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Board Of Public Works

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[üFFICIAL.l Office of the Board of Public Works i Ann Ardor, August 12, 1891. f Regular meeting. Called to order by Pres. Keech Koll cali. Present- Messrs. Schub, Keech and Mclntyre. A petition signed by Eli S. Manlj and ten other residente aud property holders of the fifth ward, city of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the north-easterly side of Traver streef, from Moore street to Mïs. Fisher's north line. Mr. Keech moved that we recoinmend and ask the Common Council to order sidewalks built on the northeasterly side of Traver street from Moore street to Mrs. Fisher's north line, said sidewalk to be four feet wide. Yeas- Keech, Schuh, and Mclntyre A petition signed by Herman Markham and eight other residente and property holders of the second ward, city of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the west side of Seventh street, from Madison street to "West Jefferson street. Mr. Keech moved that we recommend and ask the Common Council to order sidewalk built on the west side of Seventh street, from Madison street o West Jefferson street. leas- Schuh, Keech, and Mclntyre. The street commisioner reported tlie ollowing sidewalks out of repair, and vould recommend that new sidewalks be ordered built on thenorth and south ides of Washington street, from Main treet to Fourth avenue, in front of he following property (south side): Joe T. Jacobs, Andrew Bell, Fred Retich. sr., Rinsey & Seabolt, Mrs. Eoehm, ü. M. Martin, David Rinsey, and estáte of F. G. Rentschler; (on the north side): Michael Steeb, and Mrs. Sweeney. The report was accepted and recornmended to the Common Council to order sidewalks built, which prevailed by yea and nay vote as follows. Yeas- Keech and Schuh. Nay- Mclntyre. The Street Commissioner was diected to advertise for proposals for he repairs necessary on bridge No. 2, according to speciflcations to be f urnished by Mr. Geo. B. Schwab. The Clerk was instructed to write or estimates of the cost of an iron ridge over the Huron river at bridge NTo. 3. The Boardthen adjourned. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Office of the Board of Public Works, i annArbor, August 1T, 1891. f Special meeting. Called to order by President Keech. Koll cali. Present- Messrs. Keech and Mein, tyre. Mr. Keech moved that the Washington street .sidewalks recommended at last regular meeting, be held back until f urther notice by this Board, which motion prevailed by yea and nay vote as follows. Yeas - Messrs. Keech and Mclntyre. Nays - Ifone. Mr. Keech moved that we recommend and ask the Common Council to appropriate $75 to pave part of alley between Ashley and Main streets from Washington to Huron streets, which motion prevailed by yea aad nay vote as follows. Yeas - Messrs. Keech and Mclntyre Nays- None. By Mr. Keech: Kesolved, That the Board of Public Works do recommend to the Commou Council that the grade on Catherine and Clark streets be established as given by Prof. J. B. Davis, we f urther recommend that the expense of this grading be done by the University, they to have surplus dirt for their use in grading their grounds. The above was agreed to in a meeting of Street Committee and Board of Public Works October 27, 1890, which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows. Yeas- Messrs. Keech and Mclntyre. Nays None. A communication from Mr. E. N. Greene, of Detroit, was read and ref erred to the City Attorney. The Board then adjourned. City Clerk.