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I Begto Inform Jïy Friends and Customers that I have NOT GONE OUT OP BUSINESS And do not intend to, but shall continue selling choice groceries at low prices, and at all times pay Gash íor Choice Butter Which I must have EVERY HOUR, so many families seem to rely upon me to furnish them. JOHNW.MAYNARD 15 jft.3STISr ST. OUR NEW STORE Ladies' Fall and Winter Goods in all the Newest Styles. Nice Children's Hats and Caps, Ribbons, Feathers and Tips to be Sold at Low Prices. Give U3 a cali at our new store, CORNER FOÜRTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. Respectfully, MRS A. OTTOCARTERS) I PJ LLS {gU CURE Bick Eeadacbe ana relieve all the tronbl9 incident to a bilious Etate of the system, euoh aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa after eating, Pain iu the Bidé, &c. Whila their moat remaikable euccoes has beon showu la cudog 4 SICK Éeadache, yet Carter's Little Livor Pfflfl ara equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and pra ven ting this annoylng complain t, whilo they alad correct all disorderaofthestoinach,Btimiilateth liver and regúlate the bowela. Even ií Uioy 0QI3 HEAD TAcbfithey would bealmostpricelessto ttiosa w&O euer f rom this distressing complaint; but íortu uatoly theirgoodness does notend here.and thosa xrho onoe try them will ünd these líttlo pilla valuHble Ín so many ways that they will not bo wiliiag to do without them. But at' tor ollsick hetuj ÁCHE fls tho bañe of so many Uves that here Ib wh8r9 re make our great boas t. Onr pilla cure it whila others do not. Cartela Little Liver Pilla are very emall and very easy to take. One or two pilla makea dosa. They are etrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In viala at 25 centa ; flveforíl. Bold by draggists every whero, or aent by maiL ' CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILI. SMALLDOSE. SHALL PRICE