Council Proceedings
official]. Coüncil Chamber, J uly 27, 1891 . The Common Council met in an adjourned session. President Cooley being absent the council was calleil to order by the city clerk. Koll called. Present, Alíermen Manu, Winee, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburg, and Kitson. -9. Absent, Aldernieu O'Hearn, Ferguson, Hall and President Coolev. - i. A quorum being present, on motion of Alderman Kitson, Alderman Martin was elected iiresident pro tem. Alderuiau Martin, haviug assumed the chair, announced that the iirst order of business would be the report of the cominittee on sidewalks. There being no report, the report of the water committee was then jnade, as follows : Ann Arbor. Mich., .Tuly '2Uth, 1891. To the Honorable Common Council. Your water committee respectfully make the following recommendation ; viz, That the Ann Arbor Water Compauy placea firehydrant ou Chubb street, corner Spring (third ward,) and that the water for saíd hydraut be supplied irom the main pipe on Chubb street. . Kespectfully submitted FRANK O'HEARN, GEO. ALLMENDI.NCiER, E. S. MASN, Committee. Aid. Fillmore moved that the report of the water committee be accepted and adopted, and that the Ann Arbor Water Company be instriicted to place a hylrant in compliance with the recommendation. Yeas - Aldermen Manii, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Taylor, Fillmore, Rehburg and Kitson - 9. Nays - ÏTone. By Aid. Taylor : The license committee then made the following report : To the Coramon Council : Your committee to whoni was referred the petition of S. Rosenthaler, beg leave to report, they have examined the same and are not in favor of returning to him money paid by him as license for billiard tables, as it could not be done legally. Respectfully submitted. Arthur J. Kitson. A. P. Ferguson. „ Walter L. Taylor. Alderman AVines moved the report of the license committee be accepted and adopted, and such report was adopted by the yeas and nays as follows : Yeas - AldermenManu, Wines, Herz, Almendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, RehLmrgl - 7. Nays - Alderman Martin. - 1. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. City clerk reported thatDr. John Kapp had (jualified as a inember of Board of Health on July llth, 1S91, and tliat tlie mayor had approved of an ordinance, entitled an "Ordinance relative to licenses,"passed common council July 6th, liSKl, and approved by the mayor, July 15th, 1891. Received and placed on file. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIOXS. By Alderman Taylor : Resolved. That the city clerk be and is hereby authorized to askfor bids for printing fifty or one hundred copies of the council proceedings in such form that they may be bound in pamphlets at the end of the year. Which resolution prevailed by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas- Aldermen Mann.Wines, Herz, Martin, Almendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburg, and Kitson. - 9. Nays - None. By Alderman Mann : Retolved, That the city clerk receive bids for the sale of the pound on S. Fourth Avenne, That notiees to this effect be posted and the bids be laid before the council at the next regular meeting. Carried. By Alderman Kehburg : Resolved, That the payof the firemenbe fixed asfollows: Firstyear men,i;40permonth; second year men. $45 per month; third year men and thereafter. $50 per month. The cfiief's salary shall be $70 per inonth,$10of whichshall be trom the Poor Fund. Which resolution prevailed by veas and nays as follows : Yeas - Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Almendinger, Fillmore, Taylorj Rehburgh and Kitson. - 9. Nays - None. 3y Alderman Allmendiuger : Resolved, That the marshal do cause notice o be given to Street railwav company to forthvith discontinue the standing of street cars in he street on side track at carbarn.and also hat hereafter interruptions or breaking of uneral processions by street cars is strfctly orbiddeu. Which resolution prevailed. By Aid. Wmes : Resolved, Tbat the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed withln ten days from Aug. 3rd, on the east side of Detroit street and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: Mrs. F. Neable, the north one-third of lot 4 B. 2, N. R. 5 E. The said sidewalks on Detroit street shall be eleven feetin ividth, and shall be constructed as follows: The stone flgging shall be laid upou clean sand and in water lime. Said flntrging shall have a smooth upper surface, and shall not be less than three inches in thickness and not less than two feet square, and dressed even on the sides so as to form close and even joints. In case the owner or occupant of any lot in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect tobuild said walk in accordance with this resolution and the ordinances of the citv, within the time'herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in aecordauce with this resolution. and makfi report thereof. and of the cost of the same, to the Common (.'ouneil, in accordance with the ordinancesof the citv. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Manu, Wines. Herz. Martin, Allmendiuger, Fillmore, Taylor, Kehburg and Kitson- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be aud are hereby orderedgradedandconstructed within teu duys from Aug. Srd.on tho south side of Liberty street west, and in front of lots and premises owned and occupled by the followhiK named persons: John Schlupe, lot 1. Thompson, Spoor & Thompson's audition. Estáte heirs of Mrs. Dora Frey, a piece of land bounded north by VV. Liberty street. east and south bv Thompson, Spoor & Thompson's idditiou and west by Mrs. Beck's land. Jacob Bessinger, a piece of land bounded lorth by W. Liberty street. eastby Jacob Haes'e and, south by Banister's land and west by Volz'g land. John Hagan, lot of land bounded north by VV. Liberty street. east by Mrs. Beek, south by H. Banister's land and west by city boundary. The said sidewalks shall befive feet in width md shall be constructed of good pine plank, ree f rom sap,which shall be not less than two nches in thickness, more than twelve or less han five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, jine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by íour inches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with naíls not less than twenty penny, with at least two at eacn end of each plank" and not leas than two at any other bearing. They shall be raised from the curbBtoue in the prop'ortion of eight iuches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupant in front of whicb said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with tho resolution and the ordlnance of the city within the time hereln Bhall he the duty of the Board of PnblicWorka to at onee cause the same tobe done Ín accordance with thls resolution and make report tnereof and of the cot of the same to the common council in accordance with the ordinances oí the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Manu, Wines. llerz, Martin Allmendlnger, Fillmore, Taylor, Kehburg and KttBon- 9. Xrtvij - Xnnc. : -1 il 5 - - uut. ByAld. Wiries: Resolved, That the following sidewalks he and ure hereby ordered graded and conetructed within ten days from Aug. 3rd, on the south nnd north sides of Washington street and in front of lote and premises owued and occopled by the following nained persons Estáte heir of Jacob Hangsterfer. 42'., feet of lot of the uorth side of 8, B. 2 S. K. 3 east. on nhiugtou street. Gottfrey F. Scho?ttle, parts of lots 1 and 2 B. 2, S. K. 8 east, being 19 feet and 10 iuches front by 132 feet deep, bounded on the north by Liberty street, south by lot 7. east by Neuhoff's land, and west by Heiuzmaim's land Henry A. Xeuhoff, narts of lots 1 and 2, B. 2, S. K. 8 east, beiuft 19 feet and 10 inches front on Liberty street by 1S2 feet deep. bounded on the north by Liberty street, sonth by lot 7, east bv alley and west by Gottfrey F. Schcettle's land" Heinzmann & Son, a lot of land beginnini; on the south boundary of Washington street 6li and 6G-100 feet easterly from the east boundary of Ashley street. thence south to a pomt on the south boundary of said lot 2 ti6 and (6-100 feet east from the 'cast boundary of Ashley street, thence east on the south boundary of said lot 2 19 and 9-12 feet to a point on the south boundary of Washington street. 19 feet and 8 inches easterly from the place oí beginning. F Michiiel Staebler, the west half of lots 1 and 2, B. 2, S. R. 8 east, Washington street John Schueider. Sr., lot 8, B. 1, S. K. 2 east, 22 feet aud 8 inches off of the west end of lot 6 B. i, b. R. 8 tast. Michael Stabler. lot of land in B. 1 S E 3 east, part of lot . bouuded north by lot 5 east by .lohu Wagner'sJr. land, south b'v Washington street, west by John Schneidei's Jr. land, 40 feet east aud west and 66 feet north aud soilth. Estáte of Johu Wagner.part of lot 6. bounded north bylot 5, east by A. Mogk's land. south by Washington street. west by J. Wagner's Sr. land, being 20 feet east and west, 66 Feet north and south. Estáte of August Mogk, part of lot fi. bounded north by lot 5, east by William Herz's land. south by Washington street. and west by Johu Wagner's Jr. land. William Herz, 29 feet off of theeast end of lot 6. B. 1,S. R. 3 east. The said sidewalks on Washington .street shall be ten feet in width, aud shall be ?" as iuuows; inestone nagging shall be laid upon clean sand and in water lime Said flagging shall have a smooth upper surface, and shall not be less than three inches in thickuess, not less than two feet square and dressed even on the sides so as to form close and even joints. In case the owner or occupant of any lot in front of which said walk is herebyordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with this resolution and the ordinances of the city within the time herem Umited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the eost of the same to the Common Council. in accordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Mann, Wines.Herz, Martin Allinendinger, Fillmore. Taylor, Kehburg and Kitson- 0. Na.vs - None. By Aid. Wines : Retolved, That the following eidewalks be ana are hereby ordered graded and coustructed witnlD ten daya f rom August ad, 1S1. ou the east side of Fitth avenue, on the east side of Main street north, on the west side of Spring street, ou the west side of State street, on the north side of Washington street, on the wesl side of División street south. on William and Maynard streets, and in front of lots and premiges owued aud occupied by the followimr named persons : Fifth Avenue North. F. L. Parker, lot 16 and the west half of lot 15, block 1, uorth range ( east. Main Street North. E. E. Beal, lot 8, block 3. north range 4 east. Spring Street. Francis Rothenbaecher, lots, block 7. Hiscock Addition, also the south half of lot 6, block 7, Hiscock Addition. State Street. Mrs. Joseph Whitlark, lot bounded east by State street, north by Mrs. Morris land, west bv Maynard street, south by Wramplemeir's land". Waslt ington Street. Lloyd Redman, lot 14, except 7 feet in width off the east side of the same, block 2, south range 6 east. División Street. Harriet A. Martin, the east three-quarters of the north half of lot 7, block 4, south range 0 east. Andrew Bel], the south half of lot 7, B 4 S R. 6 east. Corner of Maunard and William Street. Mrs. Mary Colllns Whiteing, the west half of lot 1 and 2,bloek 4 south, range 9 east. The said sidewalks shall be flve feet in width and shall be construeted of good pine plank, f ree from sap, whlch shall be not less than two lnches in thickness, more than twelve or less than five inehes wide, and laid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inehes in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty pennv, with at least two at each end of each plank" and not less than two at any otherbearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inehes in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and the ordinance of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in aceordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Council. in accordance with the ordinances of the city. arried. Yeas- Aldermeu Mann. Willes, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Eehburg aud Kitson- 9. Nays - None, By Aid. Wjnea : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered gruded aud coustructed within ten days frorn Aug. 4th on the east side of Detroit street aud Fifth avenue. Estáte of Lucy VI. S. Morgan, the E. 54 ft. long of the N. one-third and 9 ft. wide of lot 2 and that part of the subdivisión of lot 3, B. 3 N. R. C E. as jlatted in Librer 2s of deeds, page 131. The sidewalk on Fifth avenue shall beö ft.' in width and built of plank. The said sidewalks on Detroit street shall be I 6 feet in width, and shall be constructed as follows : The stone flaggiug shall be laid upon clean sand and in water Time. Said flagging shall have a smooth upper surface, and snall not be less than three inches in thickness. and not less than two feet square, and dressed even on the sides so as to form close and even joints. In case the owner or occupant of any lot in front of which said walk is herebv ordered laid shall neglect tobuild said walk iñ accordance with this resolutlou and the ordinances of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and muke report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Commou (,'ouncil, in accordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz. Martin, Alhnendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Kehburg and Kitson-9. Navs - None. ByAld. Wines! Resolved, Thatthe followingsidewalksbeaud are heieby ordered graded and constructed witbin ten days from Aug. Sd, on the east sideqf Detroit street and in front of lots and premlses owned aud occupied by the following named persous: Miss AI. (iillshannan, lot 16, bloek 8, north rauge 5 east. G. Hooier, a part of lot 4, block 3. north range 6 east. The said sidcwalks on Detroit st. shall beiift. in width and shall be eoustructed as follows : The stone flagging shall be laid upon clean sand and in water-lime. Said flngging shall have a smooth upper surface. and shall not be less than three inches in thickness, and not lessthan two feet square, and dressed even on the sides, soasto form close and even joints In case the owner or occupant of any lot in front of which said walk is hcreb? ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with this resolution and the ordinances of the city within the time herein limited. it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and Council Proceedings. (Concluded.j makc report thereof and oí the cost of the ame to the Common Council, in aecordauce with thediuauces of the city. Vía"- Aldermen Manu. WInes, Herz. Martin, Allmeudinger, Pillmore, Taylor, Rehburg and Klteon- Nays- None. By Aid. Wines : Resolver!, That the followiug sidewalks be andaré hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from Aug. 3d, on the east side of Mili street, andsouth side of Jones street, ud in frout of lots and premises owued and npounied by the following uamed persons : Lutfier Boylau, lot 6, Traver's Add. Stephen Moore, lot i, 49 and 50 Traver's Add. Miss C. R. Wilkinson, land bounded north by Frev's land, east by Mili Street, south "by Beasw's land, west by R. R. Davis& Wright'sland. Mr. N'ancy J. Wheeler,lot4,Traver's Add. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width and shall be constructed of good pine plank, free from sap, which shall not be less than two inches in thickness, more than twelve or less than five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs not inore thau four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and sball be laid. with nails not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at auy other bearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportiou nf eiffht inches in twenty feet und conform to the establlshed grade. Iu cuse the owner or nccupautin front of which said walk is herebv ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in aecordauce with the resolution and ordiuance of the city within the time herein limited. it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done iu accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the common (Jouncil. iu accordance with the ordiuauces of the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Ulmendinger, Fillinore.Taylor, Rehburg and Kitsou- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines : Roolved, that the following sidewalks be and are ereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from Aug. 3d, on the east and west side of División street north and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by ihe following named persons : A. A. Meuth, the east fractional part of lots 5 nd 6, block 4, north range 6 east. William Burk. lot bounded uorth by DeForestland, east by División street, south by North street, west ,by Fohey land, block 3, north rauge 6 east. William Finnegan, a piece of land bounded north by lot 12, block 24, Ormsby & Page add., west by División street, east by Lawrence land. George Miller, lot 10, block 24, Ormsby & Page Add. Henry Cornwell, lots 6. 7, 8 and 9, block 24 Ormsby & Page Add. William Deuble, lots 1,2, 3, 4 and 5, block 24, Ormsby & Page add. TTct-ot-Af rtivvM T1fFnrpt. Int hnmidpd nnrt.h bv Meuth's laúd, east by División street, south byFohey S Clark's land, aud west by Detroit street. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width and shall be construeted of good piue plank, free from sap, which shall not be less than two inches in thickness, more than twelve or less than five Inches wide. and laid on oak, cedar. pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four Inches iu size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other bearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone iu the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or oeeupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered luid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and the ordinance of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Council, in acordance with the ordinauces of the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburg and Kitson- 9. Náys - NoneBy Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the Common Council deern it xpedient that the following sidewalks should be repaired or renewed and that the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered repaired or renewed within forty-eight hours from the service of the required notice. viz: On the south side of William street in the City of Ann Arbor, and in front of lots aud premises owned and occupied by the following named persons, viz: William J. Markley, a piece of land, block 4, south of range G east, beginning at the northwest corner of said block, thence east 90 feet, thence south 66 feet, thence west 90 feet, thence north along the line of Flfth Avenue, to the place of beginning, being the northeast corner of the lot. t W. W. Bliss, piece of land iu block 4, south range 6 east, beginning 90 feet east from northwest corner of lot 1. running thence east along the south side of William street 33 feet, thenee sonth 66 feet, thence west 33 feet, theace north 66 feet to the place of beginning. Mrs. Marcia Rockwell, part of the north half of lot 1, block 4, south range 6 east, beginning at apoint 123 feet east from the nortwest corner of lot 1, running east from the northwest corner of lot 1, running east 66 feet, south 66 feet, west 66 feet, north 66 feet to the place of beginning. Mrs. A. A. Taylor, lot 1, block 4, south range 6 east, beginning 25 feet west from the northeast corner of lot 1, thence south 66 feet, thence west 50 feet. thence north 66 feet, thence east 50 feet tothe place of beginning. Miss Mary D. Beers.the west half of lot 8, and the northwest quarter of lot 7, block 4, south range 6 east. Johnson W. Knlght, the east half of the west half of lot 8, and 20 feet in width off of the west side of the half of lot 8, block 4, south range 6 east. Miss Helen Marshall, the east half of lot 8, block 4, south rauge 6 east, excepting 20 feet in width off the west end. Mrs. Ester Bliss, 25 feet off of the east end of the north half lot 1, block 4, south range6 east. Carried. , Yeas- Aldermen Maun.Wines, Herz, Martin Almendinger, Taylor, Fillmore, Rehburg and Kitsou.- 9. Nays- None. Ry Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the Common Council deern It expe.dient that the following sidewalks should be repaired or renewed and that the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered repaired or renewed withiu forty-eight hours from the service of the required notlce, viz.: On the East side of 4th Ave., iu the City of Ann Arbor, and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons, namely: William McCreery. The south half of the south-west quarter of the old Jail square, block 3 south, range 5 east. George Feiner. The north half of the south west half of the old Jail square, block 3 south, range 5 east. Mrs. M. C. Peterson. A piece of land in block 3 south, range 5 east, bounded north by Liberty Street, east by Alley, south by W. W. Watts' land, west by Fourth Ave., being 88 ft. on 4th Ave., and 126 feet on Liberty Street. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillraore, Taylor, Benburg and Kitson- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the Common Council deem it expedient that the following sidewalks should be repaired or renewed and that the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered repaired or renewed within forty-elght hours from the service of the required notice viz.: On the South side of Liberty Street, City of Ann Arbor, and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named person: Estáte Helrs of Samuel P. Foster. The north west quarter of lot 1, block 3 south range 4 east. The said sidewalk's shall be renewed or repaired in accordauce with the ordinances of the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburg and Kitson.- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. Taylor : Resolved, That the monthly report of the city treasurer be ordered printed with the of ficial proeeediugs which resolution prevaüed by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas- Aldermeu Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Rehburg aud Kitson- 9. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That permission is hereby given the school board of the city of Ann Arbor to lace sewers in such streets as maybenecei'ary to eonuect the High School with the Uni'ergity sewer, the work to be done under the upervisiou of the Public Works which motiou revailed. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, that the Board of Public Works is ïereby instructed to ad-iáe this couucil of the nimber ei stone walks that are now four feet vide which eau without much expeme be nade five feet wide, which motion prevailed. Councfl then adiourned.
Ann Arbor City Council
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Arthur J. Kitson
A. P. Ferguson
Walter L. Taylor
S Rosenthaler
Dr. John Kapp
John Schlupe
Dora Frey
Jacob Bessinger
Jacob Hass
John Hagan
Jacob Hangsterfer
Gottfreid F. Schoettle
Henry Neuhoff
Michael Staebler
John Wagner
John Schneider
August Mogk
F. L. Parker
E. E. Beal
Francis Rothenbaecher
Mrs. Joseph Whitlark
Lloyd Redman
Harriet A. Martin
Andrew Bell
Mary Collins Whiting
Lucy W. S. Morgan
Luther Boylan
Stephen Moore
C. R. Wilkinson
Nancy J. Wheeler
A. A. Meuth
William Burke
William Finnegan
George Miller
Henry Cornwell
William Deubel
David DeForest
William J. Markley
W. W. Bliss
Marcia Rockwell
Mary D. Beers
Johnson W. Knight
Helen Marshall
Esther Bliss
William McCreery
George Feiner