilanti . Prof. Charles Denison wül spend tho remainder of the vacation in Vermont. Robert Hildinger, of Manchestor, is Avorking for C W. Vogel. Miss Emma Weitbrecht ,ol Howell, wlio has leen visiting relatives and friends here for the past two weeks, retnrned home Tuesday. If some of our good subscribers don't settle up pretty soon we'll have to send out our night collector with hi "jimmy." A word to the wise should be sufficlent.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Harry Douglas
J. D. Williams
Vera Cornwell
Genevieve (Kittredge) Taylor
Mrs. B. M. Thompson
Flora Storms
W. L. Dunn
Harry Clark
Mrs. E. B. Norris
W. H. Pettee
Mrs. W. H. Pettee
John Weitbrecht
Robert Campbell
Mrs. Robert Campbell
J. J. Goodyear
Mrs. J. J. Goodyear
Jennie Shadford
Emma Bower
Maggie Bower
Mrs. H. S. Cheever
Mrs. Charles J. Kintner
E. W. Groves
Joan Kempf
J. M. Gelston
Mrs. J. M. Gelston
Fred E. Bright
Daniel Campbell
Andrew Campbell
Thomas Morris
Henry DePue
H. A. Twitchell
Perry F. Powers
Henry D. Merrithew
Bertha Baur
Emil Baur
Mrs. Newell Henion
Charles Denison
Robert Hildinger
C. W. Vogel
Emma Weitbrecht
F. C. Moriarty