Z. Roath is in New York City. Mrs. R. H. Kempf is visiting in Preston, Ont. Mrs. M. E. Cooley is visiting in Fairport, N. Y. Nagamasa Minoda has been visit ing in South Lyon. Miss Kittie Berry has 'been visit ing in South Lyon. Miss Alice Douglas has returnec from a visit to Long Island. Prof. E. F. Lohr returned to South Bend, Ind., Monday. Dr. Fleming Carrow has returnec from his northern fishing trip. Mrs. H. J. Brown and children have returned from Old Mission. James Bird and Miss Aggie Birc have been visiting in Stockbridge. Miss Boardman, of Adrián, ha been visiting Mrs. A. V. Robison. Mrs. A. M. Traver, of Grand Rapids, is here visiting old friends Mrs. Collins and daughte Florence are spending the week in Flat Rock. Joe Williams is now head clerk in the store of C. A. Maynard on State street. Mrs. M. H. Southard has been spending the week in Port Huron and Cleveland. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Gelston returned home Tuesday morning from their eastern visit. Miss Jennie McArthur, who has been teachingschooHn the north, re turned home íast week. Charles A. Green, who has been visiting A. W. Hamilton, has re turned to Newgales, Arizona. Rev. L. C. Lawrence, lit '87, of White lake, with his wife and child, is visiting old friends in the city. Mrs. M. E. Brincknell,of Logans port, Ind., who has been visiting in the city, returned home Tuesday. Prof. Perry returned Sunday from Nantucket Island, Mass., where he has been spending the summer. Miss Ethel McCollum, of Ypsilanti, returned home Sunday after a two weeks' visit with relatives in the city. Irving Boston, of Nashville Mich., is spending a few days with the family of J. W. Rogers, 14 Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Sage, of North Spring street, spent several , days in Howell, this week, visiting friends. Edward Bilbie, who has been three years in Berlin, Germany, studying music, is expected home this week. Miss Fannie M. Groves, of Northfield, left yesterday for Manistique, where she has accepted a position in the high school. Miss Lou Southard, who was at Whitmore Lake all last week, returned home last Saturday, having had a delightful vacation. Miss Emraa E. Banfield went to Hastings, this week, to help celébrate the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Black, of that place. Mrs. MiloPulcipherand daughter Susie returned home from Toledo, where they have been visiting Mr: Geo. Pulcipher and family. Miss grace Miley left for Detroit Thursday morning, from where she will take the steamer for Port Huron to visit Dr. and Mrs. Hart. E. W. Groves, civil engineer of Austin, Texas, who has been visiting his father in Northfield, returns to Austin to-day with his bride. E. L. Miller, lit '90, passed through the city, Monday. He has accepted the position of superintendant of the Hancock schools. Mrs. M. H. Southard and daughter, Miss Lou Southard, left for Cleveland, O., by way of Detroit, Tuesday morning, to spend the week. Miss Chittenden, formerly teacher in the high school now, in California, is thinking of accepting a position in Berkeley college, California. Miss Addie and master Harry Minckley who have been visiting their grand-parents in Wayne for the past month, returned home Saturday. Miss Gertrude Beakes, of Bloomingburgh, N. Y., arrived Tuesday evening, and is at her brother's, S. W. Beakes. She will attend the Ann Arbor schools. Mrs. Perrine has removed from .Muskegon to this city, which she intends to make her permanent home. She is a daughter of Mr. John Banfield, of North Main street. William A. Gwinner, of 4 Detroit street, and Michael J. Fritz, of the Savings Lunk, have rcí-. from a two weeks" soj at ''ie club house of the Ar ■ oporting Club, at Zukky lake. Miss Maud James, of Ypsilanti, who has been spending the week with Miss Annie E. Shannon, of 14 Summit street west, returned to her home yesterday afternoon, on the motor line. Mr. Louis Pfitzenmeier, of Philadelphia, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry Binder, for several weeks, returned to his home Tuesday, accompanied by his niece Mrs. Mary Graf, who will sojourn ia the Quaker City for about two months. Henry Seabolt, of Sioux Falls Dak., who has been visiting friend in the city for some time, left fo his home yesterday. Mr. Seabol graduated from the dental depart ment two years ago. He likes th western country and is enjoying a good practice at the falls. Whil living here he became a member o Golden Rule masonic lodge and also joined Arbor tent of the Maccabees Mr. Lewis, a resident of Northern Missouri, where he owns a large anc profitable stock farm, was in the city last week, looking upold friend and visiting a brother in the town ship of Pittsfield, on his way home from the national G. A. R. encamp ment in Detroit. Mr. Lewis gradu ated from the law department thirty years ago, and is having a pleasan time with our resident old alumni who are delighted to see him again after such a lapse of years. He has been very sucessful in his business ventures in the west, devoting him self more to agricultural pursuits and stock raising than to the prac tice of his profession.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mrs. R. H. Kempf
Mrs. M. E. Cooley
Nagamasa Minoda
Kittie Berry
Alice Douglas
E. F. Lohr
Fleming Carrow
Mrs. H. J. Brown
James Bird
Maggie Bird
Mrs. A. M. Traver
Joe Williams
C. A. Maynard
Mrs. M. H. Southard
J. M. Gelston
Jennie McArthur
Charles A. Green
A. W. Hamilton
L. C. Lawrence
Mrs. M. E. Brinknell
Ethel McCollum
Irving Boston
J. W. Rogers
James R. Sage
Edward Bilbie
Fannie M. Groves
Lou Southard
Emma E. Banfield
Mrs. Milo Pulcipher
George Pulcipher
Grace Miley Ovenshire
E. W. Groves
Rev. E. L. Miller
Addie Minckley
Harry Minckley
Gertrude Beakes
S. W. Beakes
William A. Gwinner
William J. Fritz
Maud James
Annie E. Shannon
Louis Pfitzenmeier
Mrs. Henry Binder
Mary Graf Hutzel
Henry Seabolt
4 Detroit St