William Wagner, of Ann Arbor, was seen upon our streets last Sunday morning. Miss Mary Williams, of Williamston, is visiting Geo. Pfeifle and other friends here. J. B. Laraway and wife attended the exposition at Detroit, on Wednesday of last week. Farmers are commencing to sow their wheat. More will be sown next week than this. Rev. S. Bird preached his farewell sermón last Sunday morning. He goes to conference next Tuesday. E. S. Worden, of Ann Arbor, passed through this place on the way to his farm at Worden station, last Saturday. The ladies' aid society will hold a social at the residence of Mr. O. T. Leiand next Saturday evening. This will be the last social of the year. On Wednesday, Sept. 16, at the M. E. church, a meeting will be held for the election of officers of the ladies' aid society for the coming year. School meeting in district number 7 was well attended Monday evening. A. L. Bailey was elected director in F. Duncan's place, whose term has expired. Rev. S. Bird received in full membership to the M. E. church last Sunday morning, Mrs. Barton I Winans, Mrs. Treadwell, Cora Brundage, Myrtie Renwick, Edith Wooster and Thomas Bartlett.