Mortgage Saleti i of Maroh, A. I). l-:', John Lynn mortiïrtjfed tc AbnerP. tVllcox all that certain piet . u parcelo! land sitúate in the townshlpol Augusta In thecounty ot Waahtenawanri State of Michigan, described as followstowit: "Tbb aouth nalfoi the cast balf oi the north-easi quarter of aeotion thirtyBlx," ti secure the pu reliase money of said deseribed lanils. Said mortijaire was recoiMc.l In the offioeof the Register of Deeds in and rorsalduounty on theSlth day t' May. lSSo, m libertiö of mortgages on pnjre 497, Default has been made in the eonditions of said morti?age by ttu non-payment of the monevs dua thereon by whien the power ot sale therelu containt'd has become operative. Theie is now olaimed to be dne aud unpaid on said mortgajre the sum of eight hundred and eighty-six and 90-11)0 flollavs and no proceedinjrs at law or in chancery havu been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof. Notice is therefore hereby irirva, that by virtue of the power of sale in said morttrage contained and of the statute in such case made aud provided, I sliall sell the said premisos above and iu said niortx:a$re described at public auction to the hlgrhest bidder on Satm-dnv tin' löth day of Auyust, 181, at one o'clock in the afterneou at the south front door of the Court House, in tlie city of Ann Arbor in said county, to inake and satisfy the amount then due on said morttratre, the cost and chai-fres of this foreclosure and sale and twenty-th ■ dollars attorney fee as provided tor in satd mortgage. WAKlilX E. WILCOX. as Administra tor ot the Estáte of AbnerP. Wllooz, deoeaaed. Salshiky í O'. Mr. ai. ey. Attoruuys for Admioistrator. Dated, May 13th,l91. Mortgage Sale. On the sixth Uayof May, A D.186S, Sarah Zimnitfiinau mortgaged to Eiuma Smalley all tliat certaiu piece or ijarcel ol land sil uate in the towmhlp of York. in the county of Washtenaw, and StaU of MirliiKnii. described at follows, to-wit: Coiumencing at a point seventoen rods and nioe feet northofthe southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section four, towu tour south, range six east, running eaat fourteen rods aud elght feet, thence north nften rods and lourtef n feet, thence west fourteen rods and eijht feet, thence soutn te thepUce of begionin, cont.iinlnif one and onehalr acre of land, be the same more orless. Said mortgage was recorded in the ofllce of the Register of deeds in aad for said county on the 21st day of April, 1891, in Liber 75 of mortgagen on page 842. Default has been made in the conditions of saitl the uon-payment of the moneya duethereon by'which the power of ale thcrein comtaiued has becoiue operative. Xhere is now claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage the sum of four hundred and etghtv-nine and 7-V100 dollars, and no proceediogs at law or in chancery have been instltuted to recover the same or any part thareof. Notice is tuerefore heivhy gjvsn that, hy viitueof the power of sale in said mortgage coutained and of the statute in such case made aml provided, I shall scll the saiil Irenilses above and in said mortsage described at public auction to the hiy lieat bidder on Mnmli , the 21st day of September, 1391, at the south front doorofthe Court House, in the city of a nn Arhor, in said county, to muke aifd satWy the atnount then due on naid mortifage, the cost and chartres ot' this foreclosure and sale and twentyHve dollars attorney fee as provided for in saïd mortgage. EMMA SMALLE V. Mortgagee. P. MoKEENAN, Attornev for Slortgagee. Real Estáte For Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Jof Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the Estáte of Mary Belle )avisand Randolph Davis, (Minors.) Notioe i hereby given that in pursuance of an order ranted to the undersigned Ouardian of the istate of said Minors by the Hon. Judge of 'róbate for the County of Washtenaw, on the Venty-flrst day of Jnly, A. D. 1891, there wlll ie sold at Public Vendue, to the highest lidder. at the Kast door of the Court House In he City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washenaw, in said State, on Mouday the Seventh lay of September A. D 1891, at ten o'elock in orenoon of that day (subject to all encumirances by mortgage or otherwise existing at ho time of the Sale) the following described leal Estáte, to-wit: The individual one-seventh interest of the forth-East quarter of the North-East quarter if eection Bleven, and the North West quarter pf the North-Wcst quarter of soction twelve, dl in the township of Lodi, Washtenaw County, lichigran. EMMA A. SMALLEY (formerly Davis) Guardian. Estáte ot George Stockford. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Washtenaw, se. At a session of the Probate ourt for the Couutyof Washtenaw, holdeu at the róbate Office in the city of Ann Arbcr, on onday, the twentieth day ot July, in the ear one thousand eight hundred and uiuety-oue. Present, J. Willard Balibttt, Judge of Probate In the matter ot'the estute of George Stockford, eceased. Wesley J. Parker, eiecutor of the last will aud e8tamenl of said deceased, comes into court and epreaenta that he is now prepared to reuder bis nal account as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday the 8th day of August nezt, at ten o'elock in tin assigned for examiniDg and allowini; uch account, and that the devisees, leñatees, nd heiri ut law of said deceased nd all otber persons interested in said es.ate are required to appear at a sesslou of eaid ourt, theu to be holden at the Probate Office in he city of Ann Arbor, in said county, aud show ause, if any there be, why the said account hou ld not be allowed: And il is further 01.ered that said executor give noticeto the persons nteresledin said estáte of the pendencyof said ncoccountandthe hearing thereof by causiugacopy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argvs a newspaper printel and circulating in aid county tliree succesaive weeke previous to said duy of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Atrae copy.l Judge of Probate Wm. G.Doty, Probate Renister. Estáte of William H. Hebbard. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O' Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate 3ourt for the County of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the citv of Ann Arbor, on Friday the third day ot July, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt.Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi William H. Helioard, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duty verified, of Lyiunn K. Hebbard, praying that a certain instrument now on file in thiscourt, purporling to be the last wlll and testament ot said deceased, may be a'lmitted to probate.and (bat adnunistration of said estáte may be gr.inted tohimself and Kmiy C. Hebbard as eiecutors, or to some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 31st day of August, uext, at ten o'olock in the forenoon. De assigned for the hearing of said petition aud that the devíseos, legatees, aml heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in Baid estáte are required to appear at a tession of said court, then to be holdeu at the Probata Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cau.-e, if any there bE, why the nrayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Aad it ís further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the iiendency of said petition and the hearing thereof Dy causing a copy of this order to he published in theANNARBOE Ar5ü8, a newspaper printed and cironlated in aid county three successive weeks, previous to said day of hearing. J". WILLARD BABHITT, (Atrueoopy.) Judge of Probate WiLLiiM G.Doty, Prsbate Keïiter. Estáte of Anna Sangree. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of At a session of the Probate Courtfor the oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday the Seventeenth day of July in the year jne thöusand eieht hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter ot the estáte of Anna Sangree, deceased. On re:idinL and filing the petition, duly verified, of Christian C. Sungree, praying that a certain in■strument now on file in thls court purportin? to be the last will and testament ofsald deceased, may be adruitteü to probate and that administratioa of said estáte may bc granted to Alfred Dayenport, as executor, or to some other suitable perron. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 17th day of August next, at 10 o'clock in the forenooQ oe assigned for the hearing of aaid petition acd Oiat the devisecs, legatees, and heiraa'.-law ol said dcceased, and all other persone interestei iu said eatate, are required toappearata eeasion of said court, then to be holden at tbe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any, why the prayer at the petitioner should not be granted. And it is farther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intereated in said eatate of the pendeny of said petition and tha hearing threof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Abbor Akgob, anewspaper priuted and circuíate 1 In aaid county three sucoeasive weeks prerious to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, A truecopy) Judgeot Probate. Wiuük Q.Doty, Probate Reziater.
Mortgage Sale
Probate Notice
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John Lynn
Abner P. Wilcox
Warrin E. Wilcox
Sarah Zimmerman
Emma Smalley
Mary Belle Davis
Randolph Davis
George Stockford
Wesley J. Parker
William H. Hebbard
Lyman E. Hebbard
Anna Sangree
Christian C. Sangree