Attention! T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. Co. will give reduced rates for dedication of the Knights of Pythias temple at Ovvosso, Sept. 7th. Any one desiring to go please cali on me for rates. R. S. Gkeenwood, Agt. The f urniture dealer, Martin Halier, has been in Grand Rapids and Chicago with a view to prepair for falltrade. He says he selected a line of goods that will surpass anything that has been brought into our University city yet. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. F)R RENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with six rooms each in New Block on State Btreet. Enquire at No. 18 South State Street. 6t- tf. ANN ARBOB NURSERT- Fruit and omamental trees. Peach and pear a speoialty. Grape Tines, berry plants, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR SALE AT A The Northwest quai'ter of the Southwest quarterof Section 16 in the Township of York, aDout four miles trom Saline village. A good house and small barn on the premises, known as the Wesley Ouderkirk farm. For terms applyto E. B. Pond, No. 6, N. Main street, Ann Arbor. 45 tf. FOR SALE- Two Houses and Lots- One on the North and other the South side of Summit street, within flve minutes' walk of the Post Office. Enquire of E. B. Pond, No. 6N. Main street. Aug. 18, 1891. 55-58. FOR SAJjE.- Afamily horse, sound, gentle, and in every way desirable for ladies' use . Inquire at Stark & Gartee's paint shop, 28 E. Washington St. 55 tf PERSONAL- My f riend, if agreeable to you, write me amount of bonu9 you want for picking up that small, black wallet, containïng a diamond ring and stud. If not excestive, will cheerfully eomply. Write socn. Keep your powder dry and obligo. ITours, J. L. Babcock. At home. 56-58 WANTED- A Competent Man to Clerk. Address in writing, with rcferenens, A. B., care A rgus Office. 56-58. FAKM FOR SALE.- The farm known as the Jacob Schweickert farm, beingthe N. 4 ofN.E. H of Sect. J. T. 31, South of R. 6 E., and the E. 30 acres of S. E. H of N. E. % of said section, cimtiii niiifr about 110 acres in town of Northfleld, Washtenaw county, Mich., about flre miles from Ann Arbor. Will sell for $35 per acre for cash or part on time. Must be sold immediately. Address, Abner Smith Room 630 Opera House Block, Chicago, 111. 56-58 Tl' C ]T Wanted; salary and expenses. Per1TJ Cii.1 manent place. Apply at once. BROWNBRO3. CO., Nurserymen, Chicago, 5T-65 PASTURE : - Woods, stubble and spring clorer, 92 acres; running brook; near County House, (3 miles from Mack & Scdmid's) Horses. 2óc per week; cows, 20c. Inquire at 9 South lngalls or at County House. 57-59 Special Sale í Advanced Styles in New Fall DRESS GOODS AND -11 FIRST II THE ÏIMDWith New Fall Goods. Our Dress Goods stock shows Novelties not seen in other stores. Such as Camel's Hair Chevoits, Snowflakes, India Suitings, Bedford Cords, Tweeds.Broadcloths. Cable Twills, French and English Novelties.and other Rough Effects which are so stylish this fall. Rich European Dresses, each and every one a beauty to look at. As a Special Bargain, and to give our Dress' Goods Department a Big Boom, we offer 75 Stylish ■ Dress Patterns at $3.97, a suit wortü$5.00. 48 pieces New Fall Dress Goods in Rough Effects at 50c a yard. One case 36 in. Fancy Serges at 15c a yard. 65 pieces New Black Goods at 50c and 75c a yard 500 Yards all Silk Sur ah in Black and Colors at 25 c a yard. 15 pieces Coin Dot Curtoin Scrim at 5c a yard. 35 pieces dark 10c Outing Flannel at 6c a yard. 25 pieces White Shaker Flannel at 5c a yard . 100 yds of Spool Silk at 5c a spool. ■; Best Quality Knitting Silk at 35c a balL One case Dark Prints 3c a yard. 50 pieces Wide Twill Towelling at 4c a yard. Yard wide Bleached Cotton at 5c a yard. Big lot Lace Curtains at 59c a pair. All of lohich vie invite inspection. Scüairer & lien, Leaders. of Low Pri ees and -ALWAYS THE