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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. GOOI) SALESMAN WAXTED- A Lady or Gentleman, tosell tne flneet goods in the vorld- 'Domestie. White and Davis Sewing fachinas. No prertoua experienoe n.uired. Wül pay sahu'y or eommission, :is dêsired Callorwrite at once. J. F. Schuh, Auu Arbor. 4! FOK RENT- Two comniodious pleasant flats, with six rooms each In New Block on State treet. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. BH - tfA NN ARBOR NÜR8ERY- Fruit and orna-mental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. 3rape viues, berry planta, etc. Price low. acob Ganzboru, head of Springr street. FOR SALE AT A The Northwest quarter of the Southwest uuarterof Sectionl6intheTownshipof York.about tour miles trom Saline villaje. A good house and mail barn on the premiaes, known as the Wesley Ouderkirk farm. For terms applv to E.B. Pond, No. 6, N. Main street, Ann Arbor. 45 tf. FOR SALE.- A good oow and one-hor8eSfcaron, at Mrs. Eisele's, 12 E. Catherine street, Ann Arbor, Mloh. 51-54 FOR SALE CHE AP - A flrst class Forcé Pump. Inquire at Cl Liberty street. 51-54 yOR SALE, or will exchange for (tooi! grade i milkinsr cow, a new phurch Oigan wortta 125, Apply at :iO Mudison st. Í8-66 LOST- On the highway between the farm of Patrick C'roean and Moe's school house, in Northfleld, on Monday, July 27, one pair of gold-bowed spectacles. The ünder will please eave them at the Argus office. 53-55 TO RENT.- Unfurnished rooms, corner of Jeffersonand División sts., in suites or therwise. A. M. Clark, 47 División. 53-65 TO LET.- Ctaoice clover and timothy cow pasture, with clean, pure water, out State treet, one mile trom Hillstreet. A. M. Clark. 53-55 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. D. CRAMER. S, CRAMEK. CRAMER & CRAMER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office: Front room over First National Bank, ANN ARBOR, MICH. g B. N0RR1S Attorney at Law. Doe a general law collection and conveyancng business. A moderate aliare of your patonage respectfuliy solieited. Office in the Jourt House. i R. WILLIAMS, vr. Attorne? at Liw and Pension Claim Attornev, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. ELIHIT E. FO3rJD. JUSTICE OF THE PeACE And Notary Public. Conveyanoing done and ÍEAL KSTATE bought and sold on commision. Patronage solicited. No. 6 N.Main 8,i DENTISTS. r OUIS P. HALL, DEKTIST Office South State street. Over Sheehan'8 Book Store. Hours9a. m. to 12 and 2 p. m. to5p.m. Ve W. NICH0LS D. D., DENTIST. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extraeted without pain by the use of vitalizedair. Q A. MAC LACHEAN, D. Diseaseg of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Hangsterf er block. Residence. 26 S. División Street. Hours.- 1 to 5 and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. FREDERICK KRAUSE, AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charges. For further particulars cali at the Arqus office . . M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats And game in season. 22 "ÉïTJIROÏsr 8T"R,E"ET MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETORS Of THE WESTERN BREWEKÏ AN'X ARBOE, MICH. Brewers of Pure Laerer Beer. MRS. C. H. JONES, IWIÜlffl DHESS-MAKER Fourth St. Opposite Court House Mpi iú Cuttisg i Specíalij! Mme. Kellogg's French Tailor System used Perfect work guaranteed. Instructions i cuttingby the Kellog French Taylor System given. v IH ÍOOOO.OOaTíir U beinp ma1 bjJobn R fyBpyj ynu niny nut make as much, but we ent flHteach youquickly lioiv to enm trom f Ó t Kl -JfiJKf #10 a'dny ai tho Btart, and mure us you go jf& ftAmerica, y ou eau com monee at hume, jtivMj ml jnÊÊ'nS a" Tcur time.or iparu mometiU only to K HffiKthe work. All il new. Grt-ttt pay SLItt f. r m. BHfJT worker. V start you, furnishing 1 JgV verylhiiifr. KASILV, S1EEUILY kaïticit. HflfL V I'AkriCULARS FBEE. Adilreit at once, fc UmT Jk "' ' CÜ-' I'OHILA.NU, a.U.M.. 7 PER CENT. NET. 7 PERCENT. NET CAPITAL, $250,000tee mm Mimi i Offers for sale, at par and accrued interest, lts own sevtin per cent., flrst ïnorteage coupon bonds, (in amounts f rom Ï260 to 85,000)' on improved farm and city property, semi-annual interest. Absolute g-uarantee of interest and principal. Interest payable at Ann Arbor. For partlculars in regard to these safe and de sirable loans, consult W. D. HARBIMAN. ATTY., Ank Akbor, Mich. NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sigh, Opnamen hl ahd Fresco Painter, ■üdin?, calclminin?, glazing and paper hanging. Allworkis done in the best style and warranted to g-ive satisfaction.