MlGHICAN PENTRAL " The Xiagara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (KEVISEDI JUNE, 28, 1891. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EASTWAKD. N'th , tatiünb Mail Day ShreK YlNl't AU. Kal ISxp L:ui Exp K.x KxpiAcc. 1 U A. M. PM P.M. P. M.P.M. All liicatfO.L. T 05' 9 01' 12 2 SU' 9 25 10 10 156 dCksi.D 'S 64 4 25 ■ ó" 8 47 4 411 6 15. S 50 üehwa I! '.) 5 30 7 K o 42 „ster 414] 545 7 25 954 elhi Mills... 430, 7 33 HH ARBOB.. 4 4J .ii 6 22 9 4i 6 0 745 10 19 psilauti.... S'3 6 ;0 ... . 9 56 823 8 0Sjl0 3i WayneJunc 5 a7 647 83511050 ?. - . % M. P.M. P M. A.M. A-M.l Detroit, ár . 6 15 6 415 7 20 10 45 7 3019 20 1125 A.M. A.M A. M. P. M. Ip.M. P.M. Buffalo SIC 4 Op! lii 3 l&j 60) ' WESTWARD. fChü ,N'th tations. Detr Clli. I Lim Evc. Shre Pac. Mail Exp BpjExp txp. Lim Ex Ace. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. AM. liuilalo 18 0C 6 30 9 45 ! 3 40 12 50 6 CO A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Petrolt, Lv.. S 2 7 15 120 7 -15 9 25 9 15 4 45 WayneJunc 9 00 8 25 .. . 9 54 5 19 Ypailanti a 22 S lu 2 OS 8 47 .... 10 IS 5 40 ANNAEBOS.. 9 35 8 39 2 19 9 18 10 1 10 30 6 5Delhi Mills.. 94.-)..... 915 Dexter 955 9 23 6 07 Chelnea 1010 99 6 18 Jackson 11 00 9 25 3 i4 10 25 11 15 U 45 6 56 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. Chicago. At. 7 5 3 55 9 un 6 50 4 50 8 05 1115 tDaily. Sunday excepted. ü. W. RÜGGLES, H. W. HA VES, G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor J Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. ( i 'ImeTable going int effect, Monday, Juue 15. ( GOING NORTH. Through Mail 7 40 a. m. Clare Aecommodation 1130 a. m. Mt. Pleasant Express 5 05 p. m. OOING SOUTH. Clare Accommodation llliOa. m. 'hrough Mail 9 20 p. m. Through Accommodation T 18 n. m. AH Trains Daily except Bunday. V.H.BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, : Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. Ánn Arbor and "Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking effect June 18, 1891. Lea ve Ann Arbor f rom Cmirt House at 6.20, r.5O, 9 20. IO.üO a. in., and 13.50, 2.20, 3 50, 5.20, 6.50, 8 20,9.50, 11.20 p.m. Leave Ypilantt at 6.00, 7.30, 9.00, 10.80, a. m., and 12.30, 2.00, 3.30,5.00, 6.30, 8.00, 9.30, 11.00 p. m. SUNDAY TIME TABLE. Leave Ann Arbor f rom Crrurt Hotise at 8.30 a. m., and 2.20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.20, 9.50, p. m. Leave Ypsilanti at 8.10, a. m., and 2.00, 3.30, 5 00, 6.30. 8.00, 9.30, p. m. Take Notice.- Sunday train at 8.10 a. m., eaves Ypsüanti, corner Cross and Adams Streets. Ccrn run on City Time. Coupon tickets, 10 cents. For sale by conductors. C. NICHOLS. DENTIST Late of Niehols Bros. Over Adams's Bazaar No. 33 South Main street. HEÉIt RICHARDS. Dealer in all kinds of hard wflOD, mm, tm posts. Maple Flooring, etc, also Fine and ALL, KINDS OF FIKE WOOD. PRICES as LOW as any dealer in the City. Agreut for Ommpion Bindsrs ú Mowers. No. 9 Detroit Street. ANN ARBOK. - - MICHIGAN DR. SILL'S ANTIQ-1L1OUS DNOMPOUND; ■ A Snr Cure for Torpld Liver anl Eidneys, Bilonsness, Eyspapsia. Th Bert Blood Purlfler, PRICE, 11.OO. KBUU1T DETEOIT MBDICINB CO., Aso FOR SALE BY C. EBERBACH Sc SON Ask my agpnis for W. L. Douglas Sboea. Ti uot for sale iu yoiir place ask your :lealer to send for catalogue, secure the agcucy, and set tlnni for you. J3TTAKE NO SL'BSTITUTE. _3 WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE cenÏPÉVn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It is a seamless shoe, wlth no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and becanse we make more shoes of this grade than, any other manufacturer, It equals haudeewed shoes costing f rom $4.00 to $5.00. (te 00 Gennine Hand-sewed, the flnest calf Pvi shoe ever offered for S5.00; equals French Importod shoes whlch cost from $s.(K) to S12-00. fc A 00 Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, ilno calf, P"" stylfsh, comfortabïe and durable. The best shoe ever offered at thls price ; same grade aa custom-made shues costlng from $0.00 to $9.00. EE O 50 Folice Shocj Farmers, Rallroad Men Pvi and Letter Carriers all wearthem; fine calf, seamless, smooth inslde, heavy three soles, extensión edge. One pair wlll wear ayear. C O 50 fine calf; no better shoe ever offered at iDfeíi thls price ; one trial wlll convince tlioso vrho want a shoe for comfort and service. CO -; :ill1 ■'-'" WurliiiimiiHiiN shoes JV mm m are very strong and durable. Those who have glven them a trial wlll wear no other make. Dauc' $00 and Si. 75 school ahoes are DUT 9 worn by the boys e very where; theysell on theTr merlts, as the increasing sales show. ■ oHjae $3.00 Iland-newed shoe, best kdUlCO Dongola, very styliah; equalsFrench imported shous costlngfrom S-i.OiJ to 86.0ü. Nadies' i.-0, W.00 and $1.75 shoe for Wlsses are the best flue Dongola. Stylish and durable. ('aution.- See that W. L. Douglas' namo and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOÜGLAS, Brockton, Mass. WM. REINHARDT & CO AGEISTT.
Michigan Central Railroad
Toledo Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad
Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Street Railway
Lumber - Retail
Eberbach & Sons
Boots & Shoes
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
O. W. Ruggles
H. W. Hayes
W. H. Bennett
R. S. Greenwood
A. C. Nichols
Henry Richards
W. L. Douglas