WANTED. FOR SALE, ETC. GOOD SAÏ.ESMAN WANTED- A Lady or Gentleman, to sell tne Hnest goods in the world- Douiestic. White and Duvis Sewing Machines. No prevtous experience required. Via pay salary or comtuissiou, as desired. Callorwrite at once. J. P. 8CBÜH, Ann Arbor. 9 FOR RENT- Two commodious ploasant flats, with six rooms each in New Itloek on State treet. Enquire at No. 1 South State street. 6H - tf. NN ARBOR NÜRSERT-Fruit and prnaA mental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry Dlants, etc. Pnce low. acob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR SALE AT A The Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 16 intheTownship of York. about four miles trom Saline village. A good house and mail barn on the premises, known as the Vesley Ouderkirk farm. For terms apply to E. B. Pond, No. 6, N. Main street, Ann Arbor. WANTED- Board for a month on a farm near Ann Arbor for a (tentleman, wite nd two little girls (4 and 6 years old). The rentleman away part of the time. Address. A. ). Seyler & Son. "-53 FOR SALE.-A good eow and one-horse wagr on. at Mrs. Eisele's, 12 E. Catheriue street, Ann Arbor. Miuh. 51-M COK SALE CHEAP-A flrst elass Force . Pump. Intuiré at 33 Liberty street. 51-ni BÜSINES8DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. D. CRAMEK. S, CBAMER. CRAMER & CRAMER, ATTORHEYS AT LAW. Office: Front room over First National Bank, ANN ARBOR, MICH. g B. N0RR1S ATTORNEY AT LAW. Does a g-eneral law collection and conveyancng business. A moderate share of your patonage respectfully solieited. Office in the Court House. n E. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Law and Pension Claim Aitorner. MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Colleetions. BLIHTJ S. rPOISriX JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Notary Public. Conveyancing; done and tKAL ESTÁTE bougrht and sold on connnision. Patronage solioited . No. O N.Main S+i DENTISTS. r oms p. hall, DKSTIST. Office South State streek Over Sheehan's Jook Store. HourB 9 a. m. to 12 and 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. W W. NICH0LS D. D., DENTIST. In the old St. Jamea Hotel Block. Teeth eztracted without pain by the use of ritaüzedair. 1) A. MAC LACHLAN, D. Diseases oí the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Hangsterf er block. Residence. 36 S. División Street. HptTBS.- 1 to 5 and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. FREDERICK KRAUSE, AUCT1ONEER. WD1 attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable oharges. For further particulars cali at the Abous office . M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN Fresta, Salt aad Smoked Meats And game in season. 22 "HITrï&OIsr ST"R-:E"E!T MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETOBS OF THE WESTERN BREWERY, ANN ARBOK, MICH. Brewers of Pure Lasrer Beer. MRS. C. H. JONES, raOHBlE 1ESS-M1! Fourtli St. Opposite Court House 3raping and Cuttinj a Spscially! Mme. Kellogg's Frenen Tailor System used. Perfect work guaranteed. Instructions in cuttingby the Kellog Frenen Taylor System given. C TV. VOGHEL,, Ann Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. AU kinds Of MEATS AND SAUSAGES. Fresh lard always in stock. Poultrr in season _Mr 90000.00 a jtUT U befng triad by John K H ■Büoodwin,Tro7,N.Y.,t ■nork fur ui. Keadr vlBr ( jun mar not makt ai much, hut we can flB(' flA tiacb jouquickly how tu t-arn frurn #5 to ■ JtB 'lü dT at the "t nd nior you po nV 0 Hou. Buth NXN, all gul. lnMi irtof By '■Amarici, jou cn commence t humo, g'irH[ f MÊiut " jour tiiue,or.paj DiomtoU onlv to W jH Hth work. All la new. (iret pmj 81' BK fur L H 1 Twr worktr !■'( rou, forolhttig kl ]■! rerrtbiDp. EA3ILT, SPEËDILÏ Jcarnol. yBHFW --, rAUriCULAKS iKLE. iddrmi it ouut, K ■■ 8TINS0M CO., FOHTLASU, MA1K. 7 PER CENT. NET. 7 PERCENT. NET CAPITAL, $250,000. ihe msnn. mm i Otters for sale, at par and accrued interest, its own seven per cent., flrst mortgage coupon bonds, (in amounts from 8250 to I5,000):on lmproved farm and city property, somi-annual interest. Absolute guarantee of interest and principal. Interest payable at Ann Arbor. For particulars in regard to these safe and de sirable loans, consult W. D. HARRIMAN, Attï., Ann Arbor, Mich. no. 4 w. washington st. House, Sigh, Onamehxl ahd Fresco Paikter, gilding, calcimining, glazing and paper hanging. All work is done in the best style and warranted to give satisf action.
Sewing Machines - Sales & Service
Apartment For Rent
Ann Arbor Nursery
Western Brewery
Dressmaking & Design
The Keystone Mortgage Company
Painting Contractors & Services
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
J. F. Schuh
Jacob Ganzhorn
E. B. Pond
Mrs. E. M. Eisele
Densmore Cramer
Seward Cramer
E. B. Norris
G. R. Williams
Louis P. Hall
W. W. Nichols
Dr. D. A. MacLachlan
Frederick Krause
M. P. Vogel
Mrs. C. H. Jones
C. W. Vogel
William Herz
18 S State St
6 N Main St
12 Catherine St
33 Liberty St
26 S Division St
22 E Huron St
No 4 W Washington St