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Drs. Fruth

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lío Mcney Required of Reponslble Parties to Oommence Formeriv of New York, now the celebrated Examinlng Physieians aud Surtreons of tho Fruth Mecical and Surgleal Instituto, Chicago, 111., by roquest ot' mnny Kriends and Patiënte, have decirted to visit AlfX ABliOR THURSDAY, AUG. 27th, 1391. Coiisultation and Eiiimination free aod strictlyconfldentialin the private parlors of TX3TE COOZ: HOUSE, ONE DAYONLV Fru+h. Medical and Surgió al Instituto. Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic canil Sexual iDiseases, Catarrh, Asthma; Stomaeh, Kidney, Bladder Nervous and Special Deseases of Men and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseapes positivelv eured by a Kidney and Bladder Dlseases never l'ailinr method. Ahorne treatment Brig-ht's liiscii--. Diabetes and kindred mala tirely harmlpss and eaeily applied. dies treated and cures effeoced in tnouaands 01 tion free and strictly confidencial, casos that lml ticen pronounced bevond hope. Dr Fruth after vears of experience has Prívate Dlseases-Iilood Poison, Svpyperfeéted the most iníallible method oí euring " Uonorrhira. (leet, Strleture, Ilydrocole, Vital drain in l'rlno. Nocturnal losses, Vericoeele, Loss of Sexual Power and all dlspaired Memorv, Wenk liack. Melancholy, seases of iho (r.-riito-m-iiiar.v oivans, spoedily Want Of Eiieriív, Premature (iecline of the and pernienem ly oured. No ri.-ks incurred. ManlvPowers if consulK'il beiore idlocy, Consultatiim Ín-" and Btrlotly conlldential . sanitv falli'uK-'fitR or total impoteney results. Medicine seni Bree Ircm observation to all Thege terrible disorders misefrorn ruinouR partsot tne LiiiiteM otates. pvaotioesof youth, blithinít the most radiaot Catarrh Cur'd. Catarrlial nffections ol hopee, unütting patiënt for study, society, or the nose, thruat, hmirs and Btomaoh, broniiinrriairc. Annually sweeping to an c-hitis, asTlmin. conBUinptton and dyspepíla, tlmely (rrave thousands ot' younj? men ol' Bueoessfully treated bj thu most rcutntand brülant lntelect and ezalted talent. olentirlc muthods wfaicb a vaal hospital ex_.. „ , ,..:,),,,,,, „„n tnifn porli nc luis t""Ovcl worlliy of ciHillilenoe. Piles Cured without pain, kmle or Ve íícmh ..,. bcticv proof or suecos than the i-iiuter}. testimonia on file at the inotltute, ofthouMarriape. Marrled persons or young men sands of helpless oases ilmt we have reatored eOntemplatiDg marrlage, aware of physloal to nealth and happluoes, wenkness, loss of prooreatíve iw.-rs Froe Examlnntion of the Urine, poteney, any otner disqiwlaliílcation, Each person applylng ror medloal treatment Bpeedlly restored. shoulJ sond orí ring an ounce of their urine, Epllepsv iKisitively cuied bv our new and i which will reoelve a careful chemical and never faiílLg Hospital treatment. ' mlorosooplcal examination. WflWnPCPÜT rtiCP? Perfccted in oíd casf o which have bren Degleoted orunsklllfully treated. Wwííütiftí ■ UM No expuinu'nts or failures, Partlec inau-il by malí and expresa, bu t possible, personal eonsultation Ís picferied. Curable caee&g-uaranteed. ËCases and eorrespondenee confldential. Treatment sent C. 0. D. tn any pnrt of the U. S. List of 130 questions free. Address with postase. DK. D. O. KKUl'll, 89 Eiist Madison htreet. Chicflgo, III, D. 0. FRUTH. T. C. FRUTH. Celebrated Surgeon. Examinlngr Physiclan, 1V THR