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Smaller State Taxes This Year

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The state board of equalization have nished their work. Washtenaw ouuty has been equalized at $31,000,000, an increase of $1,000,000 over five ears ago, But under the new equalzation Washtenaw will pay less state axes than under the old, for the total qualization of the state is fixed at 1,130,000,000, or $184,5.50,000 more than n 1886. For the past five years "Washtenaw has paid a little over three and an eighth per cent. of the state taxes, while hereafter she will pay a little less than two and three quarters per cent. To be exact about it under the equalization of 1886 her percentage was .0317308, and under the equalization of 1891 it is .0274336. To indicate how this will affect taxes we may take the state tax levy for this year, $1,420,274.62. Of this amount Washtenaw will pay $38,963.24. Under the equalization of 1886 she would have paid $45.066.50, á saving this year in state taxes of $6,103.26. As our readers well know, this is the year of big state taxes, as it is the year following the session of the legislature, and yet, al;hough the state taxes are necessarily higher than last year, the state tax that Washtenaw will pay is $1,136.52 less than last year and the big suni of $18,835.30 less than two years ago. So much has a democratie state administration done f or Washtenaw. To put the figures in different form, Washtenaw's state tax in 1889 was $57,798.54. In 1890 it was 840,099.76 and in 1891 it will be $38,963.24 Supervisor James Kearns, of this city, the delégate sent toappear before the state board of equalization deserves considerable credit for his share in the work, as does Supervisor Gil bert, of Sylvan. The great increase in the state equalization was caused in great part by the addition of $75,000,000 of mining property to the assessment rolls under an act of the last legislature. There was also a general increase in the counties, The sum of $40,000,000 was added to Wayne county's equalization of flve years ago, $1,500,000 was added toMonroe, $2,000,000 to Lenawee, 81,000,000 to Hillsdale, $1,000,000 to Livingston, $2,600,000 to Oakland, while Jackson remained as before. The equalization in these counties now is: Wayne, $190,000,000; Monroe, $16,500,000, Lenawee, $30,000,000; Hillsdale, $22,000,000; Livingston, $16,000,000; Oakland, $29,600,000. Owing to mining property being now assessed, Iloughton county was raised from $6,500,000 to $40,000,000.