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The P. of I.'s held a meeting last evening to arrange for the picnic. Thomas Curtis had a cow killed by lightning, Tuesday, August n. Mrs. Mary Jewett, of Denver, spent lost week with her uncle, Thomas Jewett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pyle, of Wilmington, Delaware, are visiting Frank McMillan. Dr. Liza Mitchell, of Kansas City, is visiting her brother, George Mitchell and old neighbors. George Barr, of Saline, took dinner at Simon Winslow's last Sunday. He rode a bicycle over. Some fancy the charms of the lilywhite maid, Of etherial form and languishing eye, Who faints in the sunshine and drops in the shade, And is always "just ready to die." But give me the girl of the sunshiny face, The blood in whose veins courses healthy and free, "With the vigor of youth in her movements of grace, Oh, that is the maideu for me! She is the girl to "tie to" for life. The sickly, complaining woman may be an object of love and pity. but she ceases to be a "thing of beai ." worn down by female jid disorders, subject to .oteria and a martyr to bearing-down pains. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a sure cure for tliese distressing complaints, and v.ill transform the feeble, drooping sufferer into a healthy, happy, blooming woman. Guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it refunded.