Council Proceedings

[official.] Council Chamber, i Ann Arbor, August 17, 1891. f Kegular meeting. Called to order by Pres. Cooley. Roll cali. Present- Aid. Manu, Wines, Herz, Vlartin, Allmendiuger, Fillinore, O'ïearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Renberg, ïall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley - 13. Absent - None. Minutes, of previous meeting read and approved. PETIT1ONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Comnion Council: The Board of Public Works would respectfully recommend, that the following sidewalks be ordered built: On Traver street, on the northeasterly side, from Moore street to Mrs. Fisher's north line, said walk to be 4 feet in width. On Seventh street, west side, from Madison street to West Jefferson street and would f urther recommend that the appropriation of $75 be srranted f or ing part of Alley between Main and Ashley streets from Washington to Hurón streets, and would recommend that the grades on Catherine and Clark streets be established as given by Prof. J. B. Davis. We further recommend that the expense of this grading be done by the University, they to have surplus dirt for their use in grading their grounds. The above was agreed to in a meeting of Street Committee and Board of Public Works, Oct. 27th, 1890. The estímate cost of a first-class iron bridge over the Huron river. bridge No. 3. is all according to what kind of a bridge is wanted, but a first-class bridge, (a single span 112 feet) willcost from $2,000 to $2.öüO. Eespectfully submitted. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Referred to Sidewalk and Street Committees. A petition signed by seventy-three residents and property holders'of the City of Ann Arbor, asking for the extensión of South Fourth avenue, on the lines of Fourth avenue, as now located, in said city, from Madison street to Hill street. Reeeived and referred to Street and Ordinance Committees. KEPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. The Committee on sewerage made a report and included Prof. C. E. Greene's report on "Ann Arbor's Suggested Sewerage System" which report, on motion of Aid. Allmendinger, was laid upon the tableby yeas and nays as folio ws: Yeas- Aldermen Herz, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Eehberg.- 7 Nays- Aldermen Mann, Wines, Martin, Hall.Kitson and Pres. Cooley. the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: our connnittee to whom was referred the palnting of a wall map of the city, designed to liang in the council cbamber, respectfully submit that proper speeiiieailons- whicli accompany this repoa-t- were drawn up, aaid that they have received thre'e bids, one of wileb was not ie proper form and henee received no eonsideration. Altliougto ihe price named in "the bid acceptable to the oommittee is in excess of that originally deemed iiecessary, it lias become evident that anytliing less than x map painted in oil coloré and on artista canvas would be a questionable expense. The two bids given by Messers. B. B. Morgan and George B. Schwab have been carefully examined, and after a thorough investigaron of all the required conditions for a map suitable for tili-e use of tile council, we respectfully recommend tOiat if the map be ordered, tihe contract be given to Mr. B. B. Morgan for one hundred and Biity dollars. ($160.) We also recommended tiiat the item n the specification requiring the lot lines in ea.oli block, be omitted. Mr. Morgan also agrees to insert tiie necessary lincs to describe the sewer system, whenever the council may order it. Respectfully submitted. M. E. COOLEY. GEO. ALLMENDINGER L. D. W1XES. Committee. Ahí. 'Wines moved that the report )f the committee be aecepted and adopted. and Mr. Morgan make a map accordlng to sample and specUieatloms, vhieh motion prevailed by a .vea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maan , Wines, Allmeninger. Martin. Fillniore, Furgeson. O'Hearn, Hall. Klteoo, Renberg, Tayjr and Cooley.- 12. Nay - Herz.- 1. To the C'ommon Couneil: Tour sptcial committee to ivhüra vas erferred the fluty of negotiatig for tho extensión of Snmmit st., eerpectfully report tiiat they have had he matter under consideration. that ■hey have lntervlewed the owners oí he lande requlred for that parpóse, 'he Aun Arbor Gas Co. and Mrs. M.u-y . Poiey. The lands of the Gas Co. icludlng all of lot No 16 can be obained for $300, thus enabling the city ot only to -widen Detroit st. for a istance oí 163 f eet, and at a point wbere the same is greatly needfid on cconnt of the street raihv'ay tracks, s well a.s extending Summit street. The least sum Mrs. Foley would ike for that part of lot 15 needed, was $600. Your committee are of the opinión that such a sum is greatly in excees of the real worth of the land required. Inchlding all possible damage to come froin tiie opening of uch gtreet, the amount of land required Ix'ing less than 1,000 square feet, and your committee decllined to accept any such oifer, being of ilir apinion tliat sucli land is worth less than $100 and that her other lands wlll be bcnefited rather than injured by the extensión of Bummlt street as proposed. Your committee therefore must report that they were nol able to make or conclude any axreemeat witti such land owners, for the extensión of such street. and. without making any reco'inmendations whatevcr on tli'c premises, ask to be disciharged from furfcher consideration of the subject Dated August 3rd, 1891. Respectfully submitted A. H. FILIvMORE. E. G. MANN. WALTEi: J.. TAY1.0U. Committee. Aid. 0' Hearn moved that the report be accepted and the committee discharged from the further eonsidertion of the same, which motion prevailed. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The City Clerk reported that he had received two bidsontheFourth avenue cowpond. Karl Seeger, $125, and Geo. Allmendinger, $130. MOTIONS AND EESOLUTIONS. Aid. Kitson moved that the vote by which the report of Street Committeë made at the last meeting refusing appropriations asked for building stone culverts on Felch, Fifth and Hill streets, and other mattere was adapted be reconsiderad, which motion prevailed. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars be and is hereby appropriated from the street f und for coping on South University avenue. Which resolution prevailed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aid.: Wines, Ilerz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Heani, Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley.- 11 Nays- Aid. Mann and Taylor.- 2 By Aid. Fillmore. Eesolved: That the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars be and is hereby appropriated from the street fund for building stone culvert on Felch street across, mili race, 3rd ward. Aid Wines moved that said resolution be laid on the table. Which motion did not prevail by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Herz, Taylor and Kitson.- 4. Nays- Aid. Wines, Martin Allmendinger, Fillmore, O"Heam, Fergusoii, Kehberg, Hall and Pres. Cooley.- 9 Thereupon the resolutioii of Aid. Fillmore prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yes- Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Heani, Ferguson, Kehberg, Hall and Pres. Cooley. -10 Nays- Aid Mann, Taylor and Kitson.- 3 By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and fil'ty dollars be and is hereby appropriated from the street fiuid for builfling stone culvert on Fifth street, second ward, across Alle creek. Which niotion prevailed by ayeaan Hay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall, and Pres Cooley- 10. Nays- Aid. Mann, Taylor, and Kit son- 3. By Alderman Mann: Resolved, That the sum of thre hundred and fifty dollars be and Í hereby appropriated trom the stree fund for building stone culvert on Hil street, on creek between Packar street and Fifth avenue, First ward. Which resolution prevailed by a ye and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg anc Hall- 10. Nays- Aid. Taylor, Kitson and Pres Cooley- 3. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the Board of Publi Works be and are hereby instructed t receive bids for and construct a iron bridge in place of Bridge No. 3, a a cost not to exceed $2,500. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O' Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg Hall, Kitson. and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the City Attorney be and is hereby instructed to notify the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company, that that portion of the street railway ordinance relative to transfer of passengers for one fare is being violated, and to requestsaid company to remedy the evil at once. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz. Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Mann: Resolved, That the offer of Geo. Allmendinger of one hundred and thirty iollars ior the Fourth avenue pound be accepted, that a conveyance for the same be executed and delivered on payment of said sum. That they, the said Mayor and City Dlerk, are hereby appointed, consti:uted and authorized to sign, execute ind deliver such conveyance in the nime fo and no behalf of the city. Which resol ution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger. Fillmore, O"Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley - 13. Nays - None. By Alderman Ferguson: Whereas.This Council havingthrotigh its committee duly instructed tor that puipose, made a fair and reasonable effort to obtain tbe right of way tor the extensión of Summit street easterly from Beakes street to Detroit street; also a release of dainage likely to be occasfoned thereby, and this Council dotb declare that such riglit of way bas not been acquired by pinchase or otherwise, tor the reason that they were not able to agree with the persons interested in the land and tenements, required therefor, or affected thereby, therefore Resolved, That the City Clerk do certify this resolution to the City Attorney, vvho is hereby directed torthwith to institute proceedings in condemuation, and acquire such right of way and settle such and all such claims for damages. Aid. Manu moved to lay said resolution on the table, which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. and Cooley . - 7. Nays- Aid. Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg,and Hall. By Aid. Hall: Resolved, That the Street Commissioner order the Telepbone Co. to move tlieir severa! (5 or 6) poles from the eoutta side of North University avenue to tlie nenter of that avenue, that the whole of said narrow avenue may be given fbr driving pui'poees without danger, "Whicij reüoiuiiüQ prevailed. 1 By Aid. Hall: , Resolved Ihat a committee be appointed to confer with the University iiithorities in regard to the placing of ' one or more electric lights on the Uni' versity grounds. Which motion was referred to Lighting Committee. By Aid. Wines: By Aid. Wines : i Resolved, that the followiug sidewalks be and ; are hereby ordered graded and eonstructed within ten days from August 20th, on the west i side of Broadway street and iu front of lots aud premises owned and occupied by the 1 following named persons : . I Edwin Kent, store No.3, lot 1, block 7, Brown & Fuller Addition. William W. Saunders. land bounded north and east by ally. south by Broadway, west by Kellogg's land, lot 1, block 7, Brown & Fuller Additiou. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width and shall be eonstructed of good pine plank, free from sap. which shall not be less than two inches iu thickuess. more than twelve or less thnn five inches wide. aud laid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than tweuty penny. wlth at least two at each end of eacli plank and not less than two at any other bearing. They shall be raised rom the "curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet aud conform to the established grade In case the ! owner or occupaut in front oí which said walk [is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resohition and the ordiuauce of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in aceordanee with this resohition and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Council, in accordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldermen Manu, Wines. Herz, Martin, Allmeudinger, Fillmore. O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley.- 13. Nays - Xone. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and eonstructed within ten days from Aug. 26th, on the west side of 7th street. and iu front of lots and premises owned aud occupied by the following named persons : Herman Markham, lots 11 and 12, Thompson, Spoor & Thompson Addition. Jacob Stadel, lots 9 aud 10, Thompson, Spoor & Thompson Addition. JohnBi-ownmiller, lot 8, Thompson, Spoor & Thompson Addition. Hudson T. Morton, lot 7, Thompson, Spoor & Thompson Additiou. Mrn. D. Church. lot 6, Thompson, Spoor fc Thompson Addition. Mr. Weinberg, lot 5, Thompson, Spoor & Thompson Addition. Harvey Banister. lot 4, Thompson, Spoor & Thompson Additon. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width and shall be eonstructed of good pine plank, free from sap, which shall not be less than two inches in thiekness, more than twelve or less than live inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by lour inches iu size, to be placed in pairs HQt more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid leugthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less thau twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less thau two at any other bearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in twenty feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owuer or oecupantiu front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and ordinance of the city withiu the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this res,olution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Council. iu accordance with the ordinauces of the city. Carried. Yeas- Aldernieu Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore. O'Hearu. Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley.- 13. Navs - None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and eonstructed within teu days from Aug. 26th on the northasterly side of Traver street and in front of ots and premises owned and occupied by the ollowing named persons: Polly Irish, lot 7, block 6 Brown & Fuller Addition. Earl Ware, lot 9, block 6, Brown & Fuller Addition. W alter Bilbie, lot 10, block 6, Brown & Fuller Addition. John Beasley, land bounded n by Wright, by lot 53, Traver's Addition, s by Neathammer's land, west by Traver street, lots 15, 16, nd 19, block 6, Brown & Fuller Addition. ,7. G. Neithammer, land bounded north and outh by Beasley's land and west by Traver treet. Archibald Wright, landed bounded north by )avis' land, east by Wilkinson's land, south by Beasley's land and west by Traver street. John McNally, land bounded north by raiload. east by Traver street, south by Wright's and and west by Traver street, Traver Add. Almeda Armstrong, land bounded north by lanly's land, east and south by railroad and est by Traver street. Eli S. Mauly, land commencing on the east ne of Traver street, at the southwest corner (Continued on Eig-hth Page.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. „-. (CouclHded.) of Cooper's land, thence southerly along Traver street 16 rods 13'- feet, thence southeast 66 feet to lands of T. & A. A. railroad, theuce noriheast parallel to lnnds of said Traver street, 16 rods 13 feet to lands of said Cooper, thence northwesterly along said Cooper land r feet to the place of beginning, section 21, town 2, south range 6 east. Villiam Cooper, land bounded north by Perry's land, east by Hardinghaus, south by Manly, west by Traver street, Traver's Additiou. john C. AUmendinger, land bounded north by Ledyard's, east by Frey's, south by Cooper's and west by Traver street. Nelson Rogers, land bounded north by Mager's east by railroad. south by Perry's land and west by Traver street. Adam Mager, land bouuded north by Stone's land, east by railroad, south by Roger's land and west by Traver street. Mrs. Sarah C. Fisher, land bounded north by McColluras, east by Hardinghaus, west by Traver street and south bv Mager's. The said sidewalks shalí be four feet in width and shall be constructed of good pine plank, free from sap, which shall be not less than two inches in thickness, more than twelve or less than flve inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than tweuty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other bearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owuer or occupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk m accordance with the resolution and the ordinance of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be 'the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Council in accordance with the of the city, Yeas - Aldennen Mann, Wines, Herz. Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore. O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehburg, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley.- 13. Nays - None. Council then adiourned.
Ann Arbor Board of Public Works
Ann Arbor City Council
Ann Arbor Gas Company
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
J. B. Davis
William J. Miller
C. E. Greene
B. B. Morgan
George B. Schwab
Mary A. Foley
A. H. Fillmore
E. G. Mann
Walter L. Taylor
Karl Seeger
George Allmendinger
Edwin Kent
William W. Saunders
Herman Markham
Jacob Stadel
John Brownmiller
Hudson T. Morton
Harvey Banister
Polly Irish
Earl Ware
Walter Bilbie
John Beasley
J. G. Neithammer
Archibald Wright
John McNally
Almeda Armstrong
Eli S. Manly
William Cooper
John C. Allmendinger
Nelson Rogers
Adam Mager
Sarah C. Fisher