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Fair And Exposition

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DETROIT INTERN ATÍOÑAf V L Oen$ AÜGÜ$T 25CR. (LO$ë$SGPTGmBGRlca Wonderful Display of Electrical Inventions and Manufactures. Admirable Show of Curious Machines at_ Work and Interestrng Manufacturing Operations. g. Greatest Show of Blooded Horses and Cattle, Sheep, Swine and .-. Poultry. . Grand Horse Eaces - Trotting, Pacing and Running, $12,500 in Prizes. I Floral Hall full of Beautiful Flowers and Luscious Fruits. Great Doublé Balloon Ascensions and Startling Leaps f rom the Clouds every Afternoon. Immense Pyrotechnic War Drama, ','The Siege of Sebastopol," with a vast Theatre and 350 Actors, every Evening. Magnificent Fire-Works - $2,000 worth of Fire -Works burned Niglitly. Grand Free Band Concerts Every Afternoon. Parades, Processions, Spectacles, Games, Sports, Races on Land and Water, Marvelous Rifle and Pistol Shooting, and All Sorts of Wonders and Pleasures Hourly. Half Fare on all Railroads and Steamboats . Beautifully Located on the Bank of the Detroit River. Steamboats, Street Cars and Railway Trains run directly to the Grounds. Largest and Finest Fair Buildings, and Handsomest Grounda in the World.