General News
Ii Saline City, Iml., Justice WUliam Miner was murdered by the father of a bjoy whom he liad fined for breach of the peacc, b&cause he declined to remit the fine. The murderer is in jail and there Üs talk of lynchiug. j The grasshoppers which are terrifying Kansas farmers have their mates, who are destroying oats ia Green and Fayette counties, Pennsylvania, and in some places are eutting off the blades of grass. ïhey aro rapidly growing in numlers. Gold has been diseovered in the state of Wasliington, fifteen miles trom EUenstrarg. Many prospectors are out and that section of the state is ild with exeitement. Are the days of the California gold discoverics to be fepeated? We rather think not. The quertion of whether the supply of natural gas is lnexháustible or not i.s being setfcled so far aa Greensburg, the center of the great Pennsylvania natural gas belt i concerned. The gas ratea doubled last year will have to be doubled this year and even then it is doubtful if natural gas enough can be found to supply the consumers. Aa unexplaincd cattle disease ha8 Ottacked cattle near Lyons, Iowa, and in Lawrence county, It is ealled black leg. The legs swell aii .the kneo joints and burst, dark blood Uowing from theru. In fifteen minutes after the disease seizes the cattle they are dead. Last week over ihundred caittle died within six miles of Sirmner, III. The "wild and wooly west1' is supposed to bc the place where revolvers are whipped out on trains and men take their lives in their hands when they travel. But down in Indiana as a passenger train left Greencastle last Thursday a fight took place on it between the Tow and Bass lactions who drew revolvers on sight, in which three were ehot, one thrown off the train and others badly cut up. One of tliose ehot was a woman. The contending factions were relatives. Dentlsts cannot practice their profession without incurring some danger. Francis M. Eaab, of New oYrk city, has just died from a woman's bite. On April 19,t he young lady called to have an aching tooth extracted. The dentist put his finger on the aching tooth whieh caused her to shrick and close her jaw with a snap, biting his finger to the In a week !ie had loekjaw. It was supposed at one time that he had recovered but he suffered a second attack and has just died. í No sooner had Kansas feit some relief at fitodinig that the Colorado grasshoppers were not red-legged than its over-taxed people were again thrown into despondency that the real genuine grasshopper destroyers are in great riumbers in New Mexico, moving in bunehes four and five miles wide. They, have stripped the trees of leaves and k'ft notihtag on the ground but dry earth. After flying the grasshoppers do not make great progress but tJie eggs liatch and the young pests fly on. It is expected tliat they will devástate Kansas in 1892. Judge McKay. the farmer .10, wlth ooit any legal edudation, was eleeted judge in Kansas, last year, and who was reported to bc coming to this city to stiudy law, has alroady got inio trouble wibh the Supremo Court. He rearrested a man disciiarged by the supreme court on a writ of habeas An order has been filed for tliie awest of Judge McKay for overriding the supreme court and one of the judges ís authoriitiy for the statement that the supreme court will be olbe5red even if it is necessary to cali out the state nïilitia. Down in Kentueky the same day, a gang oï disreputables attempted to assassinate the Middlesborough pólice. Fifteen of the gang were placed in ambush and two went into the city and began iiring their rifles. A posso of officers who etarted in pursuit were led into the ambush and over a hundred shots were exchanged. The políce were forceo to return. to the city after one of their number had been shot through both thighs and another through the leg. A posse of 100 citizens with rifles soon started in pursuit of the dcsperadoes. They soon came up with the two men who had been in the city and about seventyfive more shots wero fired. The two men were secured. At night a crowd of masked men entored the jail, took one of tihem and hung hini from the bridge.