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President Angell sails for home September 2. Prof. and Mrs. Hempl -welcomed a baby girl, Wednesday. The child of Joe Cox died last Friday and was buried Sunday. Lodholz'K jrrocery, on Broadwny, te havinií a new roof put upon it. The sidewalks to the Ann Arbor depot it is said will be built shortly Ed. Lockwood, of Sharon, got 2,00( bushels of wheat from seventy acres, The value of the sparrows killed i this county, last week, was $97.09 The Manchester village taxes hav all been collected except that on twq non-residents. P. W. Carpenter was elected senior warden oí the Knights Templar last Tuesday evening. Ann Arbor was treated to horse ear yesUerday. The engine of the eleetrlfl line brotae down. Mrs. A. Otto moved her millinery goods, Mönday, in the store formerly occupied by Wea. Munyon. The Maecabees of Wolverinc tont of Ypsilanti, will parade that city in ull-dress uniform this evening. A thresher the other day expressed his surprise that in spite of the dryness of the season, oats were so plump. The little baby daughter of August Tessmer, of West Third street, die,d he first of the week, aged seven week The Dundee fair wil! bs held Sopt. 8, 9, 10 and 11. The premium lis1 ïas just been received at this office. The terms of Evart H. Scott, John V. Sheehan and Philip Bach, as mem jers of the school board expire thia1 ear. Miss Maggie Walsh died yesterday after a long illness, aged forty-nint' years. She was a sister of ex-Sherif Walsh. The Courier carne out on Monday this Tveek to allow some oï its employees vacations during the encampment at Detroit. A ten pound boy at the home of S. Rosenthaler. lts' lucky for Rosey that the students are abaant or his own cigar bill might run heavy. The farmers are jubilant all ovei the county over the big yield o 'heat. A number of farmers havo ver thirty bushels to the acre. George J. Isissly, of Saline, expecU o employ twenty or thirty hands during the fruit evaporatjng season ane} o care for 250 bushels of fruit a day The Ann Arbor Light Infantry keep p their interest in drills since the en ampment, the correct way of making company of which the city nray bt roud. i Haeusslér's drug store in Manchester ame near burning on Tuesday oí las week, owing to a lamp falling, bu was saved by the Manchester fire department. Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter desire to return thanks to kind and sympathetic friends in the time of their aïfliction in the loss of their littly daughter, Lillian Mae. Ralph Hauser had three hand saws ten chisels, two plains and a lathing hatchet stolen Tuesday night, from the house of Isaac Reynolds, on Broad way, where he was working. J.J. Parshall, A. A. Crozier, and John gchenk have been appointed commissioners to examine the peach trees o the township and to destroy thosi? -which have the disease of yellows. The marshal reported during July twenty-nine arrests, as follows: dis orderly, -'; vagrant, 2; drunk, IA larceny, á; violating city ordinance 2. All of those arrested either plea or were found guilyy. A man named Van Kiper, who lives, near Foster's, and had been at tho G.A.R. reunión, was doing the IUi Van "Winkle act on eome steps on Ann street, Wednesday. He was takrw to jail and got off with one day. Miss Lillian De Forest died Monday, of consumption, aged thirty-three years. She was a devoted daughter of an amiable and unselfish character and was a member ol tbe Episcopal church. The funeral services were held on Vednesday. William Snowden, a Ypsilanti colored man, bowled up lively Monday and had several quarrels, finally ho tried to piek a quarrel with the band ras run in, fined $3 and $5.15 costs which were paid and he returned to lis native heath. Four races will bo held at Milan Saturday, August 15, under the ans pices of the Milan Driving Park assoji ation; a yearllng trotting race, n rae?, a 3.10 cl LSB trotting and a 2.40 race. The raïos will bff eallcd at two o', lock sh irp. A couple of Howi'.l in 'il wcro in tii' city Wednesday, sslllng their wool. They finally got hito a fight on N Main strect, which liruught thein in to justice court and it cost them just $5.20 each to get out. Their won erop was not profltable this year. Isaac Reynolds, of Broidway, got into a dispute with Mrs. Ritz over her cow whicli got into the yard o nis mothei-in-law, and finally knocked her down. Jfrs. Ritz swore out a warrant and Reynolds was arrested on a charge of asaault and battery. On each side of the highway leadins irom Dexter to Ann Arbor for three or four miles out of Dexter the vrhit? daisy has obtained a foot-hold. It ís one of the farmers' greatest pests, U you don't believe It ask any Westerq New Yorker or indeed any New Yorkor. John Neithammer, who works foi John F. Lawrence, Esq., was throwi) out of his wagon, while getting into it, on Main street, Tuesdny. He hadn't got hold of the lines when the horses started. He struck on his head an'j was rendered insensible for some mo ments. Among the losses adjusted las: Thursday by the directors of the Wash ;enaw Mutual insurance compauy wer Frank Sweetland, Sylvan, bars am) eontents, $1,508.67: J. . T. Hallock York, barn and eontents, $193.93; Famea Monaghan, Ypsilanti town damages to barn, $18; Mary Rabbitt Dexter, damage to smoke house, $iil Henry "Wilmot, city bill poster, ha& taken issue against the vándala who remove from his boards posters anc handbilla before the purposa oí theii oxhibition has been attained. There is a state law to punish such ofienders which he has reproduced on a handbil and posted throughout the city Those concerned had botter give hee( to it. He intends to avail himself o the protection of this law. Now ihtt tliere ii so much saiJ alou the youngest soldier in the late war The Sentinel will put in a word for au Ypsllanti boy,who seems. to be too, modest to spaak up for hirnself. Mr A. D. Smallc-y, of Pontiac, a conductor at present on the Pontiac & Port Austin railroad, a. resident of thij city at the time, enllated in the I27tlj Michigan Infantry, Co. D., as a drummer, at the age of 11 years and a Jittlc over, went to the front, and served till honorably discharged. He is not blowing a trompet about ir either. - Ypsllanti Sentinel. Mrs. Louisa -Sacket has givep to tlit First Presby.terian churcli of this city iiai orga.ii which is now being built by JAarrand & Votey, of Detroit. It will be roady for use by the iirst of Janu ary. Thús will be a foui-thousand dollar instrument and, equal to any in the city. Farrand & Votey havi just finished the "Memorial Organ' for the 1-irst Presbyterian church of Detroit, which is pronounced to b6 ,one of the finest o,rgans In the Weet The potatoe bug has not been at numerous this season as common, a 3 least that is what several fartuerfe have told us and they attribute as .1 reason the pres?nce olf large number of the "Lady bug',' which is their enemy. ,As ou,r larmers expressed it the Lady bug is a regular stick egg as far as the eggs of the potatoe bug is concerned. If this proves to be ;f fact we should eneourage the ladie by all means. He picad guilty before .Tustice Butté and paid $10 fine and $3.20 costs. A house-martin, robably in ieareb of a good place for a nest, got toto the globe of the electrtc light on thv corner of Main and Washington Btreets, one evening recently, and u crowd was soon gazing up at the bird and eommenting upon its pcrilous situ ation, for it was almost time to tura on the electric current. Mr. Noblt was informed, and he dispatched a messenger to the electric works, and soon one of their men arrived on tli scène, lowered the lamp and releaeec the flutteriug and nearly exhaustec prisoner. So the saying that "corpo ratious have no souls" does not apply to the Thompson Huston eectric com pany at all events. Mmbers of Arbor tent of the Maccabees have been notified that they must meet at their hall at saven o' clock, next Tuesday morning, prepar ed to leave the hall at half-past seven for the M. C. depot, to take the special train for the great Maccabec Jubilee at Jackson. Members who appear in th eparade of the ICnights at Jackson yrül have their railroad fare paid by, Arbor Tent. The fare for the publicon this special train will be aixt cents for the round trip, good for August llth only. This Is a fine opportunity for a cheap pleasure trip to ,the Central City for both Maccabeesf1 and the general public, and one which may not occur again for years. Pat O'Brien's barn in Augusta town ship was struck by lightning during the heavy storm Wednceday afternoon i and burned to the ground with con ; tents, ineluding hie span of horses f He had just put the horses in the barn and was on his way to the house whea the lightning struek; looking arouni 1 he saw that the barn was on tire, ani went back to get the horses out, bu they were on tu? floor of their stall stunned and could not be moved. In eured for $800.- Milán Leader. - Our readers have been told of thi great improvements made by Mr. an Mr. Nowlln in the ('ook house, of tuis city: how every room has been over hauled, repapered, painted, refurnlshec nnd earpeted. The newspaper writ ers of the city had a chance to set, the rejuvenatod ('ook, Sunday, whei a dlnner was gtven to the wrlter and thelr ladies. The dlnner was an excellent one as all the dinnera served there ander the new management are. After dlnner a tour of the rooms was made and everything found In most excellent order, neat clonn nn.l com fortable. In fact, the new ('ook is quite elegantly furnislicd. One cajq hardly recogniie the ohl rooms ii) their new garb. Mra .Harry Webster, who lives ou West Main street with her motjer Mrs. Preston, is not a widow, neithei by the grace of the courts nor by th( ley fingers of death. But she wante another husband and she got iiim too The marrlage license was procure and contained the name of Fred Piert a young man of tliis vlllage as brido gróom, and on the (ilorious Fourtli they twain were made one flesh by Just ice Doy le- or at least as near ad flesh as possible under the existin plrcumstances. They both told Mr Döyle that there was no l'gal impedi ment to their marrlage. So Mr. anc "Mrs.'' Piert lived happily togethei until Tuesday of last week. when hus band No. 1 put in an appearanee an) blocked the wheels of thla unholy alli anee. The matter has been s?ttled by Mrs. Webster agreMng not to In e witb Xo. 2 any more.