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Closed For The Fair

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The business men of Ann Arbor close their place of business next Friday afternoon so that they and their employés may have an opportunity o attend the fair, which promises to be the best ever held here. It is hoped ;hat every one in the city will be on he fair grounds at least one day, to show that they appreciate honest efforts to make a great success of the county fair. The paper signed by the business men is as follows: We, the undersigned business men of the city of Ann Arbor hereby agree o close our respective places of business on Friday the second day of Octoer next, at 12 o'clock noon and keep ;hem closed until 4 o'elock p. m. of rhat day, for the purpose of giving ourselves and employés an opportunity to attend the Washtenaw Agricultural Society's animal fair. Dean & Co., John Goetz, Jr., Edward Duffy, Anton Teufel, tfaek & Sohmid, Hutzel & Co.. 5oodyear & 8t. Jaines, W.F. Stimson, Schairer & MUlen, C. A. Maynard, E. F. Mills & Co., Henry Murphj-, iach. Abel & Co., D. B. Barney, J.T. Jacobs Co., Warner & Són, A. L. Noble, J. W. Maynard, Wadhams, Kennedy & W m. H . Melntyre, Reule, S. & J. Baumgartner, Wagner & Co., J. D. Stimson & Sons, J. M. Stafford, Fred C. Stimson, Tne Two Sams, L. Blitz, Brown & Cady . W. G. Burehfleld, Sehuh & Muehlig, Voorheis & Dietas, Grossman & Schlenker, Seorge L. Moore, B. F. Schumacher, 3eorge Wahr, J. E. Harkins, Sheehan & Co., L. Gruner, Chaa. Speller Co., Adam D. Seyler. K. E. Jolly & Co. , Beal & Pond. F. Stofflet, Caspar Rinsey, F. J. Schleede, J. S. Mann, Mann Bros., Willlam Salyer, Eberbach & Son, Kinsey & Seabolt, John Moore, W. D. Adams, H. J. Brown, Bailey & Dow, J. J. Goodyear, with Michael Staebler, exception of Wagner & Biermann, cription clerk, Koch & Henne, E. E.Calkins, with Martin Haller, eeption of W. G. Dieterle, tion clerk, Goodspeed & Sons, Ann Arbor Courier, J. C. Eberbaoh, E. Beal, F. G. Schleicher & Co., Ann Arbor Argus, J. Henne & Co., S. A. Moran, Walker & Co., Louis Liesemer, John Pfisterer, T. C. Linsenmann, J. A, Marshall, Emma E. Bower, Samuel Krause. Mrs. Mabel Pond, Fred. Gauss, D. J. Mallory, Fred Theurer, Doty & Feiner, M. Bigralke, Johu W. Eisele, J. Haller. Overbeck Staebler, Steffey&Serviss, l'nd'j John Finneg-an, Wm. Reinhardt & Co., Wurster & Kirn. Wm. Arnold, J. R. Bowdish & Co. , J. C. & W. W. Watts, William Allabyifc Son, John Burg, Steffey & Serviss, P. O. News Depot.