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Drs. Fruth

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Ho Money Eequired of Reponslble Parties to Oommence ormerlT of New York. now the celenrated Exainining Pbysieians and Surgeons of the Fruth Mcciual and Surtricul Imtttute, Chjoago, Jll., by request of raany Friends and Pattents, have docidcd to visit A jas ah non THUHSDAY, AUG. 27th, 1391. Consultation and Examination free and strictlyconüdential in the private parlors of the: cooz: house, ONE DAYONTA'. D. 0. FRUTH. . A.C. FRUTH. Celebrated Surgeon. Examlnlng Physiclan, of tuk ( Fr-u+h. Medical and Surgical Instituto. 'ermanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic tand Sexual ■- IHseases, Caturrh, Asthma; Stomach, Kidney,' Bladder Nervous and Special Deseases of Men and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Fpmale Dlseases posltlvely curedby a Kidney and Bladder Dlsea9es lever failing muthod. A bouie treatment enHrlffht's Disrusc. Diabete and kindml mala iroly lmrinlfss nl easily appliéd. Consultadies ircated .mcl cures effocted in thousandsof ion'free and strlctly confldential. cases that bad been pronouneed bevond hope. Dr Fruth afteryearsof experlenoe haa Private Dlseases-lllood Poison, Svpylerfeóted the most infallilile metbod of curing Mlis. Uonorrhoea, Qleèt, Btrioture, Hydrocele, Vital drain in Urine. Nocturnal losses, lmVerieoeele, Loss of Sexual Power and all dispaired Memory, Wcak Back, Melancholy, seasesofihe senlto-urlnary owans, speedlly Vant of EtktiI'v, Premature decline of the and permenen ly cured. No risks lncurred. Manlvl'owers, if consulled liefore ïdlocy, inConsuliation In-e and hic-tly confldential. lanity fnllinif nts or total linpotency results. Medicino scni free from ubgervatlon to all ,'hesr terrible disorders arise from rumous partaoftn United States. practicesof youth. blltblng! the most radian t Catarrli Curd. Catarrhal nffectionsot lopest unfltting patiënt for study, eoeiety, or the nose, throat, liiinre and stomaeh, bronmarriage. Annually swetplng to un unlii!, asthma, consumptlon and dyspi-psla, Imely pi-ave thoueands of ytrung men of Buccessluily rreated by most reoent and brillant intelect and cxalted talent. scicntitlf tnethods whicli 11 vasl hospital ex_.. „ j -,,iti,r,i,f in fcnffo nr perienen htm provfd woitliv of oonfldenoe. Pies Cured without pain, kmle or Ve ,n, l„-ii,r pr.„. ,.f m,, .■. than tl„cautciy. testimonia r on flje ut the mstitute, ofthouMarriafre. Marrled persons or yountr men sands of heluless oasee ilmi we have restored lontemplating marrlage, aware of pn.vsical to bealth and bapplness. weakness, loss of prooreaöve powers, lmFree Examination of the Urine. potency, pt any other disqualalincatioii, Eac.h ,,ers,,n applylng for medical treatment speedlly restored. shonld send or l rfng an ounoe of their urine, Epilepsy positively cui td lv our new and wliich will reoeive a oareful chemical and liever faiiihg Hospital treannent. miorosooplcál aauuntnation. HfflVinPCnif füiP? Perlooteö in old casre whlch have been negleotedorunaktllfully treated. ÏÏUiiüilfti Uu uUAmH NoeiperlmentB orfallures, Parties treated bj mail and cxpn-ss, bnt where possible, personal coniultation is preferred. Curable oases guaranteed. S"Cacs imd loricspondenee confldential. Treatment scni ('. O. !) tn any part of the U. S. List of 11 .piestions free. Address with pottage. I)K. D. O. FRUl'H, 89 East Matllson öireot. Chicago, III, -Slttl-I- JiA-