Local Brevities
The Ann Arbor schools open Monday. The peach growers arë holding peaches at $2 a bushel. Charles Smith, 5 Volland street, welcomes a new arrival- a boy. Harvey S. Day, of Willis, exhibited cattle at the Detroit exposition. Communion services will be held in the Congregational church, Sunday. Rev. J. M. Gelston begins regular services in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Dr. William J. Herdman has been granted a patent on an electro-therapeutic apparatus. Aid. GilSnowhas probably the finest hack in the city, which he has just put into service. Eev. Mr. Bradshaw will preach at the union services in the Baptist church nevt Sunday evening. The Ypsilanti Sentinel says it would be an almighty good thing f or Ypsilanti if she had a Mayor Doty. Earl, the infant son of Frank H. Healey, of Spring street, died Monday, aged five months and twelve days. Many new houses are nearing completion on Packard street. Packard is one of the prettiest streets in the city. Andrew E. Peterson, of the city milis, has purchased the old four-acre peach orchard of Daniel Hiscock for $200. Deputy Sheriff Schott is superintending the putting of coal in the court house bin by three of the stone yard gang. Mrs. E. M. Eisele has purchased the home of I. M. Lane, on ÍTorth Fifth avenue, and will make her residence there. Robert Leach, of Chelsea, and Miss Bertha Webber of Francisco were married in this city Monday by Rev. A. S. Carman. George Wedmayer and Mrs. C. Strahle of Sharon were married in Manchester by Rev. Geo. Schoettle last Saturday. Ypsilanti is going into the street opening business. The jury in the Emmet street extensión case have awarded $1,848.75 damages. One of Hon. J. J. Kobison's brick houses on North Main street has been treated to a coat of paint, improving its appearance considerably. Dennis Kelley died in Pittsfield at four o'clock, Wednesday morning, aged fifty-two years. The funeral services were held in Northfleld. An addition 25x30 feet is being built to the "Ann Arbor" freight house. The increased business of the road makes the addition desirable. It is repotred that a sidewalk is to be built to the water-works reservoir. We hope there is truth in the rumor. The walk is certainly neèded. Services will be resumed at the-Unitarian church Sunday morning Sept. 6. Sermón by the pastor, Bev. J. T. Sunderland. No evening service. H. C. Clark, of the flrm of Clark & Jones, the Huron street wood dealers, has moved into one of J. J. Robison's brick houses on North Main street. A joint sale of merino sheepbyW. E. Boyden, of Delhi Mills, ard exsenator Wm. Ball, of Hamburg, will be held on Mr. Bali's farm, Oetober 15, The lovers of lawn tennis have not allowed the courts on the campns to remain unused during the vacation Play goes on there nearly every day. Lyman Payne and Mrs. Frank Preston both of Milan were married in this city by Rev. A. C. Carman last Friday. Mrs. Paynê had been twice previously married. Congressman Allen, of Ypsilanti, wil stump Ohio during Oetober for McKinley . He is quoted as saying that if McKinley is defeated, the McKinley bill will be repealed. The third ward is putting on airs over her numeraus new side-walks and cross -walks. Well, she had a long spell o waiting for them, and may easily be pardoned for rejoicing. __ Maggie, the infant daughter of James McKernan, of Northfield, died Friday, of cholera infantum, aged six rnonths, following its mother, who died shortly after its birth. Mr. Gibney wishes us to state that John Kearney, the man killed by the cars, Thursday morning, was not in his restaurant the night before, as stated by a city paper. Peaches are in such demand that it is almost impossible to keep the boys out of the orchards with clubs. Men stop, hitch their horses and make quick break for the orchards, to outwi the owners. MissMary Cullinene,!of Dexter, die Saturday morning, August 29, of heart disease, aged forty-seven years. She leaves five brothers, three sisters and a large circle of f riends to mourn her loss. The funeral was held on Monday at St. Joseph church, Dexter, and was largely attended. Mrs. M. H. Southard and family moved into the residence at No. 43 East Williams street, this week. Her millinery business wlU continue to be conducted at the old stand in the opera house block. If the old saw-mill at the east end of Packard street were removed to some more remóte location, it would doubtless please property holders in that vicinity. It is not a desirable adjunct to itssurroundings. We are in receipt of a very neat catalogue of the Michigan Military Academy for this year. The academy had 177 students. Among the names of the students we notice that of Robert Lw, of this city. The new stone walks around the campus add greatly to the handsome appearance of the grounds,and furnish the means for a delightful promenade so far as they have been constructed. They will probably be completed next year. We understand that a new brick barn will be built in place of the one burned a short time ago, at the rear of the Masonic temple. ïïo frame structures should be allowed in that locality, or indeed in any of our business blocks. Mr. Chas. Dietas, sr., has just completed a handsome new house on the south side of his property on North Ashle.y street, which he intends to rent to some desirable family. It is constructed with all the modern conveniences. The residence of D. Cramer, on 3ast Huron street, has been vastly imroved in appearance by the addition of veranda extending around three sides f the building. This is just what was eeded as a proper rounding out to his ;ately mansion. Mrs. Daniel Nichols; of Beloit, Wis onsin died on Monday of last week of eritonitis. She was the sister of trs. George Sutton and of the late 'homas S. Burlingame. She formerly esided in this city and her husband is gradúate of the University. Street Commissioner Sutherland has forcé of men and teams at work lowring the hill on North First street, etween Hiscock and Summit streets, wlïich has heretofore been impassable 'or teams. It will be a great convenence for all in that neighborhood. Last Friday evening Washtenaw odge No. 9, 1. O. O. F., was assisted n the initiation of new members by elegates f rom the Milan, Dexter, Ypsilanti and Belleville lodges. These raternal visitations might, with great advantage, be much more frequent. By invitation of Otseningo lodge, I. O. O. F., of this city, members of Huron lodge, of Dexter, Wyandotte lodge, of Ypsilanti. and Washtenaw lodge, of this city, assisted at the initiation of three candidates on Tuesday evening at Otseningo hall, After labor a generous banquet was served and a good time enjoyed. Mrs. Elizabeth Wallington, widow of the late Leonard Wallington, of Lodi, died September 2, in Detroit at the residence of her son, Frederick Wallington. The remaing will be brought to this city for interment today. Mrs. Wallington was eighty-five years old. She carne to this country from England over tifty years ago. Peaches to the right of us; peaches to the lef t of us; peaches everywhere. Express wagons are almost naonopolizecl by them; private conveyances jammed full of them. You might be excused for thinking that Ann Arbor supplies the entire country with peaches. We know how to grow them here, and the outside world has got on to the fact, and must have them. The foundations are being laid for the buildings of the Standard Oil company, on the late Waldron property, north of Felch street. The petition against its being located there, which was numerously signed some time ago, but never presented to the council, seems to have been withdrawn, for the reason, as stated by one of the signers, that the company guarantee that the tank will be odorless and not a nuisance in any way. The flre department will hereafter go out to fires with two hose carts and a hook and ladder truck. Two new men have been added tothe forcé, Max Whittlinger and John Webber. After this, the roan team will be driven by Henry McLaren. The gray team will draw the other hose cart and will be driven by Max Whittlinger. The large single horse will draw the hook and ladder track and will be driven by Louis Hoelzle. The Young Men's Christian Association of Ypsilanti have arranged their lecture course for the fall and winter. The course inclndes two concerts, three lectures and oner impersonation and season tickets are sold for SI, $1.50 and $2. The course is as follows: October 14, New York Philharmonic club; November 17, Leiand T. Powers, the impersonator; December 2, Henry W, Tewksbury; January 15, The Kedpath Star Concert Co,; February 9, Eev. Eussel H. Conwell; Maren 11, Rev. A. A. Willets, D. D. Dr. James R. Breakey,of Almcenter, Wis., a gradúate of theUniversity and a. cousin of Dr. W. F. Breakey, was married to Miss Maria V. Lindsay at the home of Mrs. J. A. Dell, sister of the bride. George "Wahr will announce to-morrow by large placards that he intends to present a Webster's dictionary to eveiy purchaser of new or second-hand books at his stoi'e, next week. It is a good edition of Webster, too. The barn of Andrew Campbell in Pittsfield, destroyed by fire early last Fiïday morning, brief mention of which was made in last week's Argus, contained 1,500 bushels of wheat, seven horses, six bogs, thirty tons of hay and the straw f rom forty acres. The horses were probably dead when the fire was discovered. The insurance paid amounts to $2,400, but the loss was much higher. The house was saved with difflculty. Eugene Pringle, the Jackson lawyer who represented Jackson county before the State board of Equalization says in speaking of Jackson city's assessment that the four western wards of that city were assessed at a much higher rate per capita than is Ann Arbor. As the total valuation of Jackson is little more than that of Ann Arbor, if Mr. Pringle's statement is true, the rest of Jackson must be almost worthless. There must be some men in Ypsilanti who are fit subjects for the hotel i Dwyer in this city, for the Ypsilanti Sentinel of this week says: " Officer Hathaway was the victim of an outrage Saturday night, for which the perpetrators ought to pay dearly. The officer had arrested James Morris, the tailor, for abusing his wife, when a party of toughs assaulted him and made threats of hanging. Hathaway was so severely handled that he only got out yesterday." Ed Cole, the aeronaut, who was injured last week in Detroit by falling f rom his parachute, wasbrought to his home in this city Wednesday. Ilis spine is injured and his legs severely sprained. He was hanging to his parachute while making his descent when he became dizzy, grasped the bar with his hands, hung on nntil he was near the ground but could retain his grasp no longer and feil. [lle was not so near the ground as he supposed and was very badly injured. The annual assessmentof the Washtenaw county farmers' insurance society is fixed this year at $1.50 on $1,000. much less than last year. This will raise about $8,000. The following losses were adjusted Monday: Andrew Campbell, barn and contents, $2,400; Simon Winslow, of Lima, $980 on barn struck by lightning July 25th; Frank Crittenden, $100 on hay destroyed by lightning; Myron Beadle, Dexter, $6.66 on four sheep killed by lightning; J. B. Van Atta, $123 on barn and contents. The musical event of the season in the county will be the summer bailad concert this evening in the Ypsilanti opera house, to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eider. Mrs. Eider will be remembered by our readers as Miss Fannie Bogardus, and Ypsilanti citizens, at least, are not strangers to Mr. Elder's magnificent tenor voice. They will be assisted in the concert by Alfred Hoffman, oí Detroit; Misses Abbie Owen, Virgie Putnam, Julia Stebbins and by E. A. "Wallace and Richard Owen. We can assure our Aun Arbor readers that they will be most agreeably entertained, should tney take the motor line down to Ypsilanti, this evening, to attend the concert. The people of the south Ann Arbor road hardly realize yet, the change made by the street railway. What was but an ordinary country road has now become an important city throughfare, indeed almost a a city street. Where ten people passedbefore, a hundred now whirl along and admire the fields spread out on all sides as they pass. There is life and action where bei'ore there was comparatively dullness and inactivity. There is no doubt, but the change will ere long be more fully appreciated, and will result in an awakened pride in the residents along the line which will be shown in correspondine improvements
Marriage Announcements
Clark & Jones
Standard Oil Co.
Young Men's Christian Association
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Rev. J. M. Gelston
Mary Cullinene
Leonard Wallington
Frank H. Healey
Dr. W. J. Herdman
Daniel Hiscock
Charles Smith
Harvey S. Day
William J. Herdman
Gil Snow
Andrew R. Peterson
Mrs. E. M. Eisele
Robert Leach
Bertha Webber
A. S. Carman
George Wedmayer
J. J. Robison
Dennis Kelly
H. C. Clark
W. E. Boyden
Lyman Payne
Mrs. Frank Preston
Maggie McKernan
James McKernan
John Kearney
Mrs. M. H. Southard
Charles Dietas
Mrs. Daniel Nichols
Mrs. George Sutton
Thomas S. Burlingame
Elizabeth Wallington
Frederick Wallington
Max Whittlinger
John Webber
Henry McLaren
Louis Hoelzle
Leland T. Powers
Henry W. Tewksbury
James R. Breakey Sr
Dr. W. F. Breakey
Maria V. Lindsay
Mrs. J. A. Dell
George Wahr
Andrew Campbell
Eugene Pringle
James Morris
Ed Cole
Simon Winslow