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Ceo. Higgins, of Chicago, has relurned tor a few days to his old home. Miss Mabel Merriman, of New Hampshire, is visiting Dexter friends. Geo. Cooley, of Amherst, .Mass., is visiting his sister, Mrs. B. B. Williams. 123 tickets were sold from this station to the encampment at Detroit. Considerably fewer than was expected. We learn of the loss by lightning, on Snnday evening, of the barn oi Simon Winslow, southwest part oi Lima township. Insured in Washtenaw Mutual. Homer Smith, son of James L. Smith, was buried from his father's residence on Sunday afternoon, aged a little over 17 years. Homer was a genial boy, beloved by all. His death carne after only a few hours' sickness. The farmers' picnic association are making great preparations for the coming annual picnic to be held at Whitmore Lake, Saturday, August 29. The pĆ³lice have been instructed to see tnat no liquoris sold near the grounds and the people of the Lake have promised to co-operate in the work of preventing all immoral games or anything that shall mar the festivities. The collector of internal revenue will be present to attend to any breach of the law.