THE SONG OF THE "No. 9." My dress is of fine polished oak. As rich as the finest fur cloak, And for handsome design You just Bbould see mine - No„9, No. 9. I'm beloved by the poor and the rich, For both I impartially stitch ; In the cabin I shine, In the mansion I'm fine - No. 9, No. 9. I never get surly nor tired, Wlth zeal I ahvays am fired; To hard work I incline, For rest I ue'er pine- No. 9, No, 9. I am easily purcnased by all, With instalments that monthiy do f all; And when I am thine, Then life istenign- No. 9, No. 9. To the Paris Exposition I went, IJ pon getling the Grand Prize intent; I lef t all behind, The Grand Prize was mine- No. 9, No. 9. At the Universal Exposition of 18S9, r.t Paris, 'rauco, the best sewing machines of tbe world, ncluding those ot America, were in competitiou. 'hey were passed upun by a jury coraposed of ïebestforeisn mechanical experts, twoof whom ere the leading sewlng machine manufacturera E Franco. This jury, aftercxhaustiveexamlnaon and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler & 'ilson machines were the best of all, and awardd that company the highest i-irize offered - the RAND PKIZE- giving other eompauies only gold, silver and bronze medals. The French government, as a further recognition of Buperiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, president of the company, with the Cross of the Legión of Honor- the most prized honor of France. The No. 9, for family use, and the No. 12, for manufacturing uses, are the best in the wprld to-day. And now, when you want a sewing machine, if you do not get the' best it will be your own fault. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson machine. If he doesn't keep them, write to us for deseriptive catalogue and terms. Agents wnnted in all unoccupied terriiory. WHEELEit & WILSON MFG. CO. Chicago, 111. FOR SAXE BY Michael Staebler, Ann Arbor, Micli. 'r-LrfffoSfei1! fc5a.' siiid Bu off t3 Ea Éa3$Êè&'i!wii" '' "s" 'Tí ?T" Wi&jwKíáíPiid luabii' tine of House nol d 'nH[itÉËËrSainfflem. Thtiu wui.. i' mi-ii imM1tS-'the w,tcbi „, ft-ee. AU the work Ton ná 1 do il to Ihow ht vf Knd you to tholf wlio ctll-your frieiidsdneiihborsandthon bout you- thtlwa.Tire.uli m vluall trade forus, whicli holds forjean whfn once Ktsrud, and thiis we are rt:paid. We pay all exprfs. freipht, etc. Afler vi.u know all. if you would like to go to work for u. you ia Varn Irom SSO to SO per weck and uiiard._.Ad]re.s, Btinsun t Co.. BoiSlt, Portland. Mam.. WILL The Finest Line of Druggist's G-oods ! In the City, at the PMCES Can be Seen at Goodyear DRUGSTORE, No. 5 South Main Stoet, Ann Arbor NEW JUST OPENED ''JW At the Old Stand PfUTTTWR Cor Grand Kivcr and Jt XjXlI.llvD Cass Avenues, TTnTïïlTTtT Direct Street Car ConHM I JK J. Dections trom all Depots. detroit.. Rates, $1.25 to$2 per day ESERBACH & SON. AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALBKS IN Medicine, Chemicals, Dye Stufls. A reist 's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PURK WINBS ft LIQIjDKS Special anention paid to tne furniihine of Phyuicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophin! and Chemical Aparatas, Bohemian Chemical GlaMware, Pórcelain Ware. Pure Reaeents. etc. Physicians' Prescriptions Carelullv Ptepared at All h'ours. TEAT FIRM Having bought the wood yard and feed business oí GeorgeH. Hazelwood, we propose to keep WOOD OF ALL KINDS Klndling Wood. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the best quallty, Charcoal, etc. Goods delivered to any part of the city. CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS The llrm wiil continue the truck business of J. H. Jones as before. Orders by telephone promptlv attended to. Clark & Joi)es5 33 East Huron St. Telephone. One door west of Firemen's Hall. H. C. Clark. C H. Jones.