
Mr. John Culver has gono to Battle Creek to visit a brother. A littje more rain would be acceptable, nlthough crop3 are looklag very well. ñss Etta Fuller is visiting her sister, Mra. Aaron Sanford for a few iveeks . Mrs. Koot, of Jackson, is here, visit ing her -sisters, Mrs. E. B. Ford and Mrs. Scott. Mr. James Jiiller is again to worl at perpetual motion and is sure thi time of success. JPtss Cora Buntlng, of Willis, wa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dick erson last week. Died, July 30th.- Leila, daughter o Charles and Celia Lañe, aged fou years and five months. Mts. Oakley and Miss Maud, of Yps lanti, are visiting old acquaintance in this locality at present. Rev. James Fisher and wife, o Owosso, are visiting" old friends her and enjoying the country air. Joseph Shutes, of Kalamazoo Co was on our streets last Saturdaj shaking hands with old friends.