Washtenaw Teachers' Meeting
The Washtenaw County Teachers' Association wil] hold its first meeting n the high school chapel to-morrow. Ferris S. Fitch, superintendent of public instruction, is expected to be present and the meeting will prove of value to the teachers of the county. The follovving programme lias heeƱav"ranged: Morning session, 10:30: Music; secretary's report; address by Prof. A. A. Hall, Chelsea; paper, "What shall I do the first day of school?" Prof. C. L. Blodgett, Manchester; question box. Afternoon session, 1:30: Music, duet, Misses Palmer and Murdock, Dexter; paper, "Co-operation Among Teachers," Mrs. M. E. GUI, Saline; paper, "Relation Between Teacher and Parent," Janet Y. Van Dusen; music, duet, Misses Sherwood, Pittsfield; paper, "Teachers' Influenee,"MissMary Schaffer, Manchester; general discussion led by Commissioner Cavanaugh.