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GEOEGE WAHE, THE LAKGEST Book and f all Paper DEALER IN THE CITY, Offers for the SKASON OF 1S91, the Best Selected Stock of WALL PAPIR MD WINDOW SHADËS Ever shown in the city. Look at the following Prices bef'ore buying: Best White Blanks, 5, 6, 7c Best Flats, 10, 12, 15c Best Gilt Paper, 6, 8, 10c High Class Grade Gilts 12, 15, 18c Fine Decorations, 20, 25, 30c Our Papers are all guaranteod full length and best stock. In short, we are the cheapeet Wall Paper House in the city. Kemember we have the best Wall Paper Hangers and Decorators in our employ. We would invite Special Attention to our iull line of fine Stationery. GEORGE WAHR, Leading Bookseller and Stationer, Opposite Court House, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. F. LODHOLS IS OFFERING BABGAIfiTS IN Grüsries and Frovisioas. rnai-cuss eoods a secuiïï, Sev Teas at 25, 30, 40. and 50c per pound. iettles, porcelain lined, free with 1 pound Baking Powder at 50 cents. China ware ree with 1 pound coffee at 25 cents per Ib. The best goods at the lowest prices. Always uil weight and measure. All goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of he city. You will save money by trading wilh W. F. LODHOLS, 4 and 6 Broadway. MAñflAA Vi:.ll ! T undprtake to briefly U. -III I Itnchnny íáirlylntplliffctporsonorcithr T % 1 [ I i ex, who can read nnd write, and who, Ml I I II ai.T Instructlon, will work industriou&ly, W w W W Whow to cara Thrco Thnusiind Dolían & 'carin thi-irown lopBlitiei.wherfiVPr they livo.I willalíOfurnísh ke situation oremploymcnt,at which you cn eam thatamount. io mony for mo unlts auccessful as above. Euiiliy and quïckly carned. I desire but on worker from ench diitrict orcounty. I mve aiready taught and prorided with employtncnt a larpe umber, who are maktal over 800O a year-ench. Jt's NEW nd SOLID, Fuli narticulari KltEE. Addreon at onro, E. C, A.LIL0r. ltox 'ISO, Augusta. Malne,