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It's sometimes said patent medicines are for the ignorant. The doctors foster this idea. "The people," we're told, " are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical science." Suppose they are ! What a sick man needs is not knowledge, but a' cure, and the medicine that cures is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures the " do believes " and the " don't believes." There's no hesitance about it, no "if" nor "possibly." It says - " I can cure you, : only do as I direct." Perhaps it fails occasionally. The makers hear of it when it does, because they never keep the money when the medicine fails to do good. Suppose the doctors went on that principie. (We beg the doctors' pardon. It wouldn't do ! ) Choking, sneezing and every other form of catarrh, in the head, is radically cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Fifty cents. By druggists. Report of the Condition OF The Fws' ï Mvk' hú AT .A-Jsrnsr aeboe, mich. At tbe close of business, May 4, 1891. RESOURCES. Loans and Piscounts $344,507.27 Stock bonds, mortjjüges, etc 73, 191. i 7 Ovci'ilrafts 2.460.96 Dne I'rom nanks in reserve citios 89,426.49 Btils iu traüsit 4,854.50 Fiu'niture ADd Fixturea 3,(00. tO Cnrrtin expensiffi nhd taxes paid 1,642.37 Itnerest aid 2,04. 2i Checks and csh items 8J6.7S Niokeis and Peu nies . 5"i 4o Gld 7,712:20 Silver 1,564.15 U. S. and Naüoni! Buk Notes 10,415.00 Total S "'-' 46S.50 LIABILITIES. Capital elock paid in $ SO.OOn.OO Surplus fui.d r in.000.00 Unaivided proflts 11.612.74 Dividpnds uupaicl 30. (K Commercial il'potits '264.634.01 ba V inga deposita r 6,191. 5 Total fe))fl8,48.60 STATE OK MICHIGAN, I „ County of Waohtemw, f85I. Frederick H Belser, C6bier of the above named EaDk, do solemnly swear that the alione statement is true lo the bist of hit knowledge ani belief. F. H.nEl.SEB.Caehier. Subscribid and sworn to before me this llth day of Mas 1 891. W. W. WHEDOX, Notnry Public. CORRECT- .Attest: REtJREN KENfPF, I A. KEAKXEY. Drectors. l.HAS. E. GREENE, S Who has not had PoorHose? . .fvSP GOOD RUBBER BKjPh' jf f could bc bought ten Va J% S A. - years ago. Why? V V-yA cauie there was rub -ifr ■ ber in it. The hoie eold by dealers to-day contains little or no pure rubber. Our BLUE BKAND HOSB is the old-fashioned kind, and is made of rubber. With good care it should last flve or six years. It is cheap at the price. Asa guarantee that you are gettlng what you pay for, and are not paying a high price for a poor article, we pltce thij brand on everylength: " If you cannot get It of your dealer, we will send it, expresa paid, on receipt of money. Sample f rei ifyou mention this paper. BOSTON WOVEN HOSE CO,, Manf'rs. of Rubber Belting and Packing, 226 Devonthlre Street, Botton i 20S Lake St, Chlcaeoi 8 Buth Sb, San Francisco, Cal.