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BEAL So POND Insurance Agent No.. 1 South Main St., Ann Arbor, The oldest agenev in the city. JSa tablisherl a quarter of a century ago ilepresenting the followins; iirst-class companies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., - $7,000,000 Couti lien tal Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207,20t Niágara lus. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,563 Giraid les. Co. of Phila. - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of Londou 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and (ilobeSS 'tfKï.OOO f& taXes low. Losses liberally adjtistea and promptly paid. BEAL L POXD. H Jfl l & C VFMr&9r'Xii bsearnd rif r,,irEiy ofworic, ■ H Ü H &J f Wi.i.i.l(y t.d li..,.MraIily, hv n Itfi I K Ita t" H i-iMi.rMA. ■..:,!-., ol.i.nnd in Iheir ■ W3 ij) 01 9 I OWI )octtlitics,nhi-n-vcrilify live.Anr lllWIVhl I en mu do work. Easv to leam. We furuUb srM-ything. We uri you. tïg risk. Vou can devote joural :. oroll yoor Hmo (o tlu uork. This is an niirely nw lead.ana briags wonderi , i noikcr. Bwinnen ore inniiiif? trom ÍÍ5 to #50 per week anti upwanU, jjnd muroaaTtt littlu axMorluioe. Wb ulii ftirnUb you ihe employiii.-nt and tcuch you FHKK. No ipacfl to explnin here. Futí Su formal i m FRSK. XltV JE fe CO., AlULbïA, 5J.UM'.. MARNOOD RESTORED. fyei "Wonderful Spanish fe t M V ritten Guaran tee #i) JwT t;cure all Nervous DIsjEJJrtqjëar Memory. Loss of Braiu JXSSSffjjÉÉ Wakefulness, lost Man■vvviP 'Kl'"-' Nen'ousness, LusBefore&After Use. Kftk "SnS "2 PhotOírraphod froin lífe. Gener?t4ve Organs, Jn ■'" aj.ii.iuJi elthcr eex. caaeed by over-ciertlon, youthful Ini'.cscreüone, or the excessive ase of tobáceo, opium, or htlinulants, which ultimately lead to Inflrmlty, Coosiimption and Insanity. Put up In convenient form to carry in the vest pocket. Prlce tl a packoge, or 6 for Ï5. VCIth every 15 order we Klve written giiarantee to cure or refund the moncy. Sent by mail to any address. Circular íree. Montlcñ thi8 paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office tor TJ. S. A. 417 Dc-rtiorn Strret, CHICAGO. ILL. FOK SALE IX A1TO ARBOR. MICII., BY Manu Bros., Drupglsts, 39 South Main St. J. J. Goodyear'a Brugtítore. No. 5 South Main St. AGENTS i xo i ENTIRELY WANTED s NEW BOOK The most wonderful colleetion of practical, real valuó and every-day use for the peoplo ever published on the globe. A marvel of money-saviug and money-earninfr for every Thousandsof bcautiful, helpful 6ngTB.vtsgB1 showing" just how to do every thinir. No competition; uothinfr like it in theuniverse, V'hen you select tnat which is of trne valiie, sales are sure. All sincerely rtesinnf payinjremploymentandlookiuKforsomething thoronplily tlrst-class atan extraordinary low priee, shoiild write for description and ternas on the most remarkable achierement in bookmaking 6ince the world bejfan. 8CAMMELL & CO.. Box 5003 ST. LOUIS or PHILADKLPHIA. TV G. BUTTS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Beal Estáte and Colleetion Agent. OrncE : In Maeonic Block.