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BUSINESS DIKECTORY. ATTORNEYS. . CRAMEH. S, CBAMEH. CRAMER & CRAMER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office: Front room over First National Bank, ANN AKBOR, MICH. g B.NORRIS Attorney at Law. Does a general law collection and conveyaneJ)g business. A moderate share oí your patronage respectfuUy solioited. Office in the Court House. " K. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Lav and Pension Claim Attornn, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. ELIHTT B. ZPOIETIX JUSTICB OF THE PEACE And Notary Public. Conveyancing done and REAL ESTÁTE boupht and sold on commision. Patronagowilictted. No. 6 N.Main S DENTISTS. r ours p. hall, DEïtTIST. Office South State street Over Sheehan's Book Store. Hours9a. m. tol2and2p. m. toSp.m. VV W. NICHOLS D. D., DENTIST. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of vitalizedair. )_ A. MAC LACHLAN, D. Diseases of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat. Office in Hanjfsterfer block. Residence. 26 S. División Street. Hours.- 1 to 5 and 6:30 to 7:36 P. M. FREDEEICK KRAUSE, AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notico at easonable charges. For further particularB cali at the Arous office. MICHIGAN (TbNTRAI, " The Magara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 1891. CENTBAL STANDARD TIME. , e ■ EASTWARD. N'th stations Mail Day Shre N Y Ni't AU. Kal Exp Lím ! Exp Kx. Exp Ace. AM A.H. P. X. P.H. P.M. P.H. A.H Chicago, Lt. 7 05 9 00 12 2. 8 10 9 25 1010 4 56 Jackson "2 55 4 25 Ö0 8 47 4 40 6 15 8 50 Chelaea 3 f 9; 5 30 7 IC o 42 Dexter 4 l 5 45 7 25 55 Delhi Mills... 430 733 A.NH AEBOB.. 4 42' 5 25 6 22 9 45 6 0f 7 45 10 19 Ypsilanti.... 5(3 540.... 9 56 623 8011032 WayneJunc 5 27 647 885 1050 P. - , -. M. P. M. P. M, A.M. A-M. Detroit, Ar . 615 6 45 720Ü045 7301920 1125 A.M. A.M. I A.M. P.M. P. M. P.M. Buffalo 8 10 4 OOI 7 25 3 16 605 WESTWARD. Cbl. iN'th stations. Petr Chi. Lito Eve.lShre Pac. Mail Exp Kip Exp Exp. Lim Ex. Ace. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.H. A.M. Buffalo, 12 0( 6 30 9 45 3 40 12 60 6 GO A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P,M. P.M. Detioit, Lt... 8 20 7 ló 1 20 7 45 9 25 9 15 4 45 WayneJunc 9 00 8 25 .. . 9 54 5 19 ïpsüanti 8 22 8 lu 2 05 8 47 10 15 5 40 ASNÍ2B0E.. 9 35 8 39 2 19 9 18 lulu 10 30 6 52 Delhi Mills.. 94.!..... 9 15 Dexter 905 9 25 6 07 Chelsea lu 10 9 Í 6 18 Jackson 1100 9 25 3 i4 10 25 11 15 11 45 6 86 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. Chicago, At. 7 öJ 3 55 9 00 6 50 4 50 8 05 1115 tDaily. Sunday excepted. O. W . RUGÓLES, H. W. HA VES, G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. riineTable yoiun Int effect. Sunday, Aueustl . OOINO NORTII. No. 2. Through Mfiil and Express. .. 740 a. m. No. 4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom .. 12 30 p. m. No. 6. Clare Passenger 5 05 p. m. GOING SODTH. No 1. Clare nnd Toledo Accom 11 30 a. m. No.3. Throiijfh Mail 20p.m. No. 6. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20 a. m. Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily except Sunday. W.H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking effect June 18, 1891. Lcñve Ann Arbor trom Court House at 6.20; 7.50, 9 20. 10.50 a. m., and 12.50, 3.20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.20,9.50, 11.20 p.m. Leave TpsOanti at 6 00, 7.30, 9.00, 10.30, a. m., and 12.30, ÍOÜ, 3.30,5.', 6.30, 8.00, 9.30, ll.OOp. m. SUNDAY TIME TABLE. Leave Ann Arbor from Court House at 8.30 a. m., and 2.20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.20, 9.50, p. m. Leave Ypsilanti at 8.10, a. m., and 2.00, 3.30, 5 00, 6.3ii. 8.00, 9.30, p. m. Take Notice.- Sunday train at 8.10 a. m., leaves Ypsilanti, corner Cross and Adams Streets. Cars rmi on City Time. Coupon tickets, 10 cents, l'or salo by conductors. A C. NICHOLS. DENTI8T Late of Nichols Bros. Over Adams's Bazaar No. 13 South Main street. MM RICHARDS. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOQD, LU3CBEÏ. FfiNCE FOSTS. Muple Flooring.etcalso Pina 3 ShlTlgleg. ALL EXftDS OF FUCE WÍ PKK'KS ae Lf'W as any dealer in the City. A geut for km Un ú Ikmi Ho. 9 Detroit Street ANN AKBOK. - - MICHIGAN