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Local Brevities

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William Logar is building a new house on Geddes avenue. A new carpet has been purchased for the opera house stage. O. M. Martin is to have a telephone in his place of business Oct. lst. Goodrich's millinery stock has been removed to No. 11 S. Main street. George Webber is serving thirty days in the stoneyard for drunkenness. John D. Bailey has been appointed yardmaster of the T. & A. A. road in this city. C. E. Mutchell has joined the ranks of the bicyclists and may now be seen astride a fine new safety. The street railway did a rushing business to Ypsilanti, yesterday, three cars being used on all trips, The f amily of Jacob TJ. Binder bas received $500 through the Ann Artor Verein on a policy held by him. Elsie, the little daughter of Martin Haller, feil, while playing yesterday afternooc, and broke her wrist. Eev. Chas. A. Young, of the Disciples' church, will preach next Sunday morning at the Methodist church. The sparrow business continúes good with County Treasurer Brehm. He paid $68.40 for sparrows last week. Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. M., introduced seven candidates into the mysteries of the order, Monday evening. d The University authorities commenced laying a new cement walk on the south side of the campus, Wednesday. The union services of the churches have closed for the season and regular Sunday evening services will now be held. The regular season of the dancing academy will open Oct. lOth. The children's classes will be started Sept. 25th. Ann Arbor Commandery, K. T., conferred the order of the Temple on Edward Cornwell, of Ypsilanti, Tuesday evening. Mrs. R. A. Beal was appointed chairman of the board of deaconesses at the Methodist conference now in session at Detroit. The board of public works and the fire commissioners meet tbis evening to determine how much money they want for next year. Street Commissioner Sutherland, with a gang of men, is now repairing Bridge Xo. 2. C. Helber has charge of the framing work. Yesterday afternoon William Gwir ner andMiss Libbie Wahr were married at the residence of the bride's mother on S. Ashley street. C. W. Wagner & Co., have moved back into their old stand, which has been remodeled into one of the handsomest show rooms in the city. The young men of Zion church will meet on Sunday, f ollowing the morning services, for the purpose of organizing au auxiliary society for church work. Examinations for admisssion to the literary department of the University commence next Thursday, work in all departments beginningone week later. The Ann Arbor Argus did an enterprising thing in giving us Mr. Woodman's speech in f uil. The paper that leads the Argus must get up early and dust around lively.- South Lyon Picket. . The wires of the telephone exchange are now being hung higher and in better shape than heretofore, new poles having been placed on Main and Washington streets. Abram Walker, of Northfleld, died Tuesday, of dysentary. The deceased was 77 years old and had lived iu Northfield a number of years. The funeral was held yesterday. The reunión of the Twentieth Michigan Inf antry next year will be held in this city in September. Capt. Geo. W. Bullis is president and N. D. Gates Secretary for nexft year. The Western Michigan Methodist conference this week appointed Eev. George Hickey, of Lansing; and George Kuip members of the council of Wesleyan guild, of this city. The Ypsilanti fair opened Tuesday with a large uumber of entries and better exhibits than in previous years. The attendance has been large, many from this city going daily. City Clerk Miller has secured the temporary use of a large fire and burglar proof safe to store the city's valuable papers in. , The safe has been placed in the engine house. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad changed time Sunday. The only change is in the train going north at about noon. It now goes at 11:50 a. m., or forty minutes earlier. Rev. R. H. Rust, D.D., preached his farewell sermón in the M. E. chureh last Sunday. After a year in Europe, he assumes the presidency of the Cincinnati "Wesleyan college, to which he has been elected. The Keystone club closed the season by giving a club party at their club house at Zukey lake Wednesday night. About a dozen couples attended from this city and the affair was an enjoyable one. Our readers will find an article in another column from the pen of Geo. A. Peters, of Scio, who talks free silver coinage at all seasons, designed to show that free silver coinage would mean cheap dollars. The chimney for the boiler house at the new hospitals is no small affair, being 12 feet in circumference at the base and 85 feet tall. It was started ten days ago and after the first day was "run np" at the rate of ten feet a day. J. B. Corliss, of Detroit, who gave Ann Arbor its excellent street car service, has been conferring the same favorjon Jackson andSaturday expects to start one of the finest equipped electric railways in the country at that place. The Detroit conference of the Methodist church commeneed Wednesday. Rev. C. M. Coburn, of the Jefferson-st. Methodist church, Saginaw, has been selected by the trustees to succeed Dr. Rust and will undoubtedly be appointed to this charge. The Jackson aldermen, who visited this city some weeks ago and looked over our water works, seem to have carried their project through. Jackson has just voted $100,000 bonds to put in additional water facilities, the vote standing 773 to 436. Mayor Doty, Col. H. S. Dean, Maj. Harrison Soule, E. Duffy, Z. Roath, S. W. Beakes, J. E. Harkins and Maj. S. W. Millard were elected honorary members of the Ann Arbor Light Infantry by a vote of the company, Wednesday evening. A. J. Sawyer hasn't the gout, as many of his friends who see him limping around with a cañe this week may think. In stepping from a carriage at Dundee, Tuesday, he snapped a small ligament in his right leg, and that member has been pretty sore ever since. The funeral of John Fiegel, of Pittsfield township, whieh was held at Zion church, Sunday morning, was one of the largest ever held in Ann Arbor. The church was crowded to suffocation and over three hundred carriages followed the remains to Forest Hill cemetery. Deputy Sheriff John Gillen, of Saline, was in the city, Monday, to take Sadie Linninger, of Saline, to the Detroit House of Correction for ninety days, for being drunk on the streets. She is an oíd offender, who has several times seen the inside of the jail owing to her failings. Hon. Daniel Dougherty, who has no superior in America as an orator, wijl deliver a lecture in the opera house of this city Thursday evening, October 8, on oratory. He was secured through the efforts of Rev. Fr. Kelly and the opera house should be filled to overflowing on this occasion. President Fred B. Braun, of the county fair association, while picking apples, Monday, feil from a ladder, breaking his wrist. He bears up philosophically, however, as the in jury will give lam all the more time to devote to booming the coming fair, the greatest in the history of the association. D. B. Seeley, the Milan oi'gan man who escaped from the custody of the ofticer who had arrested him on the charge of forgery, and who was recaptured in Canada by Deputy Sheriff Peterson last week, has had his 1 ination set for September 21, and, in default of $1,500 bail, he is now in jail. Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, Frank T. Corr and Lottie Bell Saun. ders were united in marriage at the residence of Fr. Kelly, a reception following at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Saunders. The young couple left for a two weeks' trip to Chicago, St. Louis and other western points. The authorities are after liquor dealers who have failed to take out a license. Oh Tuesday, John J. Schultz and Andreas Neff, of Scio, were brought before Justice Pond and bound over to the circuit court for trial on the charge of selling liquor without a license. Schultz gave bail but Neff was unable to do so and is in jail. On the same &ay Jacob Grab, an Ypsilanti brewer, was brought up for selling beer at retail without a license. His examination was set down for the 25 th. A healthful and invigorating tea is what many eonsumers wish. Those that do will glance at our first page this week, where Rinsey & Seabolt have something to say about Royal Satsuma, and make a special offer to get customers to try it, witn the belief that having once used a really good article, they will use no other. Patriek Burns, a laborer employee! in building the court house cesspool, had a bad tumble, Wednesday. He was carrying a hod of mortar down a ladder which broke and let' Burns and bis load of mortar f all to the bottom of the cesspool, 13 feet below. Burns was stunned f or a time, but soon recoyered and went to work again. The contract for the new bnidge over the Hurón bridge has been signed. This is the bridge which the Smith Bridge Co. will build at less than cost to themselves, in order to keep other bridge companies from putting in any bridges here. The contract makes the work to be done under the direction of the board of public works and Prof. M. E. Cooley. Additional local will be found on our eighth page.