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Michigan (Tentral "The Niágara Falïs Route." TIME TABLE (RKVISKD) Jt'NE, 28, 1891. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EASTWABD, JN til' , stations Mail Day ShreN Y Ni'l All. Kal K] I.mii Exp Ex.jExpAoc. 4 M A. M. P. M P.M. P.H P.M. A. Sí Chicago, Lt. 7O5! 9 (ld 12 2 3 10 9 25 1010 4 56 JackBun "?5V 4 25 1 ÏO 8 47 4 4U 6 15 S50 Chelsea 3'9) 5 30 7 lf o 42 Dexler 4 Ui .,, 5 46 7 25 0 55 Delhi Mills... 43O 7. 7 88 ANN ABBOE.. 4 42 i 6 2S 6 22 4S 0 O.1' 7 45 10 19 Ypsilantl.... 5('3l 64O ... . 956 6J3 801 1032 WayneJunc 5 27! 647 8S6 1Ü50 P. . . M. I'. M. P. M. A.M. A'M. Detroit, Ar _ 6 1? 645 7 20 10 45 7301 920 11S5 A. M. A.M. Ia. M. P, M. P.M. P.M. Suffnlo 810 400l 7 25 3 b 60i ' WESTWAKD. Ubl. N'th 8TAT1OKS. Dctr Chi. Lini Eve. Shre Pac. Matl t'iXj) Ktp Bxp t'xp. Lim Ex. Aoc. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M P.M. AM. liuflnlo 12 Oi 6 30 9 45 3 4" 12 60 6 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M P,M. P, M. Detroit, Lt... 8 20 JU 1 20 7 45 9 25 9 15 4 4S WayneJunc 9 00 8 25 .. . 9 54 5 19 ViMÜanti J 22 8 11' 2 O 8 47 '0 15 5 40 ANNABBOB.. 9 55 8 3b 2 10 9 IB lol;' 10 30 5 5'2 Delbi Milla.. 945..... 9 15 Dextr )55... 92) 6 07 Chelwi 10 10 fl.;9 6 18 Jackw.n... . 11 UU 925 3 i4 10 35 11 15 11 46 6 51 P.M. I'.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. Chicago. Ar. 7.1' i K, fl 110 6 50 4 50 8 05 1115 tDaily. Sunday excepted. U. W. RUGÓLES, H.W. HAVES, G. P. & T. A . Chicago. Ajr't Aon Arbor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table going lntci effect, Sunday, Aumst 1 . OOING NORTH. No. 2. Throi.irti Muil mul Fxpross. .. 740a. m. No. 4. Ann ArboiA Toledo Acoom.. Di 80 p. m. No. 6. Clare Pussenger 5 05 p. m. (DING BOUTH. No 1. riaie afid Toledo Aocom 11 Ma. m. NO. 8. Throug-h Muil fl20p.m. No. 5. Ann Ai'l'or&Toledo Accoin.. 720a.m. Central Btandard Time. All Tralns Daily except Sunday. W. H. BENNirri'. H. S. GItEENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Aareut. Local Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time titble tnldng effect June 18, 1891. UasreAnn Arhm-trnjD Crrurt Bouw ut 6.20, 7.B0, 0 ). 11.1..V) :i Bi., and 12., 2.2(1, 860, 5.20, 6.50, &, i.IJi-, ll.2UM.rn. Leavf TwIUmti at (i Ofl, TJK, 9M, 10.:, a. m., and l:!.:i, 2.111. :i.3ij. 5.0. , t 30, M, V.'.iU, 11.00 p. m. SDNDAV TIME TA11I.K. Leavo.ii';i Arbor trom Cauri Haute at 8.30 a. m„ and Ï.&), 50, 5 2 I, B.W, 8.20, 'J.M, p. m. Leave Yrrnflanti tit 8.1Ü, a. m., and 2.00, 3.30, :")(), 8.8U. 8.00,9.80, p. m. Take Sundny tinin at 8.10 a. m.. leaves Ypsilanti, corner Cross and Adams Streets. Cors mn on City Tiinr,. Coupon tickets, 10 cents. For Rale by 1 'lectors. A C.N1CHOLS. IKPXISX Late of Nichols Uros. Ovor Adams's Bazaar No. 13 South Main street. HÉÑ3 V" BICHAROS. Heuler in all kinds of HARD WOOD, IQ1QES. TENCB P03T5. Maple Flonrinfr, etc, also PinO and Slaingles. ALL KIiS OF FIRE WOOD. PRICES as Liw as nny dealer in the City. Ag-ent for Ghampin Ite ü Mowsrs. No. 9 Detroit Street, ANN AKIUH!, - MICHIGAN Dn. BIIiIl'S A NTU V- A Sara Cure tor Torpld Liver and Eidneys, Bilousness, DyEpopsia. The Best Blood Purlfler, PRICE, 81.OO. rOBKAIJIBT DETEOIT MBDICENU CO., Aa FOR SAIiE Bï C. EBEREACH & SON Ank niy neentH fnr W. L. Douslnn SI 1, ' not for salo in your plnce ank your .'iiIit to nend for cntaloeue, ccuro the r.xency, and g-et tbem for yuii. ITTAKE NO SUUSTITIJTE. -3 FOB tEN j " J%w IVHY IS THÉ W. L. DOUCLAS ! $3 SHOE GENOMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY.' It Is a seamlesa shoe, with no tacks or wax thrcitd to hurt the feet; made of the best fine ealf, atylish and easy, and bccause we make more shocs of this grade than any othcr vmnxtfacturer, ft euuals haudsewéd ibooa coeüng frotftfl.00 to 5.00. &C OO (ieniiiiu' )[:ii(l-srw(Ml, the flnest cali +&% shoe ever offerert for 85.00; equals French importt'd shots wlilcli eost froni $S.(K)to $l'2.0iK ffiA OO lland-SrwfMl Welt SIiop, flno calf, Jw styllsh, comfortable and durable. The best ahoe ever offered at this prfca ; saino rade as custoni-malo shocs OOSting fnm to.00 to $9.00. i Qï O -10 Poltoe Hhoej Farpiors, Kailroad Men i4''" and Letter Carriers all wearthem; ilnocaJf, st-;tmlis9, sinooth luside. heavy threo soles, extentíon cdge. One pair will wearayear. GïO 'O fiup calf; no botter shoe ever offered at XV mi this prlc1 ; ono trial will conviuco thoso who want a snoe fr ctmifort and service. CO ' '! $.00 Wdrkinifiiiiin'H shoes P ■ are vcry stroog nud durable. Those who have given tlu'in a trial wili wear do othor make. Pauc' ÜÏ-00 nnd 91.75 school shoes aro DUJ9 woni byttae boys e verywhoro; theysell on thtTr uiL-rlts, u tho Increaalng sales show. I Hioc Sii.00 Iltiiicl-ptvwed shoe, best bClilICo Dongola, verystylfsh; equaUFroncta lmporied shoes costina f rorn $4X10 to S6.00. Ladles' Ü.5O, S.OO mul f 1.7 5 shoe for Mlssesarethe bétt One Dongols. Styllsh and durable. Caution.- Set that W. L. Douglaa' name and prlce are stampei on the bottoin of t-ach shoe. W. L. 1ÜUGLAS, BrocJcton, ilass. WM. REINHARDT &:CO