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The Dexter freight house has been repaired. Peter Gorman, of Lyndon, has a new bean thresher. Miss Erama Stroh is teaching in District No. 7, of Scio. Thirty-one tickets were sold for the state fair at Salem. The Germán Lutheran church in Chelsea wilj be enlarged. The Chelsea school board will spend $300 for new desks. The River Raisin mili is once more turning out its grists. The Clinton Methodist Sunday school contains 215 scholars. Elmer Lyon is teaching in the Parker school district in Lima. Horace Case has been appointed deputy marshal of Manchester. Cement walk building is becoming fashionable in Manchester. The Methodists of Clinton pay their minister a salary of $1,050. One bean stalk with eighty pods was exhibited in South Lyon last week. Omar Moore, of Dexter. eot ooo for Ms trotting stallion, Tom Palmer. Miss Ollie Stieger died in Clinton last Thursday, of consumption, aged fifteen years. Schmid & Hurlburt, of Manchester, shipped 34,000 pounds of wool to Boston last week. Norman Watson will move back on his farm in Bridgewater and is building a tenant house. The Jackson and Adrián fairs have been in progress this week. The Ann Arbor fair comes next week. William Gadd was bitten in the leg by a dog last week. The wound was at once thoroughly cauterized. Jacob Heselschwerdt, of Sylvan, had an elbow dislocated by 'being thrown out of his buggy a few days ago. J. E. Evans, of Chelsea, has a California string bean raised in his garden which measures twenty-eight inches. One hundred South Lyonites attended the state fair. How many of them will attend the Washtenaw fair next week? The South Lyon Picket boasts of having nineteen subscribers by the name of Smith. We have a number ourselves, but that beats us. The farmers' social elub in which a number of our Bridgewater readers are interested, meets at John Fischer's farm, where a fair will be held, October 2. The county fair at Ann Arbor next week will be well worth going miles to see. Every effort is being made to make it the biggest fair in the history of the county. The green worm described in last week's Argus as doing much damage to the trees in Jackson county, is doing a little work in the northwestern part of Washtenaw. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dutton, of Plainfield, Sundayedwith the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Glenn. - Chelsea Standard. They did, eh? And next morning beefstaked, didn't they, and coffeed, and at noon corn beefed and watermeloned, and the same day horse-and-buggied and probably Dexteredand Ann Arbored also. It is about time a halt was called on this thing of converting the names of the days of the week into perfect partciples. - Grass Lake News. The editor of the Ypsilanti Sentinel in his issue of the 9th, indulges in a few broken remarks concerning The News' scribe from which we shave off this sentence: 'We have been cudgeling our brain to imagine which of our old-time playmates is fooi enough to run a country paper, especially at Grass Lake.' This inuendo against our beautiful village, the pride of Michigan, shall be avenged. We start for Ypsilanti tonight. The villain dies to-morrow - Grass Lake News. Jeff Lemm lives in Sharon and is favorably known in this and all the adjacent clearings. He is a good man. He loves his family, goes to church, and sells butter with no hair in it. A misfortune to him is feit to be a public disaster. Probably not since that horse cut a Hubbard squash blossom over Dell Dwelle's eye with his hoof, has a man been worse used by an infuriated member of the brute creation than J. R. Lemm was last week. A tear steals into our eye as we record the incident. He stepped over into a neighbor's field in search of a lost lamb. A buck, of the corrugated, horizontal-front-action pile driver breed, stood unobserved a few steps away. That buck was loaded for b'ar. He shot out with legs, body and horns and struck Lemm en masse right where a horse's tail sprouts. Our friend whizzed up into the air, his course describing a curve such as would be formcd by the intersection of a cone with a plañe parallel to one of its sides. The wooled monster's prey carne iown. He started on a run for the fence, but on casting his eye over lis shoulder his fears subsided. Fhat buck was eating grass.