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Farmers are busy cutting their corn, having nearly all finished sowing wheat. The mite society will hold a social at the residence of Samuel Hale Friday afternoonand evening of this week. Some boys were made an example of here Monday, by being arrested and fined for disturbing a religious meeting. Mrs. Mary Holcomb went to Detroit Monday to visit friends and attend the M. E. conference held there this week. The school is agitating the question of buying an organ. A series of socials is talked of to raise the necessary funds. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Needham and daughter Mabel spent part of last 'week at Toledo attending the fair and visiting their son, Elmer. A. G. Mclntyre met with a little bad luck a short time ago. He had a car loaded with coal which caught fire, burning up the coal and car. The family of Austin White are very much afflicted. Mr. White's twin sisters have both been sick all summer. The nth Blanche died. His only child, a boy seven years old, was taken with gastric f everand died on the i2th. Both funerals were held at the house on the i3th. The other sister, Miss Bertha, is very low with no hope of recovery. Mr. White and wife have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.