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BÁGH'JBEL & GO. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE. Special News for Housekeepers and Boarding House People. For the Next THIBTY DAYS We shall offer greater Inducements to Customers in want. UNEQUALLED VALUES. 25 DOZEN ALL LINEN HÜCK TOWELS At $3.00 per dozen reduced to $2.25 per doz. for this sale. 25 DOZEN HUOK and DAMASK TOWELS At $2.25 per doz. reduced to $1.50 for this occasion. 5 PIECES 60 INCH WIDE BAENSLY CREAM DAMASK At 50 ets. per yd. Cheap under ordinary circuinslances at 65c. ONE CASE BEST 94 BLEACHED SHEETING At 25 ets. per yard; Regular price, 30c. 100 DOZEN BLEACHED LINEN DAMASK NAPKINS At $1.00, $1.25, $1.40, and 11.50 per dozen, greatly reduced in price for this sale. BLANKETS AND CONFORTABLES At much less than regular prices for this special sale, to stimulate business. This Sale will prove a Bonanza for Housekeepers. Take advantage of this opportunity. The Old Keliable Dry Goods House, BAGH, ABEL & GO. 26 S. MAIN STREST. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. WANTED- A girl to do general housework. Apply at the Argus office. WANTED- A boy who desires to learn the printer's trade. Must be able to read writing and spell eorrectly. Apply at Argus office. ALarge House for Rent.- Inquire of Mrs. A Eiseie, 12 Catherine street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 58-60. WANTED- Girl to do general housework for smali family. Good wages to one who will come well recommended. Enquire at the drug store of J. J. Goodyear or at No. 61 South División Street. FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with six rooms eaoh in New Block on State Btreet. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. m-t f . _ NN ARBOR NUBSERY- Fruit and orna-"■mental trees. Peaoh and pear a speeialty. Grape vines, berry plants, etc. Price low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN.- The Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarterof Section 16 in the Townshlp of York, a-bout four miles trom Saline village. A good house and small barn on the premises, known as the Wesley Ouderkirk farm. For terms applv to E. B. Pond, No. 6, N. Main street, Ann Arbor. 45 ti. POR SALE- Two Houses and Loes- One on ■ the North and other the South side of Summit street, within flve minutes' walk of the Post Office. Enquire of E. B. Pond, No. 6 N. Main street. Aug. 18, 1891. 55-58. FOR SALE.- A family horse, sound, gentle, and in every way deBirable for ladies' use. Inquire at Stark & Gartee's paint shop, 28 E. Washington öt. &5tf WANTED- A Competent Man to Clerk. Address in writing, with referencRS, A. B., care Argus Office. 66-58. FARM FOR SALE.- The farm known as the Jacob Schweickert farm, belngtheN. Vt of N.B. ü of Sect. 1, T. 31, South of K. 6 E., and the E. 30 acres of S. E. ü of N. E. H. of said section, containinf? about 110 acres in town of Northiield, Washtenaw county, Mich., about flve miles from Ann Arbor. Will sell for $aö per acre for cash or part on time. MiiBt be sola immediately. Address, Abner Smith Room 630 Opera House Block, Chicago, 111. 56-61 M Pf Wanted; salary and expenses. Perl'J Til!! manent place. Apply at once. BROWN BROá. CO., Nurserymen, Chicago, 57-65 PASTURE: - Woods, stubble and spring clover, 92 acres; brook; near County House, (3 miles from Mack & Scdmid s) Horses. 25c per week; cows, 20c. Inquire at u South lngalls or at County House. 57-59