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The P. of I. held an open meeting last night. Mrs. J. C. Wood is visiting her sister at Gilead this week. Will Webster, a soldier boy from Lima, visited Henry Stedman, Monday. Nelson Freer blew E flat cornet at the encampment with the Chelsea cornet band last week. Lenville Morse, of Ionia, visited tiis brother, Thomas Morse, Sunday. He was a veteran of '61. Simon Winslow's large barn was struck by lightning 7 p. m. Sunday and burned with about 50 tons of ïay, a binder and other farm tools. Three stacks of wheat standing in the barnyard were saved by the Lima fire brigade, who turned out 'orty strong and worked with injenuity known only to grangers. The barn was insured in the Washtenaw Mutual. There was a Daughters of Veterans post from Michigan that marched in the parade and carried wooden guns that looked real. They took a ride over to Windsor, when the lion lashed his tail and said those guns must in the custom ïouse be stored. This made the old veterans talk war, when some one suggested the lion examine those juns and see if they were not wood. The suggestion was acted upon, the ion shed his hide and left a jackass standing in his place. The nouns applied by the vets. we have not room to write.