A Woman Who Loves Fruit
"New York has a big standing army, fruit standing army, I mean," said a woinan the othér day, "and I know of no other city where such fine frnit can be procured at one corner, anyway, of almost every block of buildings in the town, and at all seasons of the year. These open air fruit stands do an immense trade in the aggregate, I am sure, and paying low rents as theirowners do, they are able to sell fruit more cheaply than people who keep regular fruit stores and pay proportionate rents. "Such a merchant, when he thinks of hisJandlord's bill, must of ten envythe poor man who sells just aa good fruit across the way under the cover of an awning or an nmbrella, and is able to set a cheaper price on bis commodities, because bis expenses are so sinall. "I have often thought, however, that merchants who keep fruit stores rnight add largely to their revenues if they would provide tables and seats where their custoiners could sit and devour the fresh fruit when they buy it. Many people are attracted by the sight of pie grapes, rosy cheeked peaohes or mellow pears as tbey pass by the Windows where the fruits are displayed, who long to sink their teeth in the luscions things, and yet do not libe to do so in the street and cannot be bothered carrying the frnit home. Moreover, they do not feel lite buying enongh to make it worth while sending it home, so they pass on and forget it. "Now, if they knew that inside the store there were a table and a chair or two that they were welcome to use, with perhaps a trifling extra charge for table, napkin and finger bowl, I am sure women especially, who are out shoppmg and who like sweet things and fruits, would often and of ten drop into snch stores and buy a peach or two, or bananas or oranges, etc., and eat them on the spot. "If one goss into a restaurant and orders fruit, one pays a bigprice for it, too big; but if I, for one, could buy lnscious ripe fruit at all seasons of the year in this way at the ordinary rates, I would be only too glad to eat it on the spot, standing up at a plain, unvarnished
Fruits & Vegetables
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Ann Arbor Argus