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Gov. E. B. Winans was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Nowlin visited her niece in Plymouth, last week. Hon. Charles R. Whitman has returned from Charlevoix. John Dowdigan is spending his vacation in Grand Rapids. Mrs. Tourtelotte returned Mon day from a visit in Toledo. Mrs. Dr. Palmer returned from Europe last Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Vaughan sai from Europe for home September 8 Mrs. John Steele and son, of Ply mouth, visited in thiscity, last week Miss Mary Dickey returned yes terday from Marshall. Mrs. P. R. de Pont and children are visiting in Detroit. John Rathbone has a position in the Detroit Electrical works. Mr. and Mrs. David Riusey are visiting Rev. 'Fr. Fierle in Ionia. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear re turned Tuesday from New York. A. L. Noble was confined to the house a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Clark have returned from their wedding trip. Ex-Supervisor Albert Gardne intendso remove to New Mexico. Hon. Charles H. Richmond re turned Monday evening from Alma City Attorney Norris was in De troit Wednesday on legal business Connty Clerk Hamilton, of Ea ton county, was in the city, Mon dav. Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Bower of Cleveland, spent Sunday in the city. Judge Babbitt left last Thursday for Iron Mounfain, on legal busi ness. Hon. John J. Robison returnec Monday evening from his Sharon farm. Miss Nettie Ailes has refurned from a visit to her sister in Charle voix. Mrs. Florella Harris has returned from a visit at her niece's in Mus kegon. Mrs. August Hutzel and daughte have sailed from Germany for this country. President Angelí sailed from Eu rope Tuesday, on his return trip to this city. Mrs. B. M. Thompson returnec last week from Washington and the sea coast. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Millen, of Detroit, were visiting in the city this week. Mrs. Louise Clark and daughter have removed to Clinton, their former home. Mis Tressa Kearns returned Wednesday from a two weeks' visit in Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Evart H. Scott have returned from Old Mission and Elk Rapids. Miss Lizzie Wiltsie, of Sing Sing, N. Y. , is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. R. de Pont. I. M. Lane and family, of North Fifth avenue, have moved to Corning, New York. Mrs. James B. Gott and Miss Clara Gott, of Chicago, are visiting friends in the city. Miss Mae Dunlap, of Whitmore Lake, went to Detroit with friends to attend the exposition. Frederick Schmid is attending a meeting of the board of trustees of the Pontiac insane asylum. Miss Nellie Carr, of Séneca Falls, N. Y. returned Tuesday morning from her summer's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wetmore, of Concord, have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Morton. E. B. Hall and family have removed into the Ferdon residence until their new house is finished. Fred C. Brown, of the Times, was at Niágara Falls, Sunday, to see if water enough passed over to carry off sewerage. Arthur Tagge has gone to Monroe to take charge of the department of the sciences in the Monroe high school. Miss Estella Cook, of this city, is visiting in the country, at the home of Mrs. Charles Koch, of Ann Artownship. James Nelson, of 25 Hiscock street, has returned from Emory, where he has been wofking for Henry Miller. E. W. Bilbie has returned from Germany, where he has spent the past three years with the great violinist, Sauret. Lucy Shadford left Tuesday morning for Chicago, where she will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Beckler. Irving K. Pond, the Chicago architect, who drew the plans for the Michigan building at the World's Fair, is in the city, this week, visiting his father, Justice E. B. PondJ F. E. Mills and family, of Pittsgelk, were in Detroit Tuesday and Wednesday attending the exposition. Mrs. James B. Angelí left for Chicago, Wednesday morning, to attend ameetingof theladies' world's fair commission. Miss Rebecca Henriques, who has been spending some months at the sea-shore, returned to Ann Arbor Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pond returned Wednesday morning from Adrián, where they attended the funeral of a sister-in-law of Mrs. Pond. Mrs. Downs, Miss Georgië Goodrich, Masters Clarence, Walter, Henry, and Herbert Vaughan have returned from Old Mission. Mr. H. A. Sober, instructor in ancient languages in the University left last Thursday for a month's visit to his home in Moline, 111. Mrs. Samuel Smith, who has been visiting her mothèr, Mrs. Julia C Smith, returned Wednesday night with her children to Baxter Springs Kansas. Mrs. M. H. Southard and daughter, Miss Loe Southard, returnec Tuesday evening from a delightfu trip by boat to Port Huron anc Cleveland. Dr. W. E. Kearns, son of Supervisor James Kearns, left last Thursday for Pittsburg, Penn., where he has taken a position in Dr. Taft's dental parlors. Whelan Murphy, who has been learning the printing business in the Argus for a year or two, has concluded to return to school to rounc out his education. Mrs. Fred Reese, of Jackson, is spending the week in Ypsilanni Mr. Reese joinedheron Wednesday Next week they will spend with friends in this city. Fred W. Schulz and family, o: Detroit, are visiting friends in the city this week. Part of their vacation will be spent with a sister ol Mr. Schulz, in Marshall. Mr. Daniel Hiscock, of North Main street, will leave on a business trip to the west about the middle oi this month. On the way he wil spend some time in Chicago visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. J. Reed. Miss Kate E. Seymour, of Washington, D. C. , who has been visiting her mather, Mrs. L. C. Seymour, of No. ii South State street, returned to her post in the reviewers' división of the U. S. pension office, this week. Robert Howlett, of Burlingame, Kansas, formerly of Webster, is in the city visiting old friends. He has fallen in with Supt. Chas. S. Fall, a member of the same company in the war, whom he has not seen for 26 years. Charles Burkhardt, for some years in the harness and saddlery business in this city, but now traveling agent for a saddlery-hardware house of Grand Rapids, was in the city for a few days last week, in the interest of his employers, and incidentally shaking hands with old friends. Thomas McCann, of Detroit, a printer who "graduated" from the Register office some years ago, and than whom few better job printers are to be fonnd, is spending his vacation in this city and at Whitmore Lake. He was forseveral years employed in the printing establishment of Parke, Davis & Co., of Detroit, but has recently accepted a position with another prominent firm.