Council Proceedings
LOFFICIAL). COUNCIL CHAMBER, I ANN ABBOH, Sept. 7,1891. Regular meeting. Council met and was called to order by the president. Roll called: A quorum present. Absent- Aid. Ferguson and Rehberg. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS FBOM THE MAYOK. ClTV OF 4.NN ARBOR, I Mayoh's Ofï-ice. August 19, 1891. f To the Honorable, the üornmon Council: I herewith return to you, with my disapproval, so much of the record of your proceedings at your last stated meeting as relates to the purchase of a map for the walls of the Council Room at an expense of one hundred and sixty dollars. The contingent fund, out of which this expense must be borne, is already overdrawn and I respectfully ask your honorable body to forego your personal convenience in this matter until such time as the city's financial condition will warrant so large an outlay for objects which are undoubtedly artistic, but whose utility is not always measured by the cost of their productioh. Respectfully, VVm. G. Doty, Mayor. Aid. Kitson moved that the communication be laid on the table, to be taken up later in the evening, which motion prevailed . City of Ann Arbor, I Mayok's Office, August 19, 1891. f To the Honorable, the Common Council: Gentlemen: - I herewith return to you with my disapproval so much of the record of your action at your last stated meeting as relates to the following resolution: "By Aid. Wines.- Resolved, that the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated from the street fund for coping on South University avenue." While I am of the opinión from personal inspection that the expenditure of this sum of money would materially add to the attractiveness of that beautiful avenue, I am yet reminded that the condition of the city's funds, as shown by the last report of the Treasurer, is not such as will warrant the expenditure of public money during the remainder of the fiscal year for objects which are more largely ornamental than necessary. In this connection I take the liberty to quote from the Report of your Committee on Streets, made to your honorable body at your meeting August 3rd inst. and adopted by you the same evening: "The coping on South University avenue is a matter which may be deferred until néxt year to advanvantage." I am convinced that your Street Committee gave the subject their careful attention and' that their expert opinión is worthy of your thoughtful consideration. A perusal of your late proceedings discloses the fact that your honorable body reconsidered the vote by which the said Committee report had been adopted, but I find no record of the reconsideraron of the report itself. Had such action been had, I am confident that your wise and delibérate judgment would, again, have been adverse to the appropriation. Respectfully, Wm. G. Doty, Mayor. Aid. Hall moved that the communication be layed on the table, to be taken up later in the evening, which motion prevailed. ClTV OF AKN ARBOR, I Mayor's Office, August 19, 1891. j" To the Honorable, the Common Council: Gentlemen:- I herewith return to you with my disapproval so much of the record of the proceedings oí your honorable body, at your last stated meeting, as relates to youraction in regard to culverts on Hill street, Fifth street, and Felch street in said city. Reference to the report of your Street Committee made to your honorable body August 3,inst., and adopted by you the same evening, discloses the following statement in regard to these culverts: "In regard to the culverts, we think that inasmuch as the streets are little frequented and a small outlay for planks and timbers would put them (the culverts) in as good a condition as new, it is not advisable at this time to undertake the construction of entirely new culverts." I fail to find in the record of your proceedings any reversal of your delibérate, legislative judgment oi August 3, the vote by which that report was adopted havingonly been reconsidered and not the report itself. To my mind the record does not show even a substantial compliance with the provisions of Section 137 of the Charter in regard to public improvements and the expenditure of money therefor. In view of the large overdraf upon the street fund, now amounting to over $5,000.00 (a pleasant fiction for a debt of that amount in this department) and in view of what I can but conceive to be considérate action on your part which your calmer judgment wolud refuse to approve, I respectfully ask a continuance of your efforts for municipal economy in the lines suggested by your coramittee. From personal inspection I am convinced that all of the aforesaid culverts could be advantageously repaired at slight expense, except possibly the Felch street culvert, where the necessity is greater; for the repair of this culvert I especially bespeak the considérate attention of the authorities, to the end that the public convenience and safety may there be preserved and assured. Respectfully, Wm. G. Doty, Mayor. Aid. Kitson moved that the communication be laid on the table, to be taken up later in the evening, which motion prevailed. Ann Aübor, Mich., Sept. 5, 1891. 2b the Hon. the Common Council: Gentlemen: The subjoined correspondence between myself and the City Attorney, relating to act No. 193 Session Laws of 1889 (Soldiers Belief) and the powers and duties of the Common Council and City officers thereunder is respectfully submitted to your honorable body with the recommendation that the aldermen individuallyandthe Council as a body take such proper proceedings in the premises as are required by law. William G. Doty, Mayor. Ann Abbok,Mich., Aug-. 29, 1891. Hon. Ezra B. Norris, City Attovney: Sie: Certain warrants upon the Soldiers Belief Fund in the city treasury, having been presented to me for my countersignature, and I being of the opinión that the provisions of the statute (Act 193 Laws of 1889) have not been sufflciently observed as yet to authorize the legal issuance of such warrants, I respectfully refer said act to your notice and ask your official opinión as the city Counseller as to the duty of the Common Council and the city offlcers in the premises. Bespectfully, Wm. G. Doty, Mayor. City Attornevs Office, Abn Abbor, Sept. 5, 1891. f Hem. Wm. G. Doty, Mayor: Dear Sir: Your note of Aug. 29th, calling my attention to act No, 193, Session Laws of 1889, relating to the relief of honorably discharged and indigent Union soldiers, sailors and marines outside of the Soldiers Home, and requesting a short statement of the manner of its execution has been duly considered. Section 3 of said act requires that during the month of May the aldermen of each ward shall make a list of all the persons resident in their respective wards entitled to aid and deliver such list to one of their number who shall meet with the Soldiers Eelief Commission of the county, and together certify such list to the Com mon Council, along with their estímate of the money required for such fund during the year. That thereafter the Commission and Council are requirec to meet and jointly determine from such certified list who are entitled to relief and fix the amount per month After such determination it is a duty of the Council to certify to the list so determined to the City Clerk, who is then and only then authorized to draw his warrant on the Belief func in favor of the persons named in such certifícate and for the particular sum stated therein. There is also a provisión in the statute for emergency relief so called which is not important in this connection. On inquiry I find that no aetion has been taken during the present year by either the aldermen, Relief Commission or Common Council. I also find that there is money on hand belonging to the Relief fund. That there are many deserving persons resident within the city who are justly entitled to relief and that applications for such relief are now pending as suggested in your communication. This state of facts raises the single question, can the aldermen, Commission and Council now authorize relief, they having neglected to make the list during the rnonth of May as required by law? I do not doubt but that they may do now what the law made it their duty to do at auother time. There can be no question but that in so far as to the money which is now in the fund it could be lawfully paid out of a list made at this late day. It of no importance when the list was in f act made; the only impor.tant thing in this connection being that it be made by the proper offlcers. The reason for requiring the list to be made in the nionth of May was doubtless for the purpose of collecting the money on the then next city roll. Mauy of the cities and probably all villages of the state collect their city tax during the summer rnonths aud the estímate of the arnount of money required for this particular fund was thus required to be on file in time to be made a part of the regular city tax levy. x ue city oí Ann Arpor, as you are advised, collects its city tax at the same time and on the same roll witl the state and county taxes. I am therefore of the opinión that if the es timate is on file in time to be certifiec along with the regular city tax levy the certification will be in all things regular and the tax for this particular fund a legal one. I am also of the opinión that the various officers and boards charged with the execution of said Act may now lawf ully proceed to perf orm their respective duties. That payment out of the fund now on hand , the Council and Commission having first certified a list to the City Clerk, will be lawf ui. And the estimates having been certified, the next tax levy for this fund valid. All of which is respectfully submitted. Respectfully yours, E. B. ÑoBRis, City Attomey. Aid. Hall moved that the communication be received and placed on file, which motion prevailed. PETITIONS AND COMMtTNICATIONS . To tlie Conimon Council : We, the Board of Public Works, res)ectfully recommend that the followng sidewalks be ordered built: Ou Observatory street from Geddes avenue to Aim street. On Ashley street, west side, from Madison to Williams street, and the following sidewalks be renewed ín front of the following property: Patriek McNally, on Catherine street, west; Mary Ann Bourns, W. W. Wnedon, Agt., on Catherine street, east. We furtlier recommend, and hereby submit, plan and specifications, of pro posed new Iron Bridge, No. 3, for your inspection and approval. The bids for repairs of Bridge ÏTo. 2 were found to be as follows: C. Helber, $48-5, and Wisner & Renchler, $425, and the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, The two bids for repairs on Bridge No. 2 are higher than work is wqrth, as estimated by Street Commissioner Sutlierland, therefore be it Resolved, That we recommend to the Common Council that the bids of Helber and Wisner & Renchler be rejected and we further recommend that the work be made under the direetion of Street Commissioner Sutherland. Respectfully submitted, By order of the Board of Public Works. W. .1. Millek, Clerk. Reierred to Street and Sidewalk Coniniittees. A petition signed by A. C. Nichols and seventeen other residents and property holders of the City of Ann Arbor, asking for the location of an electric street lamp at the corner of Geddes avenue and Hill street. Referred to Lighting Committee. A petition signed by Noah G. Butts and twelve other residents and property holders of the City of Ann Arbor, asking for the location of a flre hydrant on the corner of Washington and 14th streets. Referred to Water Committee. A remonstrance relative to the erection of the standard Oil Company's recei ving tanks on Felch street received and referred to the City At.torney. KEPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council: Your Committoe on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following 'bilis under consideration and ■vvould recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUND. W. J. Miller, salary 6fi 66 E. B. Norris, " 25 00 Dr. E. A . Clark, salary f or May, June and July 25 00 Wm. A. Tborpe & Co., rubber stamps.2 10 J. L. Skinner, type writlng, (sewer report) 3 50 Geo. Wahr, supplies, per Jas. K. Bach 25 10 Ann Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., Street lighting 588 90 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., city clerk's office 2 00 Geo. Wahr, supplies, per W. J. Miller, from April 1891 19 35 James Kearns, abstract work 3 00 Sid W. Millard, printing 2 50 Jacob Starks, 1 month's salary and cleaning old carpet 9 33 TV. W. Watts, repairing type-writing machine 1 25 WiHiara Herz, supplies 4 92 AA. T.-H. Electric Co., moving poles 1 75 W .1. Miller, express charges.. 2 20 S. W. Beakes, printing 48 40 Total 9 83126 STREET FUND. Felson Sutherland, salary 66 66 Smith Motley, " 60 00 W. J. Just, lumber 73 94 Geo. Wahr. euppliea for Engineer 1 81 Frank Sutherland, labor 33 14 M. B. Murphy, labor 3 00 M. Schneider, labor 75 Antón Shaffold, labor 4 50 Douglas Byoraft, labor 1 50 Geo. Devine, labor 3 00 Frank Shultz, labor 6 00 Herman Bucholz, labor 7 59 Hennan Luepka, labor 1 00 Karl Yarndt, labor 15 38 Charles Hadke, labor 28 28 Willis Clark, labor 31 16 Wm. Kuehn, labor 26 78 Micnael Kinney, labor 22 28 J. Drake, labor 31 10 E. Williams, labor 43 16 Patrick McCabe. labor 43 95 Joseph Hutzel, labor 25 23 Michael Williams, labor 36 91 J acob Michenflelder, labor 29 18 Wm. Cleaver, janitor 6th ward engine house 12 50 Wm. Nimps, labor 36 78 Gustavo Walters, labor 26 78 Nelson Sutherland, norse and cart 26 07 Joseph McCabe, norse and cart 13 75 Hiram Kitredge, teaming 48 43 Richard Burns, teaming 16 98 Daniel Crawford, teaming 15 05 P. D Rogers, teaming i 3 50 W. H. Wells, teaming 14 00 JohnMcHugh, teaming 6 48 Geo. Leonard, teaming 17 50 laeob Hauser, teaming l 40 Dhomas Hannon, teaming 3 60 Hathew Sehnierle, teaming 23 98 ilichael Kusterer, teaming 1 75 Gaspar Rinsey, 11 bbl salt, etc 11 lu fm. Allaby, boxes 60 i M. Hallock, lumber 3 22 "qhn Baumgardner, stone. 90 04 iichael Staebler, repairs 16 35 3eo. Marsden, repairs 7 60 L. Hewitt, building sidewalk 69 53 ïeo. B. Schwab, specifleation ior bridge 3 00 3mil Baur, street sweeping 10 00 V. G. Snow, use of hack by B. of P. Works 2 50 John Burns, labor 1 50 Total i 1069 10 FIEE DEPARTMENT FUND. 1 Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, sal.iry 45 00 Heory McLaren, salary 45 00 Charles Carroll, salary 40 00 Morgan Williams, salary 40 08 Herman Kirn, salary 8 00 Robert Ross, salary. 8 00 Louis Weinmann, salary 8 00 JohnKinney .salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Bach, Able&Co, supplies 2 78 A. K. Schmidt, shaft for H-L truck .... 8 00 Mrs . B. Ream, washing 4 00 Clark & Jones, supplies 8 40 Geo. Jedele, hay 11 60 David Malloy, repairs, harness 2 50 Heinzmann & Co., oats 5 00 William Herz, paints, etc 19 60 Total 8 381 88 POIf!E 'UNO. James R. Murray, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 J. A. Polhemus, use of hack 100 Win, G. Snow, use of two 1 horse and carriage 2 50 Total '. t 168 50 POOR FUKD. Fred Sipley, salary (Poor Supt.,) 10 00 Mrs. Evans, ald 6 00 MissShaw, aid 3 00 Robert Martin, 10 oords wood 30 00 J. Kapp, sawing wood 3 85 Jolin Goetz & Son, groceries 1 44 W. F, Lodholz, groceries 8 50 Wm. H.Mdntyre, " 7 42 Hinsey & Soabolt, " 6 66 C. Hinsey, grooeriea 5 62 Jacob Werner, groceries 5 00 Total $ 77 58 CEMETEBY FUND. Jacob Kalmbaeh, labor ï 4 00 RECAPITUIiATIOK. Contingent Fund 1 831 26 Street Fund 1,069 10 Fire Department Fund 381 88 Pólice Fund 168 50 'oor Fund 77 58 Cemetery Fund 4 00 Total 82.532 32 Bespectfully submitted. E. G. Mann, Wm. Herz, L. P. Hall, Finance Committee. Aid. Hall moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows. yeas- Ald.Mann, "Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley -11. Uays- None. SUPPLEMENT AK Y REPORT. CONTINGENT FÜND. Hutzel&Co-, Bupplies Í 18 95 Eespectfully submitted. E. G. Mann, Wm. Herz, Louis P. Hall, Finance Committee. Aid. Mann moved that the supplementary report be accepted and adopted and a warrant drawn for the same which motion prevailed by yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley- 11. Nays- None. OKDINANCE. Thethird reading of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance relative to the Use of Street Railway Cars by the Public." The president having stated the question to be: Shall this ordinance pass. On motion of Aid. Wines, the ordinance was recommitted. STREET, To the Comtnon Councü: Your Committee on Streets to whom was referred the petition of G. F. Allmendinger, . W. Rogers and more than ten other freeholders of the City of Ann Arbor, praying among other things for the laying out of a street extendmg on the lines of Fourth avenue projected southerly from Madison to Hill streets, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of such petition under consideration and recommend that the prayer of said petition be granted and that a street be laid from Madison street to Hill street on the line of Fourth avenue, projected southerly and said street be called Fourth avenue. Your committee further reports that the following named persons own or are otherwise interested in lands and premises, the right of way over which it will be necessary to acquire by gift, purchase, or otherwise for such proposed street or extensión to wit: - Franklin L. Parker and estáte of Lucy Morgan. LotjisP.Hall, E. G. Maks, Waltek L. Taylob, Chriseian Martin, A. N. Fillsiore, Street Committee. Eeceived and filed. "WATER. The petition f or a fire hydrant on Brooks street, third ward, was denied for the reason that all property was fully protected. The Committee on Water recommended that the six-inch water main be extended 800 feet on Pontiac street, fiftfe ward, also 700 feet on 13th street, fourth ward, and a fire hydrant placed at the north end of each extensión above named. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Aid. Martin moved that the report of the Sewerage Committee be now taken f rom the table, which motion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and Pres. Cooley -7. Nays- Aid. Herz, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn- 4. By Alderman Martin: Eesolved, That the report of the Sewerage Committee be received and spread on the record. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 10. iïays- None. The report of the Committee is as follows: To the Coinmon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Your coramittee on sewerage appolnted to act jointly with the Board of Public Works and a committee of flve from the Business Men's Association, would respeotfully 6ubmit that they have had thesubject under consideration and hereby present thefollowing report: We are early convinced that the report submitted to the Common Council in March 1890, by Prof. Charles E. Greene, was the only system of sewerage to adopt in this city, and in view of the fact that he then made a thorough study of the subject in connection with a proper survey of the city, we did not deem it necessary that the same preliminary work should be done over again, and accordlngly resubmit his report to this couneil as a part of our own report. We therefore attach his original report and sewerage map to this reYour committee wishes to cali special attentlon to several parts of Prof. Greene's rePort, as well as to some of the matter contained in the report of the committee on sewerage made to the council March 17, 1891, wnen Prof. Greene's report was made. In view of the improved methods of carlng for sewage in towns of moderate population u is clear that a large amount of money is not needed either in laylng the main sewer orln the construction of the laterals. As an illustration we wlsh to quote the cost of the sewers in the city of Schenectady, New York, a place whose populación in 1880 was 15,320. EXCAVATIOXS. PRICE PEK DEPTH. FEET. FOOT. COST. Less than 6 feet. 14,509.2 13 cents. $1,886 20 Jo 8 ft. 28336.4 2 20 " 5,667 28 8 to 10 ft. 5,186.1 30 " 155 83 10 to 12 ft. 2,805.5 35 " 981 92 12 to 14 ft. 1,395.0 50 " 557 20 14 to 16 ft. 250.0 50 " 125 00 !6 to 18 ft. 50.0 1 00 " 50 00 Total .... 51,532.20 10323 43 PIPES LAID AND FURNISHED. PRICE PER niAM. LENGTH. FOOT. COST. 6 inch 202.00 $ 0 17 $ 34 34 8 " 38,254.00 0 19 7,268 26 10 " 5,187.20 0 26 1348 67 12 " 5,487.30 0 32 1,755.95 18 " 3,313.00 0 55 1,822 15 Total . 12,229 37 ACCESSORIES. 24 Man-holes at $ 30 00 $ 720 00 4 Flush-tanks at 45 00 180 00 27 " " at 40 00 1,160 00 137 Lamp-holes at 6 00 822 00 45,690.8 lineal íeet vepairing oí pavement at 0 03J4 1.599 18 6,293 B. M. lumber at 20 00 131 86 ïxtras 210 65 Outlets 125 00 Iron pipe laid 791 18 Total $5,739 87 It is said that "The work afforded the conractor a reasonable proflt;" but itisdoubtful f at present prices it could be dupllcated. rhe entire costof the system including manióles, ílush-tanks and all accessories, all expenses of engineering and preparation of lans and records, expenses of sewer comniittee, and all costs of whatever nature chargeable to sewers, was 72 cents per lineal bot therefore the entire cost of the system of al.532.2 feet of sewers at 72 cents per toot was S37.103.18. The above figures are taken from a statement of actual cost given by Cady Stayley aud George S. Pierson, C. E., Ín a treatise on the 'Separate System of Sewerage." There is no doubt but what the ultímate total cost of the main and lateral sewers i n this city will be more than the amount quoted above; but as only the main sewer will necessarily bebe built by the city, and the construction of the laterals distributed over a number of years, the matter of cost is of but moderate lmportance when compared with other considerations. The cost of the average mlle of the sewer n the city of Kalamazoo was $5,T71.3ö. Prof. Greene's system for a main sewer from the railroad bridge to Grove or Packard street is 4.900 feet or 2 82 miles, which at a cost of Í5.71.35 is $15,178,0). It would therefore seem as hough the estimated costof the main sewer at 820,000 is on the safe side. Calling the population of Ann Arbor 10,000, he costof the main sewer per capita will be ;2.00. But this is not the way our taxes are assesssed. The equalized valuation of Ann Arbor is over 6,000.000 of which $20,UOO is less han one-third of one per cent, so that a peron who has property assessed at $100 wiil pay less than 33%, $200 will pay less than 66%, 300 will pay less than $1.00, $400 will pay less han U.S314, $500 will pay less than $1.66%. ;GO0 will pay less than $2 00, 8700 will pay less ,han 82 3% $800 will pay less than 2.66%, $900 will pay less than $3.00, $1,000 will pay less han $3.33% $1.200 wil i pay less than $4.00, $1,500 will pay less than $5.00, $1,800 will pay less han $6.00 $2,000 will pay less than $6.66%. $3,000 vill pay less than $10 00. The question now arises who will have to pay for this main sewer; manifestly, from a tlance at the forgoing table, the man who ïolds property. and the more he has the more be must pay. It mayperhaps bewell ,o conslder the fact that when gewers are aid and used in Ann Arbor that the poor mau receives as much benefit from them as he rich man without having been obliged o pay for anything like what might have een his share should the tax have been evied per capita; so that the idea that the oor man is to have his burdens increased ts alse, to a large extent, for in many cases he vil! have an opportunity of earning many imes the araount of his increase of taxes due o a main sewer. That it is necessary to tax this City anywhere from one hundred thousand to two ïundred tbousand dollars, with which to build sewers, is in our judgment without bundatiou, and the eontluued prevalence of he idea as opposed to the judgment of Prof. Greene, one of the foremost engineers in this country, seems unwarrantable and calculated to put in jeopardy the good health and deservedly en viable reputation of our city. " Your Committee is of the opinión that the yearly cost of building vaults and cesspools n this city aud of keepi na the same in proper condition will range in amount from $5,000 to 810,000. While this work is of but temporary value, its cost wouid in three, or at most four years time pay the entire expense of the main sewer, which the city must build." It is well known that Ann Arbor is this year building etween 200 and 300 new houses. Taking the owest estímate, 200 houses, one can easily determine the minimum expense of building vaults and cesspools during the present season. 200 vaults and out-buildings at $25, $5,000 200 cesspools at $15, 3,000 50 vaults renewed at $10, 500 50 cesspools renewed at $15, 750 Total $9,250 We are confident that these figures are beow the amount oí money actually expended. When it is observed that this money is all expended for temporary work. and that the earth underlying our city is beinfe polluted in .his Wholesale way, is it not high time that this city of culture, education and advancement should awaken from its inactivity and demand, with a unanimous volee, that its government provide some better way at the earliest posRible day. Many of our citizens seem tothink it necessary that before sewers can be of any value or use to a house, that they must be in direct connection with the water works: this is not so. A sewer can and should be used by every person who has a slnk, in which dishes are washed ; it can be used by every person who lasasewer connection in his back yard, if ie is so unfortunate as not to possess a sink ; t can be used to carry off the refuse from his vaul t. All of this can be doné without a drop of water from the water works, and the no,lon that sewers means money for the water works, necessarily is unfounded. The matter of the disposal of our sewage has been considered and we recommend that ,he outlet be placed below the first railroad Dridge, east of the city. That it will influeuce ,he quality of water to some extent flowing n the river at that polnt, nobody will ques,ion, but we do not think it necessary that Ann Arbor should initiate works of whatever nature to purify the effluent so long as no other city in Michigan has thought it necessary to do the same. But when the time comes that such work shall be established ;here Is every opportunity desirable in that ocallty. Land could be easily obtained for a sewage farm, or precipitation works could be constructed for clarifying the effluent before it should be allowed to enter the river. There Is also the ruins of an old dam tn the ocality which could be renewed atasmall expense, and water kept in storage for such seasons as might require that the river at the outlet be flushed, and the effluent swept down ;he river with a large volume ot' water, even n the driest season ; or the bed of the river can be confined to a narrow channel and made to do its own scourlug and mixing at all seasons of the year. A letter from L. E. Cooley, Chief Engineer of the Sanltary District of Chicago, says that the law for the dilution of sewage for Chicago required a flow of 20,000 cubic feet per minute for each 100,000 people as a minimum ; or 3% cublc feet per second for each thousand of population. That would make for Ann Arbor a required flow of water In the Huron River of 33% cubic feet per second. He further says that from a more extended research he is now satisfied that for Chicago this is too low, as that City probably produces organic refuse at more than doublé the rate of the ordinary resident city or country town under 40.000 of population, so that the rate of 33 cubic feet per second, as stated above is ampie to dilute the sewage of this city. The flow of water in the Huron River may be approximately computed from the power developed at the different milis. At Swift's Mili the power for the dry season is estimated to be for the minimum, about 50 horse-powers with a head of 11 feet. which corresponds to a flow of about 63 cubic feet per second, or 3,180 cubic feet per minute. At the Superior Mills the dry weather power is placed at 75 porsepowers with r. head of 16 feet, which corresponds to a flow of about 55 cubic feet per second, or 3,300 cubic feet per minute. These figures probably mark the lower limits of flow in the river at this city, and for a period of two or three months only. It is certainly much more than this at a H other times of the year. On a basis of 3% cubic teet per 1,000 inhabitauts, the minimum flow would care for a population of about 16,000. Mr. L. E. Cooley further says, " My impresslon is that at this time it may be said that 20,000 to 40,000 cublc feet per minute for each 100 000 of population will mark the limit which wlu lnsure freedom from nuisance, and that in any event the stream will improve rapldly as it flows down the valley. One hundred cubic feet per second should care fora population of from J5.000 to 30,000 people. The low water Is a smal 1 fractlon of the year aod your sewage probably below the average city per capita, all of which 18 favorable. I judge you have a liberal margin to go on. If tuere is any doubt, it is always possible to plan your system so that at a luture time the dry weather flow can be plcked up by an intercepting sewer and oarried to a sewage farm, or treated chemlcally." Your commlttee is therefore confldent that if the water ordlnarily flowlng in the Huron River is properly mixed with the sewage of the city as it flows out of the maln sewer, in its already dlluted condition, it would fail utterly to give rlse to any unpleasant odor or unsanitary influence on the locality below the o u tiet. Kalamazoo, as far as we can learn at this distance, Is perfectly satisned wlth its separate oystem of sewerage, and has experlenced difflculty in only one or two streets where the fall is very slight, and thlscan be remedied by uslng a little larger pipe. This can hardly be a cause of complaint ia a Bystem of sewers In this city because of the large fall that can be easily obtained from the natural contour of our sireet levéis. The report of a former cominittee ou sewerage snys, "The membersof the committtre were all originally opposed to emptylng the sewage of the city into the Huron; hut a stuuy of Prof. lireene's plan and of further Information furnished ims convinced them thatit is safe and in fact the ouly feaslble method, of disposlng of the city's sewage." Wefeel certuln that the conclusión of the former committee was correct, and also ttmt the establishment of a system of sewers in this city will conduce to its healthfuluess and prosperity. Ann Arbor is already recognized as oue of the most beautlful residence ciiies in Michigan, and is rapidly approachinga day when it will be admltted, by all those who are familiar with other cities, to be the most desirable. But before that day comes we must stand abreast of our sister cities and thoroughly sewer every locality within its limits. In view of the foregoing statement we therefore recommend that this council cali fora meeting of the electors as provided by our charter for the purpose of deciding 11 320, (00 shall be ralsed by tax to defray the expense of building a main sewer from its proposed terminus beiow the nrst railroad bridge to Grovf or Packard St. If lt shall be the pleasure oí this council to adopt this report, work on this main sewer can be begun in the fall and it caa be made to provide many a day's work for the laborjng man at a time of the year when he most needs it. btespectfuily submitted, CHKISTIAN MARTIN, L. D. WINES, M. E. COOLËY, Committee. To the Committee on Sewers: In accordauce with the desire of the Committee, I have made a special extimination into the ways for sewerng Ann Arbor, with a view of report,ng to the Committee what plans seem to me the most expedient and best, if the City Council should decide upon beginning an improvement of this kind; and I present herewith a map which gives a general view of the system suggested. In all large villages and cities the disposal of the solid and liquid refuse aecomes a seroius problem. Where no means have been taken to get rid of the necessary accumulations óf filth, ncident to a considerable population, the refuse which should have been renoved far from the dwellings has 3een flung upon the ground or deposited in vaults and cesspools, to poison ;lie air and sink into the ground. In excavating for the cellar of a new louse, on premises which had been previously occupied for a number of years, and where there were three jrivy vaults, there were uncovered ind removed two cisterns, and three cesspools which had evidently been built in succession as their predecessors became clogged and useless. Whether any other existed outside of ;he cellar excavation is unknown. Any observant citizen is aware of similar nstances. There comes a time whcn even the porus gravel of Ann Arbor s likely to be overloaded with iinpurity, unless a remedy is found With the general introduction of water to our houses, and the use of bath tubs and water-closets, there is additional need for sewers. There are various ways wnich have been tried, more particularly in Europe, for getting rid of the refuse of a city. Such is the pail system, used at Birmingham and Manchester, England, where the contents of snall moyable receptacles are removed from time to time by carts. It is, at best, an offensive method for the collection and disposal of household wastes, and its nature ís such that it would not be tolerated in any community in this country. The earth closet system and modifications of it had at one time earnest advocates. Here pulverulent deodorizers are applied to the excreta during their storage upon the premises, and the mixture is subsequently removed nnd used for agricultural purposes. The most important types are the earth closet proper, the ash closet, and the charcoal closet. While the powers of dry earth as an absorbant and deodorizer are undoubted, and while such a return of waste producís to the soil as is contemplatod by this or the previous system is most scientific and desirable, the large quantity of earth required for a city, even if used repeatedly, the storage on the préïnisés, the careful attention required which will often fail to be rendered, and the constant rounds of carts for removal. are serious objections to its introduction on a large scale. Ncither of these Methods provides for the water from bath tubs, basins. water closets and kitchen sinks, and as the introduction of a water supply leads directly to a multiplication of such conveniences, some way should be provided for the removal of the half million to a niillion gallons daily poured into this city, and which must pass away in a more or less impure state. It is therefore seen that the establishment of a perfect system for the removal of human excreta does not relieve the comnrunity from the necessity of constructing a complete system of sewerage for the removal of these liquid wastes. The cost of such sewerage system would not be affected bv the exclusión of so small a part. It has also been proved by Chemical analysis that the exclusión of human fneces from sewers has a very slight effect upon the composition of the sewage. and therefore the cost of a dry enrth or similar system would be an additional and unnecessary expense for a city which has reacbed that stage of dévelopment in which sewers for the removal of liquid wastes have become a necessity. Thero are several pneumatic systems for the removal of sewage. without the annoyance of scavengers; and as the power to opérate them is derived from steam engines. the excessive dilution of the sewage with water is again avoided if possible. They are especia Uy applicable to cities of very flat grades, and henee the Lienur system, which works by creating a par'tial vacum, has been used in several cities of Holland. The Berlier system, which applies an air pressure to tight receptacles, has been tried to a limited extent in Paris. The Shone system is essentially a method of piimping sewage in detail by means of smail pneumatic pumping enginos situated in different parts of the city, all of which are operated by power generated at a single station. As Ann Arbor has sufficient declivity, we need not resort to such methods here. One or the other of these methods is sometimos applied to the removal of contents from closed vaults and cesspools to tanks or barrels, which are then carted away. a modification of the pail system first mentioned. Such a process has been tried in some places in this country, and was once advertised here under the name of an odorless process. Uniese most of the water is excluded, the volume of sewage to be dealt with is formidable, and in any case the annoyances overbalance the advantages. The water carriage eystem, as the name implies, dependB upon the transporting and cleansing properties of water for the removal ol sewage. lt ís the one that has been adopted for the greater number of sewerage works. This system is not restricted to the removal of any specific class of sewage, but is used for the removal of house sewage, the 6urface storm water, the subsoil water, and such liquid wasteg trom manufacturing establishments as it is proper to adinit into sewers. An efficiënt system of sewers should convey all the sewerage away from inhablted distriets before any decomposition has taken place in it. The sewers should be so ventilated that any ases contained in thern shall have no acceBs to the Interion of buildings. The first condition is provided for in the water earriage system by giving the sewers such an inclinatlon that the sewage may flow with. su.fieient velocity to remove the solid mattere suspended in Lt, and by giving them such transverse dimensions that the stream of aewage shall be concentrated, thereoy eoonomizing itB seouring power, ncreasing its velooity, and preventing the stranding of solids along their ininterior. A velocity of from two to two and one-hal: fcet per second will remove all objects of the nature and dimensions of those that are likely to be found in sewers. a mean velocity of three feet per second is generally sufiiient to prevent deposits. The greater the concentratlon of the stream, the less will be the relat ive surfaee oí contact between the sewage and the sewer, and consequently the rictional resistanee, and the greater will be the velocity f.nd scouring power for a glven grade; The quantity conveyed by a 'given pipe inervases with lncrease of velocity. Before determining the sizes of sewers, it is necessary to ascertain the volume of sewage that they will have to carry. There are two distinct types of water carriage sewerage caled respectively the "separate" and bhe "combined" systems. By the 'irst, the house sewage and other waste liquids, with or without a limited portion of the storm water, are conveyed in one distinct system of sewers, the surfaee and subsoil waters jeing conveyed in other distinct sys:ems. By the second, a single system of channels is provided for the jonveyance of all matters. By far the greater portion, if not all of Ann Arbor needs no under drainage. Her porus subsoil is able to take Lip readily and allows to soak away ill rainfall that is moderate in amount, as it has disposed heretofore of all our liquid wastes. There are very few places in the city where the jurface water in more violent storms ïannot still be allowed to find its way nto the natiiral water courses with3ut inconvenience to the public or lamage to the streets. For mich parts as would be benefited by storm water drains, short and independent mdericround channels can be providíd. í have therefore planned a sys:em for house drainage exclusively. The moderate cost of the "separate" system makes it possible to carry aut a system of sewerage when the iipense of the "combined" system would in some cases make the oonstruction of sewers imposstble. 1"siilly the cost of the combined system (Continued on Sixih Page.) is more than three times that of a separate system. Sewers on the "separate" system can be built which need not cost the owner of a lot more than the expense of what would be considerad a good brick cesspool. With reference to the eniployment of sewers for houaehold wastes only, 1 will add a few words. That portion of the city lying west of Alten creek namely, a greater part of the seconc and third wards, as well as those parts of the first and sixth wards lying south of Packard, Jefferson anc Orleans sts. and Forest Hill cemetery naturally drain into Allen creek. Why should not a sewer be built up that creek which would take all the aurfaci and storm water as well, and thus oblitérate the creek and improve the land ? Those who have noticed the flow of that creek ín the time of spring freehets, when a heavy rain fall carries oft' the snow, will judge that the culvert openings now built at the various street erossings are not exceeeively large. A brick sewer, to be largo enougli for that storm water, ought to be froni five to six feet in internal diameter. Suoli a sewer would require from 250 to 300 bricks per running foot, and the cost would be gome five dollars or more per foot, a eerious item. If the property owners through whose land it flows desire at any time to reclaim the bed of the creek and utilize it for building urposes, they may properly conaider ;he question of cost, and inaugúrate such an irnprovement, if the land becomes valuable enough to warrant it; mt there is no immediate prospect which would make such an expendiure wise. Ás a sewer for house wnstes, howver, it would be most undesirable. 'he midsummer flow of the creek is xtremely email, and the tributary cwage would make a trickling treain on the comparatively flat botom of the large sewer, cheeked in lts elocity by the roughness of the ricks; deposita would accumulate by eason of the sluggishness of the flow, nd decomposition would set in and nd continue until a shower of rain hould flueh thc sewer. It would not e económica, besides, to carry so arge a sewer from the mouth of Alen creek to the outlet of the sewer, vherever tliat may be. It is unnecesfiry to discuss, in addition, the water right which exists on this creek. How comparatively small a pipe is needed to carry the household wastes is shown by a guaging at St. Louis, Jlo., of the flow in a Bewer seven feet in diameter, where the sewage from 8.200 people, in a district having 1,390 water taps, was dammed back lim paoOCU tlllUUU O, A- lili II BCHC1 pipe, giving then only eeven inches depth of flow. The transporting power of water dependa on the depth as well as the velocity; substancee wholly or largely immersed will be swept along, when they would lodge in a shallow stream. A man can wade through a stream which is knee-deep, even if the velocity of the water is considerable; but let the water reach his waist or shoulders, and a moderate velocity will take him down stream. The amount of sewage derived from the drainage of houses, public institutions and manufacturing establishrnents may be approximately taken as cqual to the water supply, at that season of the year when water is not used for streets and lawn sprinkling. At present, for Ann Arbor, that amount may be put at from 500,000 to 750.000 gallons daily. The maximum flow is in the morning, and allowanee for sxich flow is to be made in proportioning the sewers. Future growth of population and extensions of the system mist also be provided for, and such provisión I have endeavored to keep in view. The calculatlons have been based upon 15 persons per 100 feet of sewer, or five persons to a house on each lot of 66 feet. through the outlying residence portion of the city, and doublé that number in the central part, with an allowanee equivalent to some GO persons per 100 feet in business streets. Th?' quantity of sewap calcula ted for ís 75 gallons per capita, average daily flow, and a maximum discharge at times at the rate of 150 gallons. Whatever the plan finally adopted 'or the disposal of sewage, whether by ramediate discharge into the river. or ay'filtration or by Chemical precipitation, after which the effluent finds its way to the same channel, or by pumpng to some other place for purposes of irrigation or otherwise, the sewage must first be collected, and such bringng of it together will be accomplished at the lower levéis of the city. Henee the system of pipes laid down on the Tccompanying map will be necessary, either as a whole or for the main part, whatever disposition is made of the sewage. In any case except that of direct disharge into the Huron river, the storm water should be excluded, or should e diverted at proper points by storm water overflows or wasteways, to obviate the necessity of, at times, dealng with such a large volume of waer. If it becomes necessary to pump he sewage to some other place, for disposal by irrigation or filtration, t is enough of a task to pump an mount equal to the water supply; or that work alone an outfit nearly f not quite equal to that employed by the water works would be requirod and an annual expense for pumping and management which would probably amount to $2,500 or $3 - ooo. .No sewage farm that I am aware of has provecí a pecuniary success, although promising erops may have been raised, but only an annual expense. From 40 to 80 acres of sandy land, susceptible of drainage, would be required for irrigation. Where filtration, irrigation or chemical precipitation must be resorted to, no adequate return can be counted on from crops or from the sale of sludge and such products, but an annual outgo for maintenance and running expenses may be confidently expected. We come, then, to the conskleration of the direct discharge of the sewage into the river. Sewage from the mouth of a sewer properly built, which conveys the flow through the city with reasonable velocitv. eo that. from the remotest part, the sewage passes to the outfall before putrifactlon sets in, is not offensive to the senses, looks much like moderately dirty waehing-water, and is diluted with the contents of the fulsh tanks, and such ground water as leaks in at the slight imperfcctions in the niany joiuts. The household wastes ought to flow at least one and one-half miles per hour, and will soon reach the river. Observers and inspectora of well constructed sewers, workmen in manholes and at the outfall, all experience no inconvenience and notiee ypry little odor. My experience as a city engineer and my inspection of work in other cities, enables me to speak from positive knowledge on this point. The contemplated outfall, is 22 inelies in diameter, to flow half full. Can one anticípate that the amount of sewage discharged by such a pipe will be noticeable in the Huron rivcr below the city ? It will bear but a moderate ratio to the water which runs through one wheel at Swift's mili. The water of the Huron river has een comparatively low during the ast and preceding year; the small lnkes whlch are lts head waters have been ghrinking away for a series of years, and the same thing has been i ported this last tammer oí the great lakes whieh bord'-r oiir state. The cause li 's in a gft-atly cininislie 1 rainfall: How small it has been the past year, íew realice. Since 1881 Ann Arbor, as well :ïs the state, h;.s experienced an almos; stea.iy faliing on in the preclpltatlon. The average annual rainiall lor Michigan, and for a good agricultura! country, may be put at 33 to 35 laches. In Ann Arbor the rainfall for 1881 was 40.4 tnehes; for 1882, 80.2 lncheg; 1S83, 33.3 inehes; 18S-t, lJ.3; 1885, :;.".- 2 inehes; 1886, 27.Ö inehes; 18S7. 28a inehes; liSS. 2Ö.5 iiK-lics, and in 188Í) o:ily 23.3 inches, 3.G inches feil in December. Is it any wonder that crops are poor and streams ure low; ]udging from data trom a long series of j"''ar8, there is reaeon for supposint; that a change wlll presently take place, and that we shall return to a normal eondition of tilinga. Ifnot, the countrj' will become unproductive and there will be no need of such an improvement as the one contemplated. Further: the sewer at the outfall is proportioned for the discharge of the sewage of the whole city and for a population of from 15,000 to 20,000, so that it will not need rebuilding after the growth of the city. For several years, if the sewers are constructed by degrees as called for, as s usually the case, the sewers will be of limited extent, .and the nuniber of ïouses draining into them comparaively moderate. It is therefore , tirely practicable to turn into the inain sewer for soine time a portion of the flow of Allen creek. By tliis means the sewage will be still further diluted, and any objections to turning it into the river will be so far modified or obviated. AVhen the sewage of the city increases sufficiently in volume, the creek water can be suut out, and ii the discharge into the river then becomes objectionable, other plans of disposal can be considered. Pipe sewers are designed to run half full and their sizes are fixed accordingly. They have the same velocity of discharge and henee doublé the capacity when flowing completely full, and a somewhat greater velocity and discharge when flowing to a depth of about 0.85 of the diameter. The outfall sewer below the city can run full without harm. A systern of sewers branches and tapers like the trunk and limbs of a tree. The main or trunk sewer may empty, lst, at the first railroad bridge below the city; 2d, at the highwáy bridge at the east end of Wall street; or, 3d, opposite the slaughter-houses near the foot of Thirteenth street, where the university sewer now discharges. It passes by the side of the Michigan Central railroad, crosses under the railroad at Fifth street to Summit street, and thence west to Allen's creek, up which it runs, partly through streets and partly through private property, to Madison street. Whether it is better to go through private property as shown oh the plan (although only indicated approximately as to location), or to excávate to the depth required in eertain streets, as at the lower end of Main and in First street is a question of cost. lts proposed sizes and lengths are as follows: From the outfall at the railroad bridge, -to Main st., at corner of Summit, 22 inches, length. 0,200 feet; from Summit st. up Allen's creek to Catharine, 18 Inches, 2,300 feet; from Catharine to foot of William st., 15 inches, 2,200 feet; from William st. to Hill st. at crossing of creek, 12 inches, 3,500 feet; from Hill street to Grove st., 10 inches, 700 feet. Tlie general plan shows practicall; all the houses in the city, the eleva tions of most of the street intersec tions above the city datum, the eleva tions of the sewers at the game points, the grades of the sewers and the length of the several parts which may be modified in some minor details of arrangement without es sential change in the general plas The lines shown are intended to give a liberal provisión for future growth and many of them should not be built until needed. Manholes are to be placed at each interseetion, change of direetion and grade, and not more than 300 feet apart, so that there shall be a straight reach of pipe between every two man-holes, to permit of imspeetion and removal of accidental obstructiqns. At each deadend or upper terminus of lateral sewers where the grade is moderate, automatie flush-tanks will be provided supplied f rom the city -water pipes, anc dlscharging rapldly as a flush f rom 125 to 150 gallons of water, once or twice in twenty-four hours, to thoroughly flush the laterals. All of the pipes except those of the main sewer above mentioned will be eight mciies ítiiu six iiicnes m uiamecer. The cost of the sewers, exclusive oí lower portion of the main or trunk sewer, including everything complete, may be put at from $1.00 to $1.20 per linear foot, or $6.000 per mile. Tlie city engineer oí Kalamazoo reports for the year 1887, 7,129 1-2 feet of laterals, six and eight inches in diameter; cost, $5,851.49; average cut 8.56 feet, and average cost per foot, eighty-three cents. The average cost is considerably Ín excess of that íbr several years previous. Thls is due ehiefly to the more than ordinarily difficult trenching, a considerable advance in cost of sewer-pipe, and less competition on the part of bidders. The total extent of the separate sewerage systems was tlien twelve miles built at a total cost of $69,256.13, and an average cost of $1.09 per ft. Total cost of annual maintenance, wfth semi-weekly inspection, $204.97. The main sewers have never been cleíined except by regular flushing, and the pipe upon examination has been found in perfect order. If any oneflesires to estimate in detail, sewer pipe may be figured at the folio wing prices per foot: 6 inch, 15 cents; 8 inch, 25 cents; 10 inch, 35 cents 12 inch, 50 cents; 15 inch, 65 cents, 18 inch, 85 cents; 20 inch, $1.10; 22 inch, $1.35; 24 inch, $1.60. Cement, gasket and laying at from iour to 12 cents. Excavation and re-filling for six inch pipe, seven feet deep, 35 cents; 12 to 15 feet deep, $1.05; 12 inch pipe, 7 feet deep, 70 cents; 12 to 15 feet deep, $1.50. Manholes, $35.00 each. Flush-tanks, $50.00 each. The trunk sewer at lower end, as far as Main street, is estimated at $2.00 per foot. The piece from the railroad bridge to the east end of Wall street will cost $3,600. Froni Wall street to the foot of Thirteenth street, $-2,000. From Thirteenth street to the foot of Main street, $6,500. The sewer from the foot of Main street to the foot of Madison street is estimated for 6,000 feet, at $1.50, or $9,000. The cost of the trunk sewer, on a liberal estímate, from Madison street to the foot of Thirteenth street, where the university sewer now discharges, will be $15,000; and here it may termínate until the sewers are nsed to such an extent that the outfall becomes objectionable there, when it can be extended to the railroad bridge. That portion of the city from the old cemetery and Forest Hill cemetery northward, but thinly built up at present, will be readily sewered down Thirteenth etreet, and the Fifth ward will be sewered through Wall street i. „rd as shown on the plan, bring■ r, everything together at the same pl'Phe' following are sonie of the many lans adopted for assessing the cost ofiSeïlvra general sewer tax, paylng tnr'the sewers as fast as built. 1 ., uv issuing bonds and provuling jor'tueir gradual payment by general ta' By assessing the property benefld'By paying for sewers by a geni tax, and charging for permita to Ser private drains. k By assessing property adjommg gewcrs in proportion to the frontage offieaBv assessing adjoining property n "roportioii to the área oí each lot. 7 By assessing adjoining property in proportion to the valué of each l0c' By assessing a certain part of the cost (varying from one-fourth to ïhree-fourths) on the adjoining propern In proportion to the frontage, area, S; value, and raising the remainder by a general tax. 0 By assessing a certain uniform -imount per foot front on adjoining nroperty, and paying the remainder by eneral tax. The rnetnod of assessing the cost of sewer upon ''the property benefited" iives rise to perplexing questions. &he judgement of different individuals iill differ widely as to the limits of the district benefited, the proportion ni benefit derived by each lot owner, ind the relative value of the lots. In 'asessing the cost of sewers in any section on the abutting property, a dificultv arises from the fact that some narts of any system will be much more pxnensive thari others, and the extra cost will not be justly chargeable to the adjoining property. In designing any eystem of sewers, the sewerage of awhole town, and the convenience of all the citizens, will require the conBtruction of mains costing from two to four times as much as the laterals; nd the conformation of the ground may necessitate much deeper cuts in some localities than in others. To compel the owners of lots adjoining the mains and deep cuts to pay all the cost of them, when the extra exDense is incurred to benefit distant territory is a manifest injustice. The lmrden of expense may be more nearly qualized, either by paying for the ■vhole system by a general tax, or by assessing upon the lots a uniform amount per foot front (or in proportion to area, etc), and paying the remainder by a general tax. , The ordinance now in force at Kalamazoo, as amended after experience, stands as follows: "In the construction of 'lateral sewers,' all property adjoining or abutting upon that portion of a street or alley through or along which the lateral sewer shall extend, shall be assessed at the rate of 33 1-3 cents per foot front, and at the Tate of 33 1-3 cents for each foot of connecting sewer that may be necessary (or that may be desired by the Bro'perty owner) to connect said lateral sewer with said property, and the city shall assume and defray all other expenses incident to the laying of siich lateral and connecting sewers." On corner lots, not exceeding four Tods by eight rods, when a sewer is built on two sides, the two sides are added together and divided by two to determine the irontage. Eespectfully submitted, CHAS. E. GREENE. Ann Arbor, Feb. 26th, 1890. Aid. Kitson moved that the Mayor's vetoes be now taken from the table, ■rohih mofcinn nrevailed. Aid. Mann moved that when we adjourn, we adjourn until Thursday evening next at 8 p. m., which motion prevailed. The Mayor's vetoes being taken irom the table, the question being that the action of the Council regarding the map for the Couneil chamber be sustained, the Mayor's veto notwithstanding, which motion was lost, two-thirds f the aldermen elect not voting thereiore by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Allmendinger, Fillmore, Taylor, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 8. Nays- Aid. Martin, O'Hearn- 2. The question being that the action f the Council regarding the coping on South TJniversity avenue be sustained, the Mayor's veto notwithstanding, the motion was lost, two-thirds of the aldermen elect not voting therefore, by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas- None. Nays- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn. Taylor, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 10, The Mayor's veto of the new culverts heing read, a división of the question was called for. The question being, shall the action of the Council regardiiig the culvert on Hill street be sustained, the Mayor's veto notwithstanding, the motion was lost, two-thirds ofthe aldermen elect not voting therefor, by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas- None. Nays- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 10. The question being that the action of the Council regarding the culvert on Fifth street be sustained, the May or's veto notwithstanding, the motion was lost, two-thirds of the aldermen lect not voting therefor, by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas- None. Nays- Aid. Mann. Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 10. The question being that the action of the Council regarding the culvert on Felch street be sustained, the Mayor' veto notwithstanding, the motion wa lost, two-thirds of the aldermen elec not voting therefor, by yeas and nay as follows: Yeas- Aid. Allmendinger- 1. Nays- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kit son, Pres. Cooley- 9. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING AUGUST 31, 1891. To tlw Common Council of the City o Arm Arhor: Balance on hand as per last report $2,370.48 MONEY RECEIVED, Cemetery Fund- Aug. 1, Thos. Speechley 20.00 Contingent Fund-Murray ofloer'sfees 14.45 ontinirent Fund.- E. B. Pond fines 2.00 outiugeut r und- Miller, euie of pouad 130.00 reet Fund- Miller 75 Total $2,537.08 82,537.68 MONBY DISBURSED. ontingent Fund $ 900 69 reet Fund 1,518.09 ïremen's Fund 1,373.84 'olice Fund 19125 'oor Fund 47.8Ú 'aterFund ?emetery Fund 141,60 oldiersTRelief Fuad 2.00 Total 84,175 27 BALANCE ON HAND, ontingent Fund overdrawn $ 768.56 treet Fund, overdrawn 5,347.09 'iremen's Fund ï 504.29 olice Fund 469,78 oor Fund 1,333.99 WaterFund 984.71 iemetery Fund 66.93 oldiers' Relief Fu nd . 602.40 niversity Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 elinquentTax Fund overdrawn 40404 ogTaxFund 100.00 Total $4,882.10 $6,519.69 otal overdrawn $1,637.59 Eespectf ully submitted, S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. nn AnBOR City, August 31, 1891 . Ann Arbob Savinos Bank, ) Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 7, 1891. j This will certify that the account of . W. Beakes, City Treasurer, is overrawn to the amount of sixteen hunred and forty-one and 71-100 dollars, 1,641.71). Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The reports of the City Clerk, City [arshal and Superintendent of the ?oor were read and filed. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the plans and specication of the new bridge to be con;ructed at Bridge No. 3, submitted by he Board of Public Works be and the ame are in all things approved and Joard is hereby directed to advertise 'or bids for the construction thereof ccording to the same. Which resolution prevailed by yeas nd nay.s as follows: Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and President ooley.- 10. Nays - None. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is hereby instructed to determine the amount necessary to grade ie streets of South and East Univerïty avenues, so as to secure the buildng of sidewalks on said streets by the Jniversity authorities, the council eeming such gradingto be a necessary ublic improvement. Which resolution prevailed by yeas nd nays as follows: Teas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger. Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley. - 10. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor: The Board of Public Works having ubmitted the bids for the repairs of iridge No. 2 with recommendation hat all of said repairs be made under he direction of the Street Commisioner, therefore Resolved, That all of said bids bereected and said Board of Public Works ause said repairs made under the diection of the Street Commissioner. Which resolution prevailed by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Win es, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley- 10. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin: Eesolved, That the several Aldermen lo proceed without delay, to make a ist of all persons residing in their respective wards who are entitled to reief under Act No. 193 of session laws jf 1889, and that the Soldiers' Relief jommission are requestefl to appoint n early day for a meeting with the Aldermen for the purpose of certifyns a list of such persons to the Coun3il together with an estímate of the robable sum required for such relief 'und for the next fiscal year. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley- 10. , Nays- None. By Alderman Hall: Whereas, The Committee on Streets, after full consideration, have reported in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of G. F. Allmendinger, J. W. Rogers, and more than ten other freeholders of this city, praying for the laying out of a street on the lines of Fourth avenue, f rom Madison street to Hill street, to be called Fourth avenue. Therefore, Resolved, That this Council do deern such proposed improvement advisable and hereby give-notice to all persons interested therein of the pendency of the same; That the Common Council will meet at the Council Rooms on the 21 st day of September next at eight o'clockp. m., of said day, for the purpose of determining the question of or dering the laying out of such proposed street, 2d, The City Clerk is hereby ordered and required to cause due notice of the pendency of such proposed improvement, as well as the time, when and place where this Council will meet to determine the question of ordering the same, to be duly served on all persons interested therein. Which resolution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Hall, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley- 10. Nays- None. On motion, the Council then adW. J. Millek, City Clerk. The question of the hour- What time is it? It is pastime when one misses the train, although it may be difficultto determine where the fun comes in.
Ann Arbor City Council
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
William G. Doty
Ezra B. Norris
Patrick McNally
Mary Ann Bourns
W. W. Whedon
A. C. Nichols
Noah G. Butts
Fred Sipley
C. A. Edwards
Louis Hoelzle
Henry McLaren
Charles Carroll
Morgan Williams
Herman Kirn
Robert Ross
Louis Weinmann
John Kinney
Sam McLaren
George Jedele
David Malloy
William Herz
James R. Murray
David Collins
Noble C. Tice
J. A. Polhemus
William G. Snow