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BÁGH.ABELAGO'. THE OUD RELIABLE mm HOTJSE. Special News for Ilousekeepers and Boarding Home People. For the Wext THIRTY DAYS We shall offer greater Inducements to Customers in want. (JNEQUALLED VALUES. 25 DOZEN AXL LINEN HÜCK TOWELS At $3.00 per dozen reduced to f2.25 per doz. for this sale. 25 DOZEN EUCK and DAMASK TOWELS At $2.25 per doz. reduced to 1.50 for this occasion. 5 PIECES 60 INCH WtDE BARNSLY CKEAM DAMASK At 50 ets. per yd. Cheap under ordinary circumstances at 65c. ONE CASE BEST: 9-4 BLEACHED SHEETING At 25 ets. per yard; Regular price, 30c. 1OO DOZEN BLEACHED LINEN DAMASK NAPKINS At $1.00, $1.25, $1.40, and $1.50 per dozen, greatly reduced in price for this sale. BLANKETS AND COMFORTABLES At much less than regular prices for this special sale, to stimulate business. This Sale will prove a Bonanza for flousekeepers. Take advantage of this opportunity. The Old KeliaTole Dry Goode Houee, BAGH. ABEL & GO. 26 S. MAIN STREET. iflREunAMin BAKERY, GROCERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We.keep consiantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of SBIUtMvS GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo-'a Beet White Wheat Floux, Rye Flour, Buokwheat Floui, Corn Meal, T="ed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock ol GROOERIES AND PEOVISIONS constanüy on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. -Cash paid for Butter, Kggs, and Country Produce generally. WGoods Delivered to any part of the city vrtth out extra charge. Riusey & Seabolt WantoH AGENTS.MenaDdWomen, TeachanieO r1 and cWymen, $9OO Salary and commission, to introduce the best sellSTaRVËLS OF THE NEW WEST A new Agent sold 70 in one week. Agent's proflts f 136.50. Over 350 ordinal engravings. 10,400 copies sold in one week. Exclusive territory . Endorsed by the greatest men of our country. Agents thoroughly instructed. Apply The Henry Bill Publishing Co., Norwich, Conn. ie íes xd i $50 Dollars in Golft ALSO A Ticket to Petoskey and Return vla Rail or Boat, FREE, for a return of that small leather wallet, containing a Diamond Ring and a Diamond Sud , lost on the streets on the 8th inst. Cali soon, before school commences, and receive reward. J. L. BABCOCK, At home, 12 N. División St,,Clty,