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Albert Pratt has his new house well under way. Will Green and ysrife, of Azalia, were at Willis last Sunday, The Free Methodist camp-meeting in Sumpter last week was largely attended. Mrs. Morris Hammond had a stroke of paralysis a few days ago, but is slightly better. Augustus Niles, of Wales, St. Clair Co., visited his brother, Solomon, here last week. W. H. Ostrander has shut down his mili for a few days and is building a wall for his new barn. The ladies' aid society had a supper last evening and also elected officers for the ensuing year. Buell Hawker has concluded to quit farming and has gone to Cleveland to get a job on the roilroad. Nearly all of the old veterans from here and many others went to Detroit last week to attend the reunion. Crops are looking as well as the dry weather will permit, but unless rain comes soon beans, corn and late potatoes will be cut short.