![Willis image](/sites/default/files/aa_argus/aa_argus_18910904-p06-06.jpg)
Will Cromie has a boy quite sick with typhoid fever. Mrs. Geo. Smith was quite sick recently, but is better. Charles Denel and wife of Detroit, visited at J. B. Lord's last week. Mary Potter is spending a few weeks with her uncle at Bay City. John Bunton and wife have gone to Springwater, N. Y., to make a visit. Mrs. W. H. Willingsintends to go to Lansing this week to be gone several days. Will Ballard has been engaged to teach the Morgan school and will commence shortly. George Harris and Elijah Darling made an appraisal of the property of the late Willis L. Potter, last week. John Lawson's wife died at Whittaker last Fridsy night of kidney troubles leaving several small children. W. B. Sherman had no occasion to go into his granary fora few days, andwhen he did, he noticed that some wheat was scattered on the floor. Upon investigating the matter, he found that some one had taken about 40 bushels of wheat as nearly as he could estimate, and what is more they left no clue to their identity.