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BEAL So POND Insurance Agent No. i South Main St„ Ana Artor. The oldest agenev in the city. Es tablished a quarter of a century ago Itepresenting the followiníí örst-elass compauies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y.. - $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207,2üt Niaghra Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,563 Girard Ins. Co. of Phila.. ■ 1, 532,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and Tlobe3? 'Wl.OOO MTJíates low. Lossen liberally adjustect and promptly pdd. BEAL é POND. I Ht P4 R 5 f"iícl" ""nieatonrHEWlinofwoik, IVl 3 1 !b i ■'■"'' ' " fouii cr ■■"' u ti"'r US ■! D """■''■■"■."iKnvtTlluylive.AnT ■"■'T"1"" ■ on can do the ork. ts.v to lom. We Oiruish fvrryílimp. Wi lait yon. No iik. You can devoto 7our!parc.n..rneiii.,orll}our tímelo The work. This s an nlirfl. nev l,rnps ondcrful nil el to very morksr Btginnors re raming frora 25 to IfSO per wek and upwardl, mnd more after a Ht Me exnerJonce. Wc cnn furnisli tou the eni]lo.Yineiitand teich you t-KÜK. Ko .pácelo IxpUlli hre. Ful! toremlatioa Ulth. 'l'KUJE fe CO., AllílSlA, MAl.Mi. IWAMHCOD RESTORED. f i w1m&k "ontlerfui Spanlsh fe Sm M'rittenGuarantee JüSá Wakcfulnese, Lost Man:efore& After Use. EvS'Í'S FhotopraphcJ froui Ufe. GeDerst've Organs, Ín ■ll- ■ ■ íhmbbimJ either eex. caHped by over-exenloD, youthful lndepcretJons, or the excesslve nee of tobáceo, opium, or Etimulants, which ulUmately lead to Inürmlty, CODeiunptlon and Insanlty. Put up In convenieut form to carry in tbe vest pocket Price $1 a package, or 6 for 15. With every 95 order Te glve written uarantee to cure or refund the money. Sent by mail to any addreBS. Circular f ree. Mentlon this paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office for U. S. A. 417 DMi-born Strpet. CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN ANN ARBOR, MICH., BT Mann BroE., Drufrclsts, 39 South Main St. J. J. Goodyear's Brug Store, No. 5 SOuth Main St. AGENTS i i ENTIRELY WANTED s I NEW BOOK The most wonderful colleotion of practical, real valué and every-day use for the people ever published on the globe. A marvel of money-saving and nioney-earning for every one owningit. Thousands of beautif ui, helpf ui engravings, showing Just how to doeverything. No competition; nothing like it in the universe, When you select that whieh is of true valué, sales are sure. All sincerely desiring paying emplos'ment and lookiDg for something thoroughly first-class at an e.xtraordinary low price, snould write for description and terms on the most remarkable achievement in bookciaking slnce the world began. SCAMMELL & CO.. Box 5003 ST. LOUIS or PHILADKLPHIA. ]V G. BUTTS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Heal Estáte and Coliection Agent. Ooicb; In Maeonic Block.