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E. F. Mills & Co.

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" THE ONE PRICE STORE " 2O SOTTTH JÜLAJEKT, - AZETIET ARBOR, MIOH. Carloads of goods have been unloaded at our store the past few weeks. Every department is full to overflowinq. Quantities and quahties speak for themselves. No such stock has ever been seen before in Ann Arbor. Everything from the cheapest to the best. Prices lowerthan ever notwithstandmg the much talked of advance. Constantly increasing sales enable us to purchase in larger and larger quantities. This giyes us, of course, better prices. As we buy more cheaply we cut the sellinq price to correspond. reopie apprecmte that, and our growmg trade demonstrates the wisdom of it. , DRESS GOODS. SILKs" DOMESTICS. LINENS. No Dress Goods stock in town compares A Complete Silk Stock. No need to go out A Superior line including every well-known Bargain Towels 10c, 12c, 15c. and 17c with ours for variety, for values, or for quantity of town. Detroit and Chicago prices duplicated. brand. "Lowest Prices" the invariable rule in Special Value Table Linen 25c, 35c and 50c of new goods. Extraordinary values at 25c and Special All Silk Faille 83c is depai-tment. Napkins, under price, 75c, $1.00, $1.13, $1.39 &c 50c. Beautifulline Imported Novelties, 50c to AU Surahs Blck and Colors 25c StSTlS On ! Wí BedSprea " $2.00. Beautiful pattern Suits, including a line Colored Dress Failles wort1 W-25 98c Middlesex yard-wide Bleached 5c Linen Crashes from . ... .'.'. '. '. '. [ '. '. 7c up of .$12. 00 patterns for $9.00. A line of $1.00 Plaid Surahs 50c Good Domet Flannel 5C "special values in this department fof hotels, Blaek goods that delight every one. Special Special values in ' 'Gold Medal Warranted Laigü Hne T G'm%h!lm? ■ Table Covers '?T.Q .H!'?!?'. 89c,' 1. 00 and up values at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Black Silks for which we are Sole Aoents. at theteJeTZ froJlloTo ?? TaWe LinenS-WOTth COMPLETE LINES AND LOWEST PRICES ln Geüs Furnishmgs, Shawls, Underwear, Hosier j, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Notions. Good Values, 49c and 73c. vil''llT"r-Cj ■ - V:Lï?&lttU U,, W- S.Btóon S„e,e 50 i ' + ' L- ! Our Famous "Biorritz," 98c. AU Wo1 Ingrains, 56c and up. Tapestry Brussels, 49c and up. Immense line Portieres, $2.50 to Evening Gloves in extra lengths.' $15.00. 200 Pairs New Lace Curtains, 57c to $12.00 pr. Experience tells and we lead. "One Price" must mean the lowest price with us always. We are never undersold. And yet a child can bu y of us as cheap as a man and a man buy cheaper than elsewhere. H#ü! TB TWT" mmr „■- _ék -+ _■ _