
Weddings are promised us at Chelsea. G. Luick, of Lima, will build a new residence. Miss Maggie Wilber is teaching the school at Wordens. B. A. Dolbee, of Superior, died August 30 aged seventy-three years. Haines, the Whitmore Lake blacksmith, has moved to Gregory. The Dexter Leader advocates the construction of water works in Dexter. Miss Nellie Cavanaugh is teaching school in the Pleasant lake district, Freedom. Fred Seeger, of Lima, had a field of wheat which ran fifty-two bushels to the acre. Miss Ida B. Sloat is teaching the school in the McMahon district Manchester. Oscar Stimpson, of Saline, re ceived $1,050 for a three-year-olc trotter from Toledo parties. The nine-year-old son of M Staib, of Clinton, died September 1 after a very very brief illness. A. A. Wood carried off a large number of prizes on his merino sneep at the Detroit exposition. Eugene Helber, of Saline, cap tured the first prize at the Detroit exposition on Cleveland Bay horses The Milan marshal, last week notified the people of that place that their taxes must be paid by las evening. Mrs. Minerva Lawson, of Whit taker, died August 29, after an ill ness of four days, leaving a husbanc and little daughter. Argus McKay, of Northville, has typhoid pneumonía. We hope he will recover on account of his first name, if for nothing else. Mrs. Edwin Crane, of Ypsilanti, died in Ypsilanti August 28, aged sixty-five years. She had res'ded in Ypsilanti thirty-three years. The Cantón correspondent of the Ypsilantian speaks of 16 and 22 feet iron bridges over ditches two and four feet wide in that town. The Jerusalem Mills is srid to be the only mili in the county using rolls on grist work, giving the customer the flour from theirownwheat. John Braun, Jr., of Manchester while cutting a limb off a tree las1 week, had his hand badly crushec by the limb striking it, as it feil from the tree. They had some good wheat in Southern Manchester. Albert D. English got 1032 bushels from 3; acres and George D. Sutton 10SÍ bushels from 35 aeréis. Two dogs bit eight sheep belonging to)L. Rank, of Sharon, a couple of weeks ago, and three of the sheep died. Mr. Rank received #12 from the owner of the dogs. Northville by a majority of 11 voted to have water works. Milford is now talking of water works. Soon many villages will have their own systems of water works. Mrs. Maria May, who died in Stockbridge, August 30, settled in Lyndon in 1844 on the farm now occupied by William Howlett, with her first husband, Mark Hill. A Grass Lake merchant has come out with a new hat. This is such an unusual occurrence that the Grass Lake News goes into ecstasy over it and chronicles it as an evidence ol the great prosperity of the village. The Rosier Bros., of Webster, have a new variety of winter apples that are now a large kind. David Henning relates that one of his wealthy Chicago lady customers says that one apple makes a pie. - Dexter Leader. % Our clothing dealers got to running each other last Saturday and the boys are wearing cheap pants in consequence. Wuerthner cut the price on his to 23 cents, Robison & Koebbe chopped to i5,then Weerthner went to 10 and Robison & Koebbie sent boys up there and bought a lot at that price and sold them out at 5 cents. - Manchester Enterprise. Last Friday afternoon Joseph Lerg, a young man living south of town, had his left shoulder dislocated by being thrown against a fence by a stubborn colt which he was endeavoring to break for Mrs. Cushman. A cut on the head required a couple of stitches. Dr. Lynch replaced the shoulder in the socket and sewed up the cut. - Manchester Enterprise. For a place of its size, the fact cannot be deuied that Saline can produce the greatest number and some of the best breeds in the country. Anything in the line of fine horses or trotters, registered fine-wool sheep, Jersey and other noted cattle, high-grade and mported poultry, hogs of all the best breeds are to be found here, and are sold according to the kind and grade. True it is some stock is sold or offered at good round figures and it is right. A breeder who spends ime, money and years of experence in getting flock or herd in a ligh grade condition and keeps them so cannot afford to sell stock for the same figure as one who takes no care or has but an ordinary line. - Saline Observer.
Jerusalem Mills
Rosier Bros.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
G. Luick
Maggie Wilber
B. A. Dolbee
Nellie Cavanaugh Riley
Fred Seeger
Ida B. Sloat
Oscar Stimpson
A. A. Wood
Eugene Helber
Minerva Lawson
Argus McKay
Mrs. Edwin Crane
John Braun Jr.
Albert D. English
George D. Sutton
Maria May
William Howlett
Mark Hill
Joseph Lerg