The Best In Years
The prospecta for the annual exhibition of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural society are exceedingly bright. Those having it n charge are leaving nothing undone to ensure its success. Secretary Bach, while in Jackson with the Maccabee prize winners, engaged Prof. Bartholemew, the leading aeronaut in this country, to make daily ascensions durng the fair. The professor will be accompanied by a younglady in his aerial lights, so that the on-lookers can witïess doublé drops. It has been a numer of years since balloon ascensions lave been among the attractions at the 'air. The live-stock entries promise to be unusually largeand in this connection it would be well to remember liat the entries will close one week beore the fair opens. From present indications the races will be well wortli eeing. Several fast horses are wlth a record of 2:20i being entered for the free-for-all. Mr. Bach ïas been deluged with applications for privileges of all descnptions, but can, of course, grant only a limited number. Sharpers want room to set up their 'wheels of fortune" and other devices o catch the unsophisticated, but their wishes will hardly be complied with. The fair will open September 29 and lose October 2.